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Apollo Buildkite Plugin

Buildkite plugin that will check apollo schemas. The current implementation only runs the rover subgraph check command. Future releases will add the ability to run the graph and supergraph commands


Add the following to your pipeline.yml:

  - plugins:
      - datumforge/apollo#v0.0.1:
          graph-ref: datum@current
          subgraph: datum
          schema: schema.graphql

To ignore existing lint violations set ignore-existing: true in the plugin definition

Environment Variables

  1. APOLLO_KEY is required to be set in the environment before the plugin can run


To run the linter:

task lint

To run the tests:

task test


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Make the changes
  3. Run the tests
  4. Commit and push your changes
  5. Send a pull request