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alt text Greenlight Form Validation - jQuery Plugin

Greenlight is a small (6.2KB minified & gzipped) jQuery Plugin that helps you to validate your forms. Originally forked from the awesome Ketchup Validation Plugin ( this has been extended to inlude more validations 'out of the box', ability to provide runtime error messages for localization, as well as being updated to current versions of jQuery syntax. Out of the box there are 30 basic validations and either an inline (default) or bubble error style. But truly this Plugin wants to be hacked to fit your needs. Easily write your own validations and overwrite/extend the default behaviour. There are also default error message text supplied with each validation, however you can provide your own text during the initial setup for any of the validation error displays.

Default Behavior

If all of validations you need are already included you can get this Plugin up and running like so:

Your HTML Header

Include the default stylesheet (located in ./css/ in this package) and the bundled and minified Plugin along with the latest jQuery version in your HTML header.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Greenlight Validation Tester</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/greenlight.css" />

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/greenlight-min.js"></script>

    ... form stuff ...


By default Greenlight checks the data-validate attribute of form fields if it can find matching validations. The default indicator for validations is validate(), all validations go in there and are separated by comma. Validations can have arguments, also separated by comma. About checkboxes: You only need to declare the validations on one checkbox. Greenlight binds all other checkboxes with the same name automatically.

<form id="default-behavior" action="index.html">
      <label for="db-mail">E-Mail</label>
      <input type="text" id="db-mail" data-validate="validate(required, email)" />
      <label for="db-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="db-username" data-validate="validate(required, username, minlength(3))" />
      <label for="db-skill">Skills</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="db-skill" name="db-skill" data-validate="validate(minselect(2))" /> jQuery
      <input type="checkbox" name="db-skill" /> HTML
      <input type="checkbox" name="db-skill" /> CSS
      <input type="checkbox" name="db-skill" /> Rails
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

Just call greenlight() on your form, voilĂ .


Declare fields to validate in the call

In last version Greenlight checked the class attribute for validations... which was not everyones taste because class should be used for defining CSS classes. In HTML5 we have the data- attributes for the rescue to set custom data.

However, if you still want to separate the validations declarations from your markup you can do so by passing an object with jQuery selectors as keys and validations as values to Greenlight.


Note that required is not a validation declaration but an actual class name. We use that to select the fields to validate.

<form id="fields-in-call" action="index.html">
      <label for="fic-email">E-Mail</label>
      <input type="text" id="fic-email" class="required" />
      <label for="fic-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="fic-username" class="required" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

Right after the options (empty here {}) we pass in an object. Use the key to declare the jQuery selector on which fields the validations in the value are processed. Validations declared like this don't need the validate() indicator.

$('#fields-in-call').greenlight({}, {
  '.required'    : 'required',              //all fields in the form with the class 'required'
  '#fic-username': 'username, minlength(3)' //one field in the form with the id 'fic-username'

Validate on different events

By default Greenlight listens to the blur event on form fields. You can overwrite that behaviour for every field in the options, and you can overwrite it separately for a single field.


In the data-validate attribute you can have a on() indicator. Events go in there and are separated by a space. These are strings jQuery's bind() accepts.

<form id="validation-events" action="index.html">
      <label for="ve-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="ve-username" data-validate="validate(required, minlength(3)) on(keyup focus)" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

  validateEvents: 'dblclick'

/*if you set the fields to validate in the call
  you  simply pass  in a array as value.  First
  argument is  the validations string  and  the
  second is the events string. Like so:

$('#validation-events').greenlight({}, {
  '#ve-username': ['required, minlength(3)', 'keyup focus']

Included Validations

  • contain(word) - The field must contain word.

