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DataMission edited this page May 16, 2016 · 11 revisions

This wiki is for the Hackathon which was held on the 14th of May in Amsterdam, see link. Thanks to all the participants!

Contains info about the datasets, the business issues and more!

##General info about WFP, mVAM & VAM

The World Food Programme is the UN's humanitarian agency dedicated to achieving a world of Zero Hunger. It collects data on food security to make the best decisions in humanitarian emergencies. WFP operates in some of the most challenging places in the world where traditional face-to-face data collection is extremely expensive, time-consuming and in some cases nearly impossible. Data collection is done by VAM (Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping). See this pdf for more info about VAM.

The mVAM team for which we do the hackathon uses mobile phones to do the surveys, which allows them to hold much more frequent surveys.

General info about mVAM is in and

Many acronyms are used in the WFP, see list for short explanation of some of them

##Datasets For the datasets, see Datasets page.

##Business issues For the different issues to tackle, see page with info on business issues the mVAM has and wants us to solve. You can also work on other problems if you wish.

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