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Use da.eye with chunks="auto" fails #4635

jakirkham opened this issue Mar 26, 2019 · 7 comments

Use da.eye with chunks="auto" fails #4635

jakirkham opened this issue Mar 26, 2019 · 7 comments


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Currently if a user tries to create an array with da.eye(..., chunks="auto"), it fails. An MRE is included below.

In [1]: import dask.array as da                                                 
In [2]: da.eye(100, chunks=10)                                                  
Out[2]: dask.array<eye, shape=(100, 100), dtype=float64, chunksize=(10, 10)>

In [3]: da.eye(100, chunks="auto")                                              
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-80d20afa2a92> in <module>
----> 1 da.eye(100, chunks="auto")

~/Developer/dask/dask/array/ in eye(N, chunks, M, k, dtype)
    437     """
    438     if not isinstance(chunks, Integral):
--> 439         raise ValueError('chunks must be an int')
    441     token = tokenize(N, chunk, M, k, dtype)

ValueError: chunks must be an int

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It looks like the chunks parameter to eye differs from how it is used everywhere else. This is unfortunate, but also not very surprising. Supporting arbitrary chunks= values would be more difficult. Maybe we look at the value, verify that it is an integer or a string (otherwise err informatively) then call normalize_chunks if it's a string and pull out the default value again?

if not isinstance(chunks, (int, str)):
    raise ...
elif isinstance(chunks, str):
    chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, ...)
    chunks = chunks[0][0]  # grab out an integer again


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andersy005 commented May 2, 2019

Would it be useful to add chunks='auto' as a default argument to da.eye(), then apply the logic that @mrocklin described above? It seems to me that this is the common behavior for most if not all other functions in array/ module.

In [9]: with dask.config.set({'array.chunk-size': '50 MiB'}): 
   ...:     x = da.eye(500000, 'auto') 
   ...:     print(x) 
dask.array<eye, shape=(500000, 500000), dtype=float64, chunksize=(2500, 2500)>

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Good question. IIRC I was talking with @lightsighter, which prompted this issue. Maybe he can advise us on desirable behavior.

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I would like da.eye to support arbitrary chunking sizes because I was using a brute-force autotuning script to select the chunks sizes. It really starts to get hard to do autotuning when you can't choose arbitrarily reasonable values.

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So chunks='auto' is now supported in da.eye thanks to PR ( #4834 ).

The remaining task is to support anisotropic chunks for da.eye as well. For example we'd like to support the following, da.eye(12, chunks=(4, 3)) (stolen from Tom's example ;).

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mrocklin commented May 28, 2019 via email

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Personally I don't see a problem with keeping this issue open (especially if we think it is in scope). Though I agree this seems like lower priority relative to other issues.

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