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Datasentinel is a unique and innovative performance tool for Postgresql

The toolkit helps you easily use the API

This toolkit is composed of simple ansible playbooks and bash scripts. It is installed by default in the home directory
(/home/datasentinel) of the user datasentinel in the centralized platform.

Ansible examples

For simplicity, all variables are defined in the header of each playbook

Ansible is a very popular tool and is installed by default on the Datasentinel platform

Connect as datasentinel on the platform server:

ansible --version

Update agents

The update_agents.yml playbook is an example on how to update deployed agents with a new version

You need to download new versions and put them in the directory /datasentinel/download (local_dir variable)


ansible-playbook update_agents.yml -i hosts

To use API, you need to authenticate with a user/password to get a valid access token


The Datasentinel documentation is available at

Activity API

The API documentation is available at Activity API documentation

The activity_api playbook is an example on how to export activity metrics from Datasentinel


ansible-playbook activity_api.yml  -e "datasentinel_host=myHost datasentinel_password=myPassword" --tags indexes

Reporting API

This API allows you to generate a complete workload report in PDF format

The generate_pdf_report playbook is an example on how to generate a PDF file


ansible-playbook generate_pdf_report.yml  -e "datasentinel_host=myHost datasentinel_password=myPassword" --tags indexes

Connection manager API

It uses the Agentless feature of Datasentinel

Only a user with data admin profile and admin privilege is authorized to use it

The connection_manager playbook creates, updates, enables, disables and finally deletes a connection


ansible-playbook connection_manager.yml -e "datasentinel_host=myHost datasentinel_password=MyDatasentinelPassword pg_password=myPgPassword"

The bulk_load_connections playbook is an example on how to import multiple connections


ansible-playbook bulk_load_connections.yml -e "datasentinel_host=myHost datasentinel_password=MyDatasentinelPassword pg_password=myPgPassword"

User and Role API

Only a user with data admin profile and admin privilege is authorized to use it

The user_api playbook creates, updates and deletes roles and users.


ansible-playbook user_api.yml -e "datasentinel_host=myHost datasentinel_password=MyDatasentinelPassword 

Shell scripts

Connection manager API


./ -d datasentinel_server -p password -u user

Users and Roles API


./ -d datasentinel_server -p password -u user

Top queries report


./ -d datasentinel_server -p password -u user