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Traefik Simple Load Balancing

When leveraging a single endpoint ingress / load balancer we lose the ability to provide token aware routing without the use of SNI (see the mTLS with SNI guide). WARNING This approach does not interact with the traffic at all. All traffic is sent over cleartext without any form of authentication of the server or client.. Note that each Cassandra cluster running behind the ingress will require it's own endpoint. Without a way to detect the pod we want to connect with it's the only way to differentiate requests.

  1. Optional provision a local cluster with k3d. If you already have a cluster provisioned and it is available via kubectl you may safely skip this step.

    # Create the cluster
    k3d c -x "--no-deploy" -x "traefik"
    export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name='k3s-default')"
    kubectl cluster-info
    # Import images from the local Docker daemon
    k3d i datastax/cass-operator:1.2.0
    k3d i datastax/cassandra:3.11.6-ubi7
    k3d i datastax/cass-config-builder:1.0.0-ubi7
  2. Install Traefik with Helm

    helm repo add traefik
    helm repo update
    helm install traefik traefik/traefik
  3. Add an ingress route for the Traefik dashboard and get the IP of the load balancer

    kubectl apply -f traefik/dashboard.ingressroute.yaml
    kubectl get svc traefik -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip} traefik.k3s.local"

    If you add an entry to your /etc/hosts file with the value from the second command. With this in place the Traefik dashboard may be viewed at http://traefik.k3s.local/dashboard/.

  4. Edit the traefik deployment and add an entrypoint for TCP Cassandra traffic. This should be done in the args section of the traefik container.

    kubectl edit deployment traefik
        - --entryPoints.websecure.address=:8443/tcp
        # Add the following line, note the port number does have to be 9042. The value "cassandra" is displayed in the Traefik UI and may also be customized
        - --entryPoints.cassandra.address=:9042/tcp
        - --api.dashboard=true

    After saving your changes the deployment will replace the old pod with a new one including the adjusted arguments. Validate the new entrypoint exists in the Traefik dashboard.

  5. With a new EntryPoint defined we must update the existing service with the new ports.

    kubectl edit svc traefik
      - name: websecure
        nodePort: 31036
        port: 443
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: websecure
      # Add the following section, it is ideal to use the same name as your entrypoint. Additionally the port number MUST match
      - name: cassandra
        port: 9042
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 9042

    At this point refreshing the Traefik dashboard should show a new endpoint named cassandra running.

  6. Install cass-operator via Helm

    helm install --namespace=default cass-operator ./charts/cass-operator-chart
  7. Deploy a Cassandra cluster

    kubectl apply -f sample-cluster-sample-dc.yaml
  8. Create the IngressTCPRoute. This provides the mapping between our endpoint and internal service.

    kubectl apply -f traefik/load-balancing/sample-cluster-sample-dc.ingressroutetcp.yaml
  9. Check out the sample application to validate your deployment