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validatetools is a utility package for managing validation rule sets that are defined with validate. In production systems validation rule sets tend to grow organically and validatetools redundant or (partially) contradictory rules. validatetools helps to identify problems with large rule sets and includes simplification methods for resolving issues.


validatetools is available from CRAN and can be installed with


The latest beta version of validatetools can be installed with

install.packages("validatetools", repos = "")

The adventurous can install an (unstable) development version of validatetools from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Check for feasibility

rules <- validator( x > 0)
#> [1] FALSE

rules <- validator( rule1 = x > 0
                  , rule2 = x < 0
#> [1] TRUE

#> [1] "rule1"
#> Dropping rule(s): "rule1"
#> Object of class 'validator' with 1 elements:
#>  rule2: x < 0
#> Rules are evaluated using locally defined options

# find out the conflict with this rule
is_contradicted_by(rules, "rule1")
#> [1] "rule2"


The function simplify_rules combines most simplification methods of validatetools to simplify a rule set. For example, it reduces the following rule set to a simpler form:

rules <- validator( if (age < 16) income == 0
                  , job %in% c("yes", "no")
                  , if (job == "yes") income > 0
simplify_rules(rules, age = 13)
#> Object of class 'validator' with 3 elements:
#>  .const_income: income == 0
#>  .const_age   : age == 13
#>  .const_job   : job == "no"
simplify_rules(rules, job = "yes")
#> Object of class 'validator' with 3 elements:
#>  V1        : age >= 16
#>  V3        : income > 0
#>  .const_job: job == "yes"

simplify_rules combines the following simplification and substitution methods:

Value substitution

rules <- validator( rule1 = height > 5
                  , rule2 = max_height >= height
                  , rule3 = if (gender == "male") weight > 100
                  , rule4 = gender %in% c("male", "female")
substitute_values(rules, height = 6, gender = "male")
#> Object of class 'validator' with 4 elements:
#>  rule2        : max_height >= 6
#>  rule3        : weight > 100
#>  .const_height: height == 6
#>  .const_gender: gender == "male"

Finding fixed values

rules <- validator( x >= 0, x <=0)
#> $x
#> [1] 0
#> Object of class 'validator' with 1 elements:
#>  .const_x: x == 0

rules <- validator( rule1 = x1 + x2 + x3 == 0
                  , rule2 = x1 + x2 >= 0
                  , rule3 = x3 >=0
#> Object of class 'validator' with 3 elements:
#>  rule1    : x1 + x2 + 0 == 0
#>  rule2    : x1 + x2 >= 0
#>  .const_x3: x3 == 0

Simplifying conditional statements

# non-relaxing clause
rules <- validator( r1 = if (income > 0) age >= 16
                  , r2 = age < 12
# age > 16 is always FALSE so r1 can be simplified
#> Object of class 'validator' with 2 elements:
#>  r1: income <= 0
#>  r2: age < 12

# non-constraining clause
rules <- validator( if (age  < 16) income == 0
                  , if (age >=16) income >= 0
#> Object of class 'validator' with 2 elements:
#>  V1: age >= 16 | (income == 0)
#>  V2: income >= 0

Removing redundant rules

rules <- validator( rule1 = age > 12
                  , rule2 = age > 18

# rule1 is superfluous
#> Object of class 'validator' with 1 elements:
#>  rule2: age > 18

rules <- validator( rule1 = age > 12
                  , rule2 = age > 12

# standout: rule1 and rule2, first rule wins
#> Object of class 'validator' with 1 elements:
#>  rule1: age > 12

# Note that detection signifies both rules!
#> rule1 rule2