  • custom - The field value must pass the supplied check

    • validate(custom(Error message to display, [REGEX_PATTERN])
      • ex: validate(custom(I am an error message, /^((?=(.*[\d]){2,})(?=(.*[a-z]){2,})(?=(.*[A-Z]){2,})(?=(.*[^\w\d\s]){2,})){8,30}.*$/)
  • date - (Default) The field must be a valid date using the mm/dd/yyyy as well as mm/dd/yy format allowing / or - or . as separators

    • date(mmdd) - Matches just mm/dd allowing for the same separators listed above.
    • date(mmyy) or date(mmyyyy) - Matches just mm/yy or mm/yyyy allowing for the same separators listed above.
    • date(ddmmyy) or date(ddmmyyyy) - Matches just dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy allowing for the same separators listed above.
    • date(yyyymmdd) - Matches a (4) digit year followed by a (2) digit month followed by a (2) digit day allowing for the same separators listed above.
    • date(mmyyyy, true) or date(ddmmyyyy, true) or date(yyyymmdd, true) - (Optional Parameter) by passing the optional boolean as true, you can force future dates and current day only. This option does however require a 4 digit year in order to make sure the date isnt in the past. In addition if no day is provided the current day will be used.
      Note: If the optional parameter is set to true but the year format is set to only 2 digits the validation will succeed but no check for past date will be performed.
  • digits - The field must be a digit (full number).

  • email - The field must be a valid email.

  • ipAddress - The field value must be a valid IP Address

  • letters - The field value must be uppercase letter, lowercase letters or white space characters

  • lettersAndNumbs - The field value must contain Letters and/or Numbers

  • match(word) - The field must match the value word.

  • matchField - Requires that another field contain the same matchField validation, a data-twin attribute to connect the values together (e.g. data-twin="matchTest1") to allow for multiple match fields on the same page, contain the following classes isMainTwin (for the main field) and isTwin (for any field that must match the main field) and both field values must match exactly (todo: make this class and data-attr added automatically)

  • max(max) - The field must have a maximal number of max (ex. 10).

  • maxlength(max) - The field must have a maximal length of max characters (ex. 10 characters).

  • maxselect(max) - No more than max checkboxes with the same name must be selected (checkboxes, multi-select lists).

  • min(min) - The field must have a minimal number of min (ex. 4).

  • minlength(min) - The field must have a minimal length of min characters (ex. 4 characters).

  • minselect(min) - At least min checkboxes with the same name must be selected (checkboxes, multi-select lists).

  • notEmpty - The field cannot contain ONLY spaces

  • number - (Default) The field must be a number.

    • number(true) - (Optional) If a value of true is passed, the field will expect a formatted number that allows for commas and decimals
  • passStrength(strength)- The field value must pass the provided strength check

    • [default] - If no setting (or anything other than the options allowed) is provided, it will default to checking for a max length of 6 characters
    • weak - >1 0-9, >1 a-z, >1 A-Z, between 6-30 characters in length
    • medium - >1 0-9, >1 a-z, >1 A-Z, >1 special, between 6-30 characters in length
    • strong - >2 0-9, >2 a-z, >2 A-Z, >2 special, between 8-30 characters in length
    • custom - allows parameters to be passed in for required elements
        For example, the following passStrength(custom, 8,20, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, null, 3, false)
        Would mean that the password should contain:
        • A minimum length of 8 characters and a maximum length of 20 characters
        • No numbers are required
        • At least 1 lower-case character
        • At least 2 upper-case characters
        • At least 3 special characters (non-alpha or digits)
        • At least 5 letters
        • Will use default special character set (@#!$%^&+=)
        • No more than 3 repeating characters
        • Spaces are NOT allowed
  • phone - The field value must be a valid Phone Number

  • required - The field is required.

  • range(min, max) - The field must have a number between min and max (ex. Between 4-10).

  • rangelength(min, max) - The field must have a length between min and max characters (ex. Between 4-10 characters).

  • rangeselect(min, max) - Between min and max checkboxes with the same name must be selected.

  • ssn - The field value must be a valid Social Security number

    • ssn(true) - (Optional) Matches just the last 4 numbers of the SSN
  • unique - The field values must be unique

  • url - The field must be a valid URL.

  • username - The field must be a valid username, allows for letters numbers and certain special characters

  • usPhone - The field value must be a valid US formatted Phone Number allowing for - . And () as separators as well as a space

  • usStateAbbr - The field value must be a valid US State Abbreviation

  • usZip - The field value must be a valid US Zip Code (allows for 5 digits or 9 digits with hyphen, fails on anything else)

Write your own validations

You can write your own validation functions for Greenlight. A validation function must return a boolean, true if the field validates fine and false if it fails to validate.

