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DataDistillr Python SDK

This library allows you to programmatically interact with DataDistillr. It is quite simple to programmatically pull data from DataDistillr for use in machine learning.

Installing the SDK

The DataDistillr Python SDK is available on Pypi. You can install it with pip as shown below:

pip install datadistillr



  • get_dataframe(url, auth_token): Pulls your data and returns it in a Pandas DataFrame.
  • get_csv_from_api(url, auth_token, filename): Pulls your data and returns it in a CSV file.
  • get_json_from_api(url, auth_token, filename): Pulls your data and returns it in a JSON file.
  • get_parquet_from_api(url, auth_token, filename): Pulls your data and returns it in a parquet file.
  • get_excel_from_api(url, auth_token, filename): Pulls your data and returns it in an Excel file.
  • get_dict_from_api(url, auth_token, filename): Pulls your data and returns it in a Python dictionary.


  • logout(): Logs you out of DataDistillr account.
  • get_projects(): Returns all projects in DataDistillr account as a list of Project objects.
  • get_project_token_dict(): Returns dictionary with project tokens as keys and project names as values.
  • get_project_token(project_name): Returns project token that matches project_name
  • get_project(project_token): Returns project object identified by project_token.
  • get_organizations(): Returns list organizations that DataDistillr account has access to.


Note: A tab in the DataDistillr user interface is equivalent to a query barrel in API routes and responses. All public functions use the phrasing "tab" while all private functions use "query barrel"

  • get_tab_token_dict(): Returns dictionary with tab tokens as keys and tab names as values.
  • get_tab_token(tab_name): Returns tab token that matches tab_name
  • execute_existing_query(tab_token): Executes the most recent query in the tab identified by tab_token.
  • execute_new_query(tab_name, query): Creates new tab named tab_name and executes query in new tab.
  • get_data_source_token_dict(): Returns dictionary with data source tokens as keys and data source names as values.
  • get_data_source_token(data_source_name): Returns data source token that matches data_source_name
  • upload_files(data_source_token, file_paths): Uploads files to a data source. file_paths must be a list of absolute file path strings.

Getting your Endpoint URL and Authorization Token

See for complete documentation on obtaining the URL and Auth Token.


Using the SDK in Python code is quite simple. See the Examples below:

Importing SDK

import datadistillr as ddr

Getting data from API Access Clients

url = <Your URL From DataDistillr>
auth_token = <AUTH TOKEN>
dataframe = ddr.Datadistillr.get_dataframe(url, auth_token)

Logging in to a DataDistillr Account

email = <Your Email linked to DataDistillr Account>
password = <Your Password>

ddr_account = ddr.DatadistillrAccount(email, password)

Getting a project object

project_name = <Name of project within DataDistillr Account>

project_token = ddr_account.get_project_token(project_name)
project = ddr_account.get_project(project_token)

Executing an existing query from a tab within a project

tab_name = <Name of tab within project>

tab_token = project.get_tab_token(tab_name)
data_frame = project.execute_existing_query(tab_token)

Uploading files to a data source within a project

data_source_name = <Name of data source within project>
file_paths = <List of absolute file path strings of files that you want to upload>

data_source_token = project.get_data_source_token(data_source_name)
project.upload_files(data_source_token, file_paths)