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Frictionless CKAN Mapper for JS

Node.js CI

This is JS version of Frictionless CKAN Mapper.

A library for mapping CKAN metadata <=> Frictionless metadata.


yarn add frictionless-ckan-mapper-js


npm i frictionless-ckan-mapper-js

If you use AMD, UMD, Commonjs or just need the script in browser then install via one of the above commands and then under node_modules/frictionless-ckan-mapper-js/dist/ folder you can find the appropriate frictionless-ckan-mapper.[TARGET NAME].js library. you can use frictionless-ckan-mapper.var.js to load it in the browser which brings frictionlessCkanMapper global variable


In Node

const mapper = require('frictionless-ckan-mapper-js')

In Browser

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=""></script>
    // ...
    // frictionlessCkanMapper library is available here
    // ...


Converting frictionless dataset spec to ckan package spec

const frictionlessDataset = {
  name: 'data.csv',
  path: '',
  bytes: 100,
  mediatype: 'text/csv',

const ckanDataset = mapper.resourceFrictionlessToCkan(frictionlessDataset)

  name: 'data.csv',
  url: '',
  size: 100,
  mimetype: 'text/csv'

Converting frictionless package spec to ckan package spec

const frictionlessPackage = {
  name: 'gdp',
  description: 'Country, regional and world GDP in current USD.',
  homepage: '',
  title: 'Countries GDP',
  version: '1.0',
  newdict: { key1: 'dict_to_jsonify' },
  newint: 123,
  resources: [
      name: 'data.csv',
      path: '',
      bytes: 100,

const ckanPackage = mapper.packageFrictionlessToCkan(frictionlessPackage)

    name: 'gdp',
    notes: 'Country, regional and world GDP in current USD.',
    url: '',
    title: 'Countries GDP',
    version: '1.0',
    extras: [
      { key: 'newdict', value: [Object] },
      { key: 'newint', value: 123 }
    resources: [
        name: 'data.csv',
        url: '',
        size: 100

Converting ckan package spec to frictionless package spec

const ckanPackage = {
  name: 'gdp',
  notes: 'Country, regional and world GDP in current USD.',
  url: '',
  title: 'Countries GDP',
  version: '1.0',
  extras: [
    { key: 'newdict', value: [Object] },
    { key: 'newint', value: 123 },
  resources: [
      name: 'data.csv',
      url: '',
      size: 100,

const frictionlessPackage = mapper.packageCkanToFrictionless(ckanPackage)

  name: 'gdp',
  description: 'Country, regional and world GDP in current USD.',
  homepage: '',
  title: 'Countries GDP',
  version: '1.0',
  newdict: [ [Function: Object] ],
  newint: 123,
  resources: [
      name: 'data.csv',
      path: '',
      bytes: 100

Converting ckan dataset spec to frictionless dataset spec

const ckanDataset = {
  name: 'data.csv',
  url: '',
  size: 100,
  mimetype: 'text/csv',

const frictionlessDataset = mapper.resourceCkanToFrictionless(ckanDataset)

  name: 'data.csv',
  path: '',
  bytes: 100,
  mediatype: 'text/csv'


Frictionless - Mappings from Other Formats to Frictionless both Profiles and Schemas


Please make sure to read the Guide before making a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details