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An android utility library for use log, snackbar, dateUtils, Collection utils and many more

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AndroidUtility (Kotlin extension)

1. StringUtils

2. ContextUtils

AndroidUtility (Java)

This library contain:

1. Logcat

2. Snackbar

3. Toast

4. CollectionUtils

5. AppUtils

6. DateUtils

7. StringUtils

8. FileUtils

9. Shared Preference

10. ExceptionHandler

11. Device Detail

12. Internet Connection Details

13. Battery Details

How to integrate:

  1. Download and extract folder
  2. Copy utils folder in your folder app->src->main->java->yourpackagename->
  3. Now ready to use some basics of android applications


How to integrate this utility in your application:


1. Logcat

For debug :

DNALog.d("this is debug message");

For error :

DNALog.e("this is debug message");

For info :

DNALog.i("this is debug message");

For verbose :

DNALog.v("this is debug message");


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. This log will work only in debug application.
  3. It will give you more information then simple log.


2. Snackbar this," this is test message");


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. A single class have multiple function.
  3. Handling null pointer
  4. if given activity is is null or context then no crash and it will show toast.


3. Toast

// call method, " this is test message");


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. A single class have multiple function.
  3. Handling null pointer


4. CollectionUtils

List mediaList = new ArrayList();

    if (DNACollectionUtils.isEmpty(mediaList)) {
        // do your stuff 

    if (DNACollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(mediaList)) {
        // do your stuff 
    if (DNACollectionUtils.isNull(mediaList)) {
        // do your stuff 
    if (DNACollectionUtils.size(mediaList)) {
        // do your stuff 


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It will work for all collections like list, arraylist, hashmap etc
  3. Handling null pointer in side method


5. AppUtils

// provide all details about application at one place.

DNALog.d("App Id"+ DNAAppUtils.getApplicationId());

DNALog.d("App Id"+ DNAAppUtils.getApplicationPackageName());

DNALog.d("Version Code : "+ DNAAppUtils.getAppVersionCode());

DNALog.d("Version Name : "+ DNAAppUtils.getAppVersionName());

DNALog.d("Build Type: "+ DNAAppUtils.getBuildType());

DNALog.d("This is bug build : "+ DNAAppUtils.isBuildType());


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It will provide all application information at same place.
  3. Easy to integrate and easy to use and provide a support for application


6. StringUtils

String stringList;

    if (DNAStringUtils.isEmpty(stringList)) {
        // do your stuff 

    if (DNAStringUtils.isNotEmpty(stringList)) {
        // do your stuff 
    if (DNAStringUtils.isNull(stringList)) {
        // do your stuff 
    if (DNAStringUtils.length(stringList)) {
        // do your stuff 


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It provide SOME value like EMPTY, NEW LINE, SPACE. NA etc.
  3. its checking for NULL and empty both


7. SharedPreference

In Application file just initialise Preference at once in OnCreate .

  public class UtilityApplication extends Application {

public void onCreate() {

    // java
    //pass custom parameter
    DNASharedPreferenceUtils.init(this, "preference_name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

    //pass custom parameter
    datanapps.androidutility.utils.kotlin.DNASharedPreferenceUtils.INSTANCE.init(this, "preference_name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);



To use in Application:

    // for save value
    DNASharedPreferenceUtils.saveString("key", "this is my value");

    //get value
    DNALog.d(" value :  "+ DNASharedPreferenceUtils.getString("key"));


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It provide all method to save like STRING, FLOAT, INTEGER, LONG, BOOLEAN.
  3. Easy to integrate and easy to use and provide.
  4. All above repo class is tested.


8. FileUtils

This file can use to

  1. Create File

File file = DNAFileUtils.createFile(Environment.getDataDirectory(), DNAFileUtils.PNG);

  1. To Check existence of file:

boolean isExist = DNAFileUtils.isFileExist(file);

3.To GetFileSize :

int size = DNAFileUtils.getFileSize(file);


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It provide all method related file : CREATE, FILE SIZE, EXISTIENCE OF FILE,
  3. Easy to integrate and easy to use and provide.


9. ExceptionHandler

Easy to handle exception with one line and manually added crash in Crashlytics


 private void login() {

    try {
       // do your login stuff
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // handle your exception here!


  1. It provide support in JAVA as well as KOTLIN
  2. It provide to catch all try catch flow in application and manually you can send all exception to your tracker like crashlytics.
  3. Easy to integrate and easy to use and provide.


10. Device Detail


    Log.i("DNA", "SERIAL: " + DNADeviceUtils.getSerial());
    Log.i("DNA","MODEL: " + DNADeviceUtils.getModel());
    Log.i("DNA","ID: " + DNADeviceUtils.getDeviceId());
    Log.i("DNA","Manufacture: " + DNADeviceUtils.getManufacturer());
    Log.i("DNA","brand: " + DNADeviceUtils.getBrand());
    Log.i("DNA","type: " + DNADeviceUtils.getType());
    Log.i("DNA","user: " + DNADeviceUtils.getUser());
    Log.i("DNA","BASE: " + DNADeviceUtils.getBaseVersionCode());
    Log.i("DNA","INCREMENTAL " + DNADeviceUtils.getVersionIncremental());
    Log.i("DNA","SDK  " + DNADeviceUtils.getSDKVersion());
    Log.i("DNA","BOARD: " + DNADeviceUtils.getBoard());
    Log.i("DNA","HOST " + DNADeviceUtils.getDeviceHost());
    Log.i("DNA","FINGERPRINT: "+DNADeviceUtils.getDeviceFingerprint());
    Log.i("DNA","Version Code: " + DNADeviceUtils.getVersionRelease());


 SERIAL: WCR7N18613005916
 Manufacture: HUAWEI
 brand: HUAWEI
 type: user
 user: test
 BASE: 1
 SDK  27
 HOST szvphicpra02075
 FINGERPRINT: HUAWEI/CLT-L29/HWCLT:8.1.0/HUAWEICLT-L29/155(C636):user/release-keys
 Version Code: 8.1.0


11. Internet Details


 Log.i("DNA", "connected with internet : " + DNANetworkUtils.isInternetConnected(this));

12. Battery Details


public class BatteryActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    registerReceiver(this.mBatInfoReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));


private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent) {
        int level = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, 0);
        int voltage = intent.getIntExtra("voltage", 0);
        int temperature = intent.getIntExtra("temperature", 0);

        int status = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);
        boolean isCharging = status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING ||
                status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL;

        int chargePlug = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1);
        boolean usbCharge = chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB;
        boolean acCharge = chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC;

        DNALog.d("Is Charging :" + String.valueOf(isCharging) );
        DNALog.d("Charging Type  USB:" + String.valueOf(usbCharge) );
        DNALog.d("Charging Type  AC:" + String.valueOf(acCharge) );
        DNALog.d("Battery Status: " + String.valueOf(status) + "%");
        DNALog.d("Battery Level: " + String.valueOf(level) + "%");
        DNALog.d("Battery Voltage: " + String.valueOf(voltage));
        double temps = (double)temperature / 10;
        DNALog.d("Battery Temperature: " + String.valueOf(temps));


 Charging Type  USB:true
  Charging Type  AC:false
  Battery Status: 5%
  Battery Level: 100%
  Battery Voltage: 4265
  Battery Temperature: 25.2
  Is Charging :true
  Charging Type  USB:true
  Charging Type  AC:false
  Battery Status: 5%
  Battery Level: 100%
  Battery Voltage: 4186
  Battery Temperature: 25.8

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Copyright [2021] [datanapps]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at