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Dave's Tech Test


Running the app

To start the app run make currencyFair-run (Requires docker)

I developed on Ubuntu but it should all work on Mac. If there's an error running that command let me know.

To run tests make run-tests

Tools used

Backend: Laravel, PHP 7.4, Docker, Postgres

Frontend: React, TypeScript, SASS (FE code is in /frontend-app dir)


While this API consists of just two endpoints, I approached the task as if I were building the foundations of a large API.

  • Instead of traditional controllers I went with single action controllers. I find as an API grows over time this keeps the code base clean and you don't end up with monster controllers. They are also easier to test.
  • DB access is via repositories which return DomainObjects, making it easy to swap in elasticSearch or another data store seamlessly.
  • Service classes all have just one public 'execute' method. Again, easy to test and adheres to the SRP.
  • All validation is done in custom requests so no validation logic in controllers or services. Each entity has its own validator which is easily reusable.
  • Everything is Dockerised so setup 'should' be simple

What I'd change with more time / What I didn't do

  • Currently the FE is polling the API, this should be using websockets
  • It would have been nice to use a time-series DB like TimeseriesDb or InfluxDB
  • The FE has no tests
  • Adding visualisation
  • The FE UI isn't responsive
  • I hackily 0777 some dirs in the setup as I didn't have time to debug docker

cURL requests

Create a transaction

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"userId": "134256", "currencyFrom": "USD", "currencyTo": "GBP", "amountSell": 2222.45, "amountBuy": 200.10, "rate": 0.7471, "timePlaced" : "24-JAN-18 10:27:44", "originatingCountry" : "FR"} '

Get all transactions

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

Any questions let me know :-)
