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Price Transparency Custom Spark Streaming Source - Payer MRF

Use Case

CMS Schemas for MRF are built using a single json object which spark by default cannot split. Reading these large files often results in Out of Memory errors. This parser serves to transform any array objects under the header into multiple splittable lists that can be parsed. See sample schemas here ->

alt text


Attaching Library to Cluster

Note: attach jar package to your Spark 3.2.1, Scala 2.12 cluster from the "latest" release here

Getting Sample Data


wget -O $dbfs_file_download_location

#(recommended) unzip if extension is .gz
#gunzip -cd $dbfs_file_download_location > /dbfs/user/hive...

Running the code

#parse the file using pyspark or scala spark

df = spark.readStream \
    .format("payer-mrf") \

Analyzing results

query = (
    .option("checkpointLocation", dbfs_file_download_location + "_chkpoint_dir")
import time
lastBatch = -2 #Spark batches start at -1
print("Sleeping for 60 seconds and then checking if query is still running...")
while lastBatch != query.lastProgress.get('batchId'):
  lastBatch =  query.lastProgress.get('batchId')
  time.sleep(60) #sleep for 60 second intervals

print("Query finished")

Sample Data and Schema from larger file

df = spark.table(target_table)

# df:pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame
#  file_name:string
#  header_key:string
#  json_payload:string

spark.sql("select file_name, header_key, substr(json_payload, 1, 20) from " + target_table).show()
|           file_name|         header_key|substr(json_payload, 1, 20)|
|in-network-rates-...|provider_references|      [{"provider_groups": |
|in-network-rates-...|         in_network|      [{"negotiation_arrang|
|in-network-rates-...|         in_network|      [{"negotiation_arrang|
|in-network-rates-...|         in_network|      [{"negotiation_arrang|
|in-network-rates-...|         in_network|      [{"negotiation_arrang|
|in-network-rates-...|                   |       {"reporting_entity":|

#building out a sample silver table with schema inference
rdd = spark.sql("select json_payload from " + target_table + " where header_key='in_network'").rdd.repartition(20) \
  .json( x: x[0].replace('\n', '\n'))) \
  .write \
  .mode("overwrite") \

# billing_code:string
# billing_code_type:string
# billing_code_type_version:string
# description:string
# name:string
# negotiated_rates:array
#  element:struct
# ....

Meeting the CMS 2023, 2024 Price Comparison Mandates

We build out a query to support this at the end of demo notebook The notebook ingests, splits, and creates a simple data model, and a lightweight query for complying with the CMS mandates for shoppable prices.


  1. How fast can it parse?

On a local spark cluster with xmx8g processing around 5-7GB per minute. Note of caution, this program depends on a few things which can cause varrying results. E.g. Some forms of .gz extension do not enable efficient buffering in the JVM. It is recommended to gunzip -d the file first prior to running

  1. What is the recommended cluster settings?

Having 2 executors and these Spark settings should be enough to get started. When running multiple files in parallel you'll want to increase the # of executors, and potentially increase the driver size.

spark.driver.cores 3
spark.driver.memory 8g
spark.rpc.message.maxSize 1024
  1. Can I contribute to the package?

Yes, package is released under Databricks License and built in SBT.


sbt package

running tests

sbt test
  1. Where to get Payer MRF Files?

Here are some of the USA's larger payers and landing page