Ce repository contient les sources des tutos du site datacorner.fr
This repository contains all sources and code used in the web site aishelf.org.
aishelf.org is an english (translated) mirror of datacorner.fr, to jump from datacorner.fr to aishelf.org just add /en/ manually to the datacorner.fr URL like this datacorner.fr/en redirects to aishelf.org
Gestion des données audio / audio data management
- speech_recog.ipynb see here
Some notebooks on LLM plays and quick tutos
- Take your first steps with an LLM see here
Solution d'auto ML / AUto-ML solutions
- /auto-ml/autogluon/ see here
Vision par ordinateur / Computer vision
- deskew All about deskeing an image with Python see here
- facial-recognition Face detection using OpenCV & Python from an Image, from a video
- image-processing several notebook on how to manage images see here
- multipledocsplit Managing & separationg several documents in one page [IN PROGRESS]
- opencv This folder contains various data that is used by cv libraries and/or demo applications (Coming from OpenCV).
- shape-recognition Shape detection using OpenCV
- signature [IN PROGRESS]
- tessFactures Managing invoices see here
- tesseract tutos around Tesseract usage Basics, Advanced
- yolo Implementing YOLO deep NN See here
Accès aux données, connecteurs, etc. / Data connectivity
- YAML YAML connectivity see here
- hadoop Connect to Hadoop see here
- pandas Pandas usage and tutos Basics, Advanced
- pdf pdf reading see here
- sqlite how to use SQL in a file see here
- webscraping Scrapping your web pages see here
Analyse de données / Data Analysis & Data profiling
- Correlation Columns & data correlation detection examples see here
- pandas-profiling profile your data see here
Préparation de données / Data preparation
- datasplit split your data examples see here
- features-ingeneering one-hot encoding and more see here
- features-scaling why and how to scale your data see here
- eda dataprep.eda usage see here
Visualisation de données / Data vizualisation
- matplotlib Python matplotlib help and starter see here
- orange how to use orange free tool
Sources de données utilisées / Data sources used in the web site
Deep learning
- fruit classify fruit with CNN implementation see here
- titanic first keras/tensorflow try with titanic data see here
Modélisation Machine Learning / Machine Learning Modelization
- catboost catboost algorithm usage see here
- gradient-descent understand gradient descent and SGD Principle, SGD & learning rate
- linear-regression linear regression see here
- logistic-regression logistic regression see here
- markov Markov chain very simple examples see here
- persistence save and load you ML models see here
- scoring evaluate your ML Models see here
- xgboost XGBoost algorithm usage see here
Publication de données / Data publication
- eve eve usage
- flask deploy your Python as a web service see here
Gestion des données textuelles / Text management
- basics basics stuff around text management see here
- nlp Spacy, NLTKand other stuff to do NLP NLTK, spacy
- sentiment-analysis simple example on how to implement sentiment analysis
etudes de cas / Uses cases