Validations pass in at least three arguments:

  • form - the jQuery object for the form (we validate in this form)
  • el - the jQuery object for the form field (we validate on this field)
  • value - the value of the form field (short for el.val())

After these three arguments you can declare the arguments for your validation. In this example the word validation has two arguments, word1 and word2. You pass in the arguments in your validation call like word(greenlight, redlight). Now 'greenlight' is the word1 argument and so on.

Validation messages have {argN} placeholders for your arguments. Is {arg1} would become Is greenlight.

A validation can have a initial callback, optionally passed in as function as the second argument. Use this to bind elements with the same name, checkboxes for example. Or apply a class to the field to style Greenlight enabled fields. The initial callback passes in two arguments, form and el. You already know what these are.


<form id="own-validation" action="index.html">
      <label for="ov-word">Greenlight or Mustard</label>
      <input type="text" id="ov-word" data-validate="validate(word(greenlight, redlight))" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

$.greenlight.validation('word', 'Either "{arg1}" or "{arg2}"', function(form, el, value, word1, word2) {
  if(value == word1 || value == word2) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
}, function(form, el) {
  //initial callback, this is optional


Helpers for your validations

Helpers are repeating functions you can use in your validations via this.

  • bindBrothers(form, el) - Bind all elements in the form with el's name to el's Greenlight events. This is helpful on checkboxes and co. Returns undefined.
  • bindTwins(form, el) - Bind all elements in the form with el's data-twin attribute to el's Greenlight events. Returns undefined.
  • bindUnique(form, el) - Bind all elements in the form with el's name to el's Greenlight events. Returns undefined.
  • checkPWStrength(value, num, lower, upper, special, min, max, allowedChars, letters, repeat, spaces) - Check if the value passes the supplied requirements. Returns true/false.
  • contains(value, word) - Check if the value contains word. Returns true/false.
  • getGreenlightEvents(el) - Get all events Greenlight has used on the el. Returns a String.
  • inputsWithName(form, el) - Get all elements in the form with the name of el. Returns a jQuery object.
  • inputsWithNameNotSelf(form, el) - Get all elements in the form with the name of el but not itself. Returns a jQuery object.
  • inputsWithUnique(form, el) - Get all elements in the form with the name of el. Returns a jQuery object.
  • inputsWithUniqueNotSelf(form, el) - Get all elements in the form with the name of el but not itself. Returns a jQuery object.
  • inputTwin(form, el) - Get all elements in the form with el's data-twin attribute. Returns a jQuery object.
  • isDate(value) - Check if the value is a valid date. Returns true/false.
  • isEmail(value) - Check if the value is a valid email. Returns true/false.
  • isIPAddress(value) - Check if the value is a valid IP Address. Returns true/false.
  • isNumber(value) - Check if the value is a valid number. Returns true/false.
  • isPhone(value) - Check if the value is a valid Phone number. Returns true/false.
  • isUnique(form, el, value, caseInsensitive) - Check if the 'el valueis unique when compared to the other elements in the form with matching validation. Also can allow for case insensitivity ifcaseInsensitiveis set totrue. Returns true/false`.
  • isUrl(value) - Check if the value is a valid URL. Returns true/false.
  • isUsername(value) - Check if the value is a valid username. Returns true/false.
  • isUSPhone(value) - Check if the value is a valid US Phone number. Returns true/false.


<form id="validation-helper" action="index.html">
      <label for="vh-email">Your E-Mail (must contain 'greenlight')</label>
      <input type="text" id="vh-email" data-validate="validate(greenlightEmail)" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

$.greenlight.validation('greenlightEmail', 'Must be a valid e-mail and contain "greenlight"', function(form, el, value) {
  if(this.isEmail(value) && this.contains(value.toLowerCase(), 'greenlight')) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;


Write your own helpers

Of course you can extend helpers too. Pass a helper name and the actual helper function with the arguments to helper().


<form id="own-helper" action="index.html">
      <label for="oh-rand1">This field is validated randomly</label>
      <input type="text" id="oh-rand1" data-validate="validate(random)" />
      <label for="oh-rand2">Words are validated randomly: greenlight, redlight</label>
      <input type="text" id="oh-rand2" data-validate="validate(randomWord(greenlight, redlight))" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

$.greenlight.helper('randomNumber', function(min, max) {
  return (min + parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)));

$.greenlight.validation('random', 'Not this time...', function(form, el, value) {
  return (this.randomNumber(0, 1) ? true : false);

$.greenlight.validation('randomWord', 'Try the other word', function(form, el, value, word1, word2) {      
  return (this.randomNumber(0, 1) ? word1 : word2) == value;


Set the messages for your validations

In the examples above we set the message for the validations directly as second argument in the validate() function. This is not necessary. If you want to seperate the messages from the validation code you have two choices.

