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A version separating the collection access to its own namespace
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davber committed Jul 7, 2022
1 parent 03f9a7d commit f61ccc0
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Showing 4 changed files with 179 additions and 161 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject org.clojars.davber/remongo "0.2.19"
(defproject org.clojars.davber/remongo "0.3.0"
:description "ClojureScript library synchronizing Re-frame DB's and MongoDB via Realm"
:url ""
:license {:name "Unlicense"
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions src/remongo/collection.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(ns remongo.collection
"Interacts with MongoDB collections"
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [go]]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer [<p!]]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[remongo.utils :as utils]))

;; Neeed to turn off inference temporarily, due to the 'mongoClient' not being found
(set! *warn-on-infer* false)

(def REALM-MONGO-CLIENT (atom nil))

(defn make-collection
"Get the MongoDB collection for the given name"
[^js/String db-name ^js/String coll-name]
(.db db-name)
(.collection coll-name)))

(defn <findOne
"Find one MongoDB document, returning a channel to the result, with false being the value if not found"
[collection condition & {:keys [fields] :or {fields {}}}]
;; NOTE: we need to handle falsey values, and make sure it is indeed false, since
;; we can't put nil onto channels
(let [coll-name (.-name collection)
res (some->
(.findOne (clj->js (or (some-> condition utils/objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js (or (some-> fields utils/objectify-fields) {})))
_ (timbre/debug "<findOne for res for collection" coll-name "and condition" condition
": " res)
norm-res (utils/normalize-id res)]
(timbre/debug "<findOne got norm-res" norm-res)
(utils/make-false norm-res))))

(defn <find
"Find many MongoDB documents for given collection name and condition, returning a channel holding a vector"
[collection condition & {:keys [fields] :or {fields {}}}]
(go (->> (.find collection
(clj->js (or (some-> condition utils/objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js (or (some-> fields utils/objectify-fields) {})))
(map utils/normalize-id)

(defn <insertMany
"Insert many documents into a MongoDB collection, returning a channel of result"
[collection docs]
;; Realm Web SDK doesn't deal with insertion of empty collections
(if (empty? docs)
(timbre/warn "Trying to insert empty sequence into collection" (.-name collection))
(-> collection (.insertMany (clj->js docs)) (<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <delete
"Delete one specific document"
[collection doc]
(go (-> collection (.deleteOne (clj->js {"_id" (utils/get-id doc :ensure-obj true)})) (<p!) (js->clj))))

(defn <deleteSeq
"Helper to delete a sequence of documents, returning sequence of results"
[collection docs]
(let [ch (async/map identity (map (partial <delete collection) docs))
coll (async/take (count docs) ch)]

(defn <deleteMany
"Delete many documents from a MongoDB collection, given a condition, returning result in channel"
[collection condition]
(go (-> collection (.deleteMany (clj->js (utils/objectify-condition (some-> condition utils/objectify-condition)))) (<p!) js->clj)))

(defn <updateOne
"Update one document in a MongoDB collection, given condition and options, returning result in channel"
[collection condition doc & {:keys [upsert] :or {upsert true}}]
;; NOTE: we remove the _id from the actual object, even if it did exist before
;; TODO: we should really only do this if the condition involves the ID
(let [doc' (dissoc doc "_id")
opts {:upsert upsert}
props {:$set (clj->js doc')}]
(go (-> collection
(.updateOne (clj->js (or (some-> condition utils/objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js props)
(clj->js opts))
(<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <updateSeq
"Helper to update a sequence of documents"
[collection docs & {:keys [upsert] :or {upsert true}}]
(let [ch (async/map identity (map #(<updateOne collection
(when-let [id (utils/get-id % :ensure-obj true)] {:_id id}) % :upsert upsert) docs))
coll (async/take (count docs) ch)]

182 changes: 22 additions & 160 deletions src/remongo/mongo.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer-macros [<p!]]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
["realm-web" :as realm]
[remongo.utils :as utils :refer [dissoc-in vconj]]))
[remongo.collection :as c]
[remongo.utils :as utils :refer [dissoc-in vconj get-id remove-id]]))

(def REALM-APP (atom nil))
(def REALM-CRED (atom nil))
(def REALM-MONGO-CLIENT (atom nil))
(def ID-KEYS [:_id :id "_id" "id"])

;; The sync cache will map sync structure + layer index to a cache
(def REALM-SYNC-CACHE (atom nil))
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[sync-info layer-index]
(get-in @REALM-SYNC-CACHE [sync-info layer-index]))

(defn id-to-str
"Create string from an ID object (or string)"
(str id))

(defn id-to-obj
"Create ObjectID from ID object (or string), if possible"
(if (and (string? id) (re-matches #"^[A-Fa-f\d]{24}$" id))
{"$oid" id}

(defn get-id
"Get ID of the document, if any, as a string or object (if ensure-obj is true)"
[doc & {:keys [ensure-obj] :or {ensure-obj false}}]
(when-let [id-obj (some (partial get doc) ID-KEYS)]
(let [id-obj' ((if ensure-obj id-to-obj id-to-str) id-obj)]

(defn remove-id
"Remove ID from the document"
(apply dissoc doc ID-KEYS))

(defn normalize-id
"Normalize id of given document, which is either to a string or object (if ensure-obj is true)"
[doc & {:keys [ensure-obj] :or {ensure-obj false}}]
(if-let [[k v] (some #(when-let [v (get doc %)] [% v]) ID-KEYS)]
(assoc doc k ((if ensure-obj id-to-obj id-to-str) v))

(defn extract-layer-diff
"Get the difference from the existing cache for a layer, as a three keyed structure, :insert, :update and :delete"
[sync-info layer-index data-clj]
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(timbre/info "Created Realm app: " app')
(reset! REALM-APP app)))

;; Neeed to turn off inference temporarily, due to the 'mongoClient' not being found
(set! *warn-on-infer* false)

(defn mongo-collection
"Get the MongoDB collection for the given name"
[^js/String db-name ^js/String coll-name]
(.db db-name)
(.collection coll-name)))

(defn- make-false
"Make anything falsey into false"
(or x false))

(defn objectify-condition
"Objectify IDs mentioned in condition"
(normalize-id condition :ensure-obj true))

(defn objectify-fields
"Objectify IDs mentioned in fields, such as in projections"
(if (:projections fields)
(update fields :projections #(normalize-id % :ensure-obj true))

(defn <findOne
"Find one MongoDB document, returning a channel to the result, with false being the value if not found"
[db-name coll-name condition & {:keys [fields] :or {fields {}}}]
;; NOTE: we need to handle falsey values, and make sure it is indeed false, since
;; we can't put nil onto channels
(let [res (some->
(mongo-collection db-name coll-name)
(.findOne (clj->js (or (some-> condition objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js (or (some-> fields objectify-fields) {})))
_ (timbre/debug "<findOne for res for collection" coll-name "and condition" condition
": " res)
norm-res (normalize-id res)]
(timbre/debug "<findOne got norm-res" norm-res)
(make-false norm-res))))

(defn <find
"Find many MongoDB documents for given collection name and condition, returning a channel holding a vector"
[db-name coll-name condition & {:keys [fields] :or {fields {}}}]
(go (->> (.find (mongo-collection db-name coll-name)
(clj->js (or (some-> condition objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js (or (some-> fields objectify-fields) {})))
(map normalize-id)

(defn <insertMany
"Insert many documents into a MongoDB collection, returning a channel of result"
[db-name coll-name docs]
;; Realm Web SDK doesn't deal with insertion of empty collections
(if (empty? docs)
(timbre/warn "Trying to insert empty sequence into collection" coll-name)
(-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.insertMany (clj->js docs)) (<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <delete
"Delete one specific document"
[db-name coll-name doc]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.deleteOne (clj->js {"_id" (get-id doc :ensure-obj true)})) (<p!) (js->clj))))

(defn <deleteSeq
"Helper to delete a sequence of documents, returning sequence of results"
[db-name coll-name docs]
(let [ch (async/map identity (map (partial <delete db-name coll-name) docs))
coll (async/take (count docs) ch)]

(defn <deleteMany
"Delete many documents from a MongoDB collection, given a condition, returning result in channel"
[db-name coll-name condition]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name) (.deleteMany (clj->js (objectify-condition (some-> condition objectify-condition)))) (<p!) js->clj)))

(defn <updateOne
"Update one document in a MongoDB collection, given condition and options, returning result in channel"
[db-name coll-name condition doc & {:keys [upsert] :or {upsert true}}]
;; NOTE: we remove the _id from the actual object, even if it did exist before
;; TODO: we should really only do this if the condition involves the ID
(let [doc' (dissoc doc "_id")
opts {:upsert upsert}
props {:$set (clj->js doc')}]
(go (-> (mongo-collection db-name coll-name)
(.updateOne (clj->js (or (some-> condition objectify-condition) {}))
(clj->js props)
(clj->js opts))
(<p!) js->clj))))

(defn <updateSeq
"Helper to update a sequence of documents"
[db-name coll-name docs & {:keys [upsert] :or {upsert true}}]
(let [ch (async/map identity (map #(<updateOne db-name coll-name
(when-let [id (get-id % :ensure-obj true)] {:_id id}) % :upsert upsert) docs))
coll (async/take (count docs) ch)]

(defn <init
"Initialize the Realm connection and logging in, returning a channel with either user or nil"
[app-id app-variant & {:keys [jwt]}]
Expand All @@ -262,7 +121,7 @@
_ (timbre/info "Getting user from channel: " user " with ID " (when user (.-id user)))
^realm/MongoDB client (.mongoClient user app-variant)]
(timbre/info "Got MongoDB client: " client)
(reset! REALM-MONGO-CLIENT client)
(reset! c/REALM-MONGO-CLIENT client)

(defn <sync-save-layer
Expand All @@ -278,16 +137,17 @@
pure-path-key (:path-key layer)
path-key (some-> pure-path-key utils/stringify)
[db id-map] (<! db-chan)
collection (:collection layer)
collection-name (:collection layer)
;; We first try with the layer config, then the sync info as a whole, looking at db-save first
db-name (or (:db-save layer) (:db layer)
(:db-save sync-info) (:db sync-info))
collection (c/make-collection db-name collection-name)
_ (timbre/info "<sync-save-layer with layer" layer "and path" path "and path-key" path-key)
;; TODO: actually enhance the DB rather than just passing the same one around...
(case (:kind layer)
;; TODO: we should check the global for actual changes, using our sync cache
:single (let [res (when-not dry-run (<! (<updateOne db-name collection (:keys layer) db)))
:single (let [res (when-not dry-run (<! (c/<updateOne collection (:keys layer) db)))
res-clj (js->clj res :keywordize-keys true)
upsertedId (some-> res-clj :upsertedId str)
;; TODO: will it really work to assign teh whole base DB to this ID?
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:many (let [path-value (get-in db path)
path-key path-key
items (if path-key (vals path-value) path-value)
_ (timbre/info "Got" (count items) "items for collection" collection)
_ (timbre/info "Got" (count items) "items for collection" collection-name)
;; We just do the proper deletes, insertions and updates
diff (extract-layer-diff sync-info layer-index items)
insert-docs (:insert diff)
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insert-docs-no-id (remove get-id insert-docs)
insert-docs-with-id (filter get-id insert-docs)
ins-result (when-not (or (empty? insert-docs-with-id) dry-run)
(<! (<updateSeq db-name collection insert-docs-with-id
(<! (c/<updateSeq collection insert-docs-with-id
:upsert true)))
_ (timbre/info "Inserted" (count insert-docs-with-id) "with IDs, with DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result" (js->clj ins-result))
ins-result' (when-not (or (empty? insert-docs-no-id) dry-run)
(<! (<insertMany db-name collection insert-docs-no-id)))
(<! (c/<insertMany collection insert-docs-no-id)))
_ (timbre/info "Inserted" (count insert-docs-no-id) "without IDs, with DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result" (js->clj ins-result'))
inserted-ids (map str (get ins-result' "insertedIds"))
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;; We do not try to delete documents when we skip loading
delete-docs (when-not (:skip-load layer) (:delete diff))
del-results (when-not (or dry-run (empty? delete-docs)) (<! (<deleteSeq db-name collection delete-docs)))
_ (timbre/info "Deleting" (count delete-docs) "with DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result:" (js->clj del-results))
del-results (when-not (or dry-run (empty? delete-docs)) (<! (c/<deleteSeq collection delete-docs)))
_ (timbre/info "Deleting" (count delete-docs) "with DB" db-name "and collection"
collection-name "with result:" (js->clj del-results))

;; Updates of modified documents

update-docs (:update diff)
upd-results (when-not (or dry-run (empty? update-docs)) (<! (<updateSeq db-name collection update-docs :upsert false)))
_ (timbre/info "Updated" (count update-docs) "with DB" db-name "and collection" collection
"with result:" (js->clj upd-results))]
upd-results (when-not (or dry-run (empty? update-docs)) (<! (c/<updateSeq collection update-docs :upsert false)))
_ (timbre/info "Updated" (count update-docs) "with DB" db-name "and collection"
collection-name "with result:" (js->clj upd-results))]
;; TODO: updating cache to fit what we have right now
(timbre/info "Trying to dissoc" path "from DB")
[(dissoc-in db path)
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(let [db (<! db-chan)
collection (:collection layer)
collection-name (:collection layer)
db-name (or (:db layer) (:db sync-info))
collection (c/make-collection db-name collection-name)

path (utils/stringify (:path layer))
path-key (utils/stringify (:path-key layer))
_ (timbre/info "<sync-load-layer about to load layer" layer "with path" path)
(case (:kind layer)
:single (let [obj (<! (<findOne db-name collection (:keys layer) :fields (:fields layer)))
:single (let [obj (<! (c/<findOne collection (:keys layer) :fields (:fields layer)))
[db' cache]
(false? obj) (do (timbre/warn "<sync-load-layer could not find any" collection)
(false? obj) (do (timbre/warn "<sync-load-layer could not find any" collection-name)
[db []])
;; If we have an empty path, we replace the whole Reframe DB
(empty? path) [obj [obj]]
:else [(assoc-in db path obj) [obj]])]
(update-layer-cache sync-info layer-index cache)
:many (let [items (<! (<find db-name collection (:keys layer) :fields (:fields layer)))
_ (timbre/info "<sync-load-layer got" (count items) "items from collection" collection
:many (let [items (<! (c/<find collection (:keys layer) :fields (:fields layer)))
_ (timbre/info "<sync-load-layer got" (count items) "items from collection" collection-name
"using path key" path-key "and path" path)
;; We have to fit the items into the Reframe DB, either as is, or as a map
path-value (if path-key (into {} (map (fn [item] [(get item path-key) item]) items))
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