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File metadata and controls

87 lines (62 loc) · 2.83 KB

BeepBeep a simple web application for Erlang

BeepBeep is a simple Web Application framework for Erlang inspired by Rails and Merb. It follows the
principle of convention over configuration – meaning if you follow the code structure layout and a few
rules when building your app, it’ll require no extra work on you behalf to map Url requests to your
Controllers and Views.

BeepBeep is built on MochiWeb and ErlyDTL,
providing a super fast web server and the abiity to define your templates with the Django template language.


  • A script to generate a new web application (based on mochiweb’s approach)
  • Session Server to store your application state
  • Before filter on your controllers for things like authentication
  • Django templates for the view

Getting Started

  1. download the code
  2. CD into the beepbeep directory
  3. run make
  4. generate a new web application by running ./script/new_beep.erl YouAppName "DestinationDirectory

This will create a web app with everything you need. It includes a Sample controller (main_controller.erl).
To run the sample:

  • Cd into the new application’s directory you created above and start the server: ./
  • Open a browser and visit "http://localhost:8000

How it works:

You write a controller similar to how you’d write a “gen_server” based app, but in our
case you use the included “gen_controller” behavior. In the controller you define the functions
you want to expose to requests. BeepBeep will automatically map Url requests to controller and
functions (or actions). For example a request to “/hello/show” would map to the “hello_controller”
and invoke the “show” function.

Here’s a controller example:

%% hello_controller.erl

-export([handle_request/2, before_filter/1]).


show(Params) ->

%% Callback for show
handle_request(show,Params) ->
    {render, "hello/show.html",[{name,"BeepBeep"}],Params}.

%% Callback filter hook
before_filter(Params) ->


From “handle_request” we return a tuple that tells the framework what template to use. Templates
are located in the template directory. In our example we’ill use the template located in the
subdirectory “hello” and the file “show.html”

Here’s an example of the “show.html” template:

<h2>Hello from {{ data }} </h2>

Which will result in:

<h2>Hello from BeepBeep</h2>

The “name” key set in the controller is passed to the template and expanded using the Django format
via erlyDTL.

This approach provides a clean separation of the erlang logic in the controller and the html code in
the template.

More to come…