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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

priority: high 🚦
priority: high :vertical_traffic_light:
High priority issue - needs to be worked on ASAP
priority: low 🚦
priority: low :vertical_traffic_light:
Low priority issue - the work on it can be postpone
priority: medium 🚦
priority: medium :vertical_traffic_light:
Medium priority issue - the work on should start in the near future
status: blocked 🚫
status: blocked :no_entry_sign:
The issue or pull request (PR) is blocked and the work can't continue on it
status: complete ⭐
status: complete :star:
The issue or pull request (PR) has been complate
status: confirmed 👀
status: confirmed :eyes:
The issue has been confirmed and triaged - so it can be worked on
status: in progress ⏳
status: in progress :hourglass_flowing_sand:
The issue or pull request (PR) is in progress
status: needs review 👨
status: needs review :man:
The pull request (PR) needs a review
status: needs triage 📣
status: needs triage :mega:
Needs someone to look at it and confirmed and assign labels and someone to it
type: bug 🐛
type: bug :bug:
Something isn't working
type: chore 🪣
type: chore :bucket:
Other changes that don't modify src or test files
type: CI/CD 🤖
type: CI/CD :robot:
Changes to our CI/CD configuration files and scripts (example: GCP Cloud Build, Codefresh)
type: documentation 📖
type: documentation :book:
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, missing semi-colons, etc)
type: feature 💡
type: feature :bulb:
New feature or request
type: performance 🚤
type: performance :speedboat:
A code change that improves performance
type: test 🧪
type: test :test_tube:
Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests