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RobotRecorder Vagrant is a Vagrant kit for recording Selenium tests (with audio)

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RobotRecorder Vagrant

This is an example vagrant provision for a single session Selenium server with automatic video recording of executed browser tests (including audio). The recordings will be saved into flv files onto a directory shared with the host machine.

$ git clone
$ cd robotrecorder_vagrant
$ vagrant up || vagrant provision

The current configuration runs the tests on Iceweasel (Firefox for Debian). Only one active window at time can be recorded. These limitation are mainly to keep the configuration simple.

The recording toolchain is based on Xvfb, x11vnc, vnc2flc and alsa (snd_aloop and arecord).

Robot Framework example


$ curl -O


parts = pybot

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =

Running the buildout:

$ python
$ bin/buildout


*** Settings ***

Library  Selenium2Library

Test Setup  Open browser  about:  remote_url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
Test Teardown  Close all browsers

*** Test cases ***

We should be on the first page
    Go to
    Input text  q  Plone\n
    Wait until page contains  Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management
    Click link  Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management
    Wait until location is
    Title should be  Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management

*** Keywords ***

Wait until location is
    [Arguments]  ${expected_url}
    ${timeout} =  Get Selenium timeout
    ${implicit_wait} =  Get Selenium implicit wait
    Wait until keyword succeeds  ${timeout}  ${implicit_wait}
    ...                          Location should be  ${expected_url}

Executing the test:

$ bin/pybot example.robot

The test execution should result an ./recordinsgs/out.TIMESTAMP.flv file below the current vagrant working directory.

Annotated Plone screencast example


$ curl -O


extends =
parts = pybot

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
scripts = pybot

Running the buildout:

$ python
$ bin/buildout


*** Settings ***

Resource  plone/app/robotframework/server.robot
Resource  plone/app/robotframework/annotate.robot
Resource  plone/app/robotframework/speak.robot

Suite Setup  Setup
Suite Teardown  Teardown

*** Keywords ***

    Setup Plone site
    Import library  Remote  ${PLONE_URL}/RobotRemote

    Teardown Plone Site

*** Test Cases ***

Portal factory add menu

    Enable autologin as  Contributor
    Set autologin username  John Doe
    Go to  ${PLONE_URL}

    Speak  Ok. Hello. I'm John Doe.
    Sleep  2s
    ${pointer} =  Add pointer  user-name
    Sleep  2s
    Remove elements  ${pointer}

    Speak  I want to add some content into my site.
    Sleep  4s

    Click link  css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dt a
    Element should be visible
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dd.actionMenuContent

    ${dot1} =  Add dot
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dt a  1

    ${note1} =  Add note
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories
    ...    At first, click Add new... to open the menu
    ...    width=180  position=left

    Speak  At first, I click the Add new menu.
    Sleep  4s

    ${dot2} =  Add dot
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dd.actionMenuContent  2
    ${note2} =  Add note
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dd.actionMenuContent
    ...    Then click any option to add new content
    ...    width=180  position=left

    Speak  Then I select the option, which I would like to add.
    Sleep  4s

    Align elements horizontally  ${dot2}  ${dot1}
    Align elements horizontally  ${note2}  ${note1}

    Capture and crop page screenshot  add-new-menu.png
    ...    contentActionMenus
    ...    css=#plone-contentmenu-factories dd.actionMenuContent
    ...    ${dot1}  ${note1}  ${dot2}  ${note2}

    Remove elements  ${dot1}  ${note1}  ${dot2}  ${note2}

    Speak  Next, I will select page to add a new document.
    Sleep  1s
    Add pointer  css=a#document
    Sleep  2s
    Click link  css=a#document

    Wait Until Page Contains Element  css=#archetypes-fieldname-title input

    ${dot1} =  Add dot  css=input#title  1
    ${note1} =  Add note  css=input#title
    ...    Enter document title
    ...    width=200  position=right

    Speak  At first, I enter the title.
    Sleep  3s

    Input Text  title  This is the title

    ${dot2} =  Add dot  css=textarea#description  2
    ${note2} =  Add note  css=textarea#description
    ...    Enter document summary or description
    ...    width=200  position=right

    Speak  Then, I enter some summary or description for the page.
    Sleep  4s

    Input Text  description  This is the summary.

    Capture and crop page screenshot  add-new-document-1.png
    ...    archetypes-fieldname-title  archetypes-fieldname-description
    ...    ${dot1}  ${note1}  ${dot2}  ${note2}

    Speak  Next, I just click save. I will add the rest later.
    Sleep  2s

    Mouse over  css=input.context

    ${dot3} =  Add dot  css=input.context  3
    ${note3} =  Add note  css=input.context
    ...    Click save
    ...    width=90  position=right

    Sleep  2s

    Capture and crop page screenshot  add-new-document-2.png
    ...    css=input.context  css=input.standalone
    ...    ${dot3}  ${note3}

    Capture page screenshot  add-new-document.png
    Remove elements  ${dot1}  ${note1}  ${dot2}  ${note2}  ${dot3}  ${note3}

    Add pointer  css=input.context
    Sleep  1s

    Click button  Save
    Element should contain  css=#parent-fieldname-title  This is the title

    Speak  Well, that was easy.
    Sleep  2s
    Speak  Thank you.
    Sleep  4s

    Update element style  visual-portal-wrapper  -moz-transition  all 2s
    Update element style  visual-portal-wrapper  -moz-transform  rotate(180deg) scale(0)
    Update element style  visual-portal-wrapper  margin-top  50%
    Sleep  3s

Executing the test:

$ ZSERVER_HOST= bin/pybot -v ZOPE_HOST:$MY_HOST_LAN_IP -v REMOTE_URL:http://localhost:4444/wd/hub example.robot

Replace $MY_HOST_LAN_IP with a such IP or hostname of your host machine which is also accessible from the vagrant guest.

The test execution should result an ./recordinsgs/out.TIMESTAMP.flv file below the current vagrant working directory. An example recording for the test above is published at:


RobotRecorder Vagrant is a Vagrant kit for recording Selenium tests (with audio)






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