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davber committed Aug 14, 2021
1 parent 4eee80e commit 7dcd881
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Showing 6 changed files with 241 additions and 11 deletions.
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions .gitignore
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# IntelliJ

15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion
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# remongo
# remongo

A Clojure library synchronizing Re-frame DB's with MongoDB via Realm

## Usage


## License

"Copyright" © 2021 David Bergman

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Unlicense license.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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# Introduction to remongo

TODO: write [great documentation](
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
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(defproject remongo "0.1.0"
:description "ClojureScript library synchronizing Re-frame DB's and MongoDB via Realm"
:url ""
:license {:name "Unlicense"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[org.clojure/core.async "1.3.618"]
[com.taoensso/timbre "5.1.2" :exclusions [io.aviso/pretty com.taoensso/encore]]]
:repl-options {:init-ns remongo.core})
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions src/remongo/mongo.cljs
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(ns remongo.mongo
"Wrapper and utilities for dealing with MongoDB, including in the context of Reframe"
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [go <!]]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer-macros [<p!]]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
["realm-web" :as realm]
[psf.web.utils :as utils]
[psf.sim.utils :refer [dissoc-in]]))

(def REALM-APP (atom nil))
(def REALM-CRED (atom nil))
(def REALM-MONGO-CLIENT (atom nil))

(defn ^realm/User current-user
"The currently logged in user, if any"
(.-currentUser ^realm/App @REALM-APP))

(defn <login
"Login using default user, returning a channel returning either an ID or nil"
(timbre/info "About to get credentials")
(let [^realm/App app @REALM-APP
cred (.anonymous realm/Credentials)
cred' (utils/string-object cred)]
(timbre/info "Got credentials:" cred')
(reset! REALM-CRED cred)
(timbre/info "About to login")
(let [user (<p! (.logIn app cred))]
(timbre/info "Logged in with user " user " and ID: " (.-id (current-user)))
(catch js/Error err
(timbre/error "Login error: " err))))))

(defn init-app
"Initialize the Realm app"
;; Create a Realm app proxy
(timbre/info "About to create Realm app")
(let [^realm/App app (realm/App. (clj->js {:id app-id}))
app' (utils/string-object app)]
(timbre/info "Created Realm app: " app')
(reset! REALM-APP app)))

;; Neeed to turn off inference temporarily, due to the 'mongoClient' not being found
(set! *warn-on-infer* false)

(defn mongo-collection
"Get the MongoDB collection for the given name"
[^js/String db-name ^js/String coll-name]
(.db db-name)
(.collection coll-name)))

(defn- make-false
"Make anything falsey into false"
(or x false))

(defn <findOne
"Find one MongoDB document, returning a channel to the result, with false being the value if not found"
[db-name coll-name condition]
;; NOTE: we need to handle falsey values, and make sure it is indeed false, since
;; we can't put nil onto channels
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.findOne (clj->js condition)) (<p!) js->clj make-false)))

(defn <find
"Find many MongoDB documents for given collection name and condition, returning a channel holding sequence"
[db-name coll-name condition]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.find (clj->js condition)) (<p!) js->clj)))

(defn <insertMany
"Insert many documents into a MongoDB collection, returning a channel of result"
[db-name coll-name docs]
(if (empty? docs)
(timbre/warn "Trying to insert empty sequence into collection" coll-name)
(-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.insertMany (clj->js docs)) (<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <deleteMany
"Delete many documents from a MongoDB collection, given a condition, returning result in channel"
[db-name coll-name condition]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.deleteMany (clj->js condition)) (<p!) js->clj)))

(defn <updateOne
"Update one document in a MongoDB collection, given condition and options, returning result in channel"
[db-name coll-name condition doc & {:keys [upsert] :or {upsert true}}]
(let [opts {:upsert upsert}
props {:$set (clj->js doc)}]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name)
(.updateOne (clj->js condition)
(clj->js props)
(clj->js opts))
(<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <init
"Initialize the Realm connection, returning a channel with either user or nil"
[app-id app-variant]
(init-app app-id)
(let [^realm/User user (<! (<login))
_ (timbre/info "Getting user from channel: " user " with ID " (when user (.-id user)))
^realm/MongoDB client (.mongoClient user app-variant)]
(timbre/info "Got MongoDB client: " client)
(reset! REALM-MONGO-CLIENT client)

(defn <sync-save-layer
"Use a sync layer to save extracts from Reframe DB to MongoDB, returning the updated Reframd DB"
[sync-info db-chan layer]
(let [db (<! db-chan)
collection (:collection layer)
db-name (or (:db layer) (:db sync-info))]
(timbre/info "<sync-save-layer with layer" layer)
(case (:kind layer)
:single (let [_res (<! (<updateOne db-name collection (:keys layer) db))]
(dissoc-in db (:path layer)))
:many (let [path-value (get-in db (:path layer))
path-key (:path-key layer)
items (if path-key (vals path-value) path-value)
_ (timbre/info "Got" (count items) "items for collection" collection)
;; TODO: we are currently always deleting and reinserting these documents
del-result (<! (<deleteMany db-name collection {}))
_ (timbre/info "Deleting from DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result:" (js->clj del-result))
ins-result (<! (<insertMany db-name collection items))
_ (timbre/info "Inserting into DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result:" (js->clj ins-result))]
(timbre/info "Trying to dissoc" (:path layer) "from DB")
(dissoc-in db (:path layer)))
(do (timbre/error "Trying to save with invalid sync layer:" layer) db)))))

(defn make-string
"Turn a single keyword into a string and a sequence of keywords into strings"
(seqable? k) (into (empty k) (map make-string k))
(keyword? k) (name k)
:else k))

(defn <sync-load-layer
"Load data from MongoDB according to sync layer, adding on Reframe DB we get from channel"
[sync-info db-chan layer]
(let [db (<! db-chan)
collection (:collection layer)
db-name (or (:db layer) (:db sync-info))
path (make-string (:path layer))
path-key (make-string (:path-key layer))
_ (timbre/info "<sync-load-layer about to load layer" layer "with path" path)
(case (:kind layer)
:single (let [obj (<! (<findOne db-name collection (:keys layer)))
db' (cond
(false? obj) (do (timbre/warn "<sync-load-layer could not find any" collection)
;; If we have an empty path, we replace the whole Reframe DB
(empty? path) obj
:else (assoc-in db path obj))]
:many (let [items (<! (<find db-name collection {}))
_ (timbre/info "<sync-load-layer got" (count items) "items from collection" collection
"using path key" path-key "and path" path)
;; We have to fit the items into the Reframe DB, either as is, or as a map
path-value (if path-key (into {} (map (fn [item] [(get item path-key) item]) items))
_ (timbre/info "Keys are " (when (map? path-value) (keys path-value)))
db' (assoc-in db path path-value)]
(do (timbre/error "Trying to load with invalid sync layer:" layer) db))]

(defn <sync-save
"Save a Reframe DB to MongoDB intelligently, returning the fitered (often empty) Reframe DB"
[db opts]
(let [ch (async/chan)
layers (:layers opts)]
(async/put! ch db)
(reduce (partial <sync-save-layer opts) ch (reverse layers))))

(defn <sync-load
"Load a Reframe DB from MongoDB intelligently, returning the actual Reframe DB"
(let [ch (async/chan)
layers (:layers opts)]
(timbre/info "<sync-load with layers" layers)
(async/put! ch {})
(reduce (partial <sync-load-layer opts) ch layers)))
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/remongo/core_test.clj
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(ns remongo.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[remongo.core :refer :all]))

(deftest a-test
(testing "FIXME, I fail."
(is (= 0 1))))

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