Either overwrite single messages:

$.greenlight.message('word', 'Guess the word!');

Or pass in an object to the messages() method (you can copy and paste them from the last version of Greenlight). Note that only declared validation messages gets overwritten, the others are still set.

  required : 'Something?',
  minlength: '>= {arg1}'

Control the behavior of the error container

Time to control the behavior and the style of the error container. Several functions can be overwritten leaving creating, showing and hiding the error container and add error messages completely up to you.

  • createErrorContainer(function(form, el) {})

    This function creates the error container one time. form is the form we are currently in and el the element we are currently validating. It must return a jQuery object of the error container.

  • showErrorContainer(function(form, el, container) {})

    This function shows the error container every time the field el fails to validate. form is the form we are currently in and el the element we are currently validating. container is the jQuery object of the error container, you created it with createErrorContainer(). Must not return anything

  • hideErrorContainer(function(form, el, container) {})

    As opposite to showErrorContainer() this function hides the error container when the field el validates fine. It pass in the same arguments as showErrorContainer() and must not return anything.

  • addErrorMessages(function(form, el, container, messages) {})

    If the field el fails to validate you need to update the error messages via this function. form, el and container are the same arguments as in showErrorContainer() and hideErrorContainer(). messages is a Array containing strings of all error messages the field fails to validate.

Your CSS

.greenlight-custom {
  line-height: 1em;
  display: none;

.greenlight-custom li {
  font-size: 10px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #9F4631;
  border: 0;
  color: white;
  background: #F46644;
  padding: 1px 10px;
  margin-top: 1px;


<form id="custom-behavior" action="index.html">
      <label for="cb-mail">E-Mail</label>
      <input type="text" id="cb-mail" data-validate="validate(required, email)" />
      <label for="cb-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="cb-username" data-validate="validate(required, minlength(3))" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript


.createErrorContainer(function(form, el) {
  return $('<ul/>', {
           'class': 'greenlight-custom'

.addErrorMessages(function(form, el, container, messages) {
  for(i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
    $('<li/>', {
      text: messages[i]

.showErrorContainer(function(form, el, container) {

.hideErrorContainer(function(form, el, container) {

  validateEvents: 'blur focus keyup'

Greenlight Events


<form id="greenlight-events" action="index.html">
      <label for="gl-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="gl-username" data-validate="validate(required, username, minlength(5))" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

  .on('formIsValid', function(event, form) {
    //do whatever when the form is valid
    //form - the form that is valid (jQuery Object)
  .on('formIsInvalid', function(event, form) {
    //do whatever when the form is invalid
    //form - the form that is invalid (jQuery Object)
  .on('fieldIsValid', function(event, form, el) {
    //do whatever if a field is valid
    //form - the form where the el is located (jQuery Object)
    //el   - the element that is valid (jQuery Object)
  .on('fieldIsInvalid', function(event, form, el) {
    //do whatever if a field is invalid
    //form - the form where the el is located (jQuery Object)
    //el   - the element that is invalid (jQuery Object)

Check if the form and fields are valid from outside

You can use Greenlight's internal function to check if a form or a field is valid from your own script without triggering the validation container. el.greenlight('isValid') returns true if the form/field (el) is valid, otherwise it returns false.

If you want to trigger the validation from your script use el.greenlight('validate') where el is the field.

Your CSS

#from-outside { position: relative; }

#fo-errors {
  position: absolute;
  top: 30px;
  left: 200px;

#fo-errors li { padding: 0 10px; margin-bottom: 1px; }
#fo-errors .valid { background: #9ADF61; }
#fo-errors .invalid { background: #F46644; }

#from-outside .greenlight-custom { position: absolute; left: -30000px; } /* hide greenlight errors on blur and form submit */


<form id="from-outside" action="index.html">
      <label for="fo-mail">E-Mail</label>
      <input type="text" id="fo-mail" data-validate="validate(required, email)" />
      <label for="fo-username">Username</label>
      <input type="text" id="fo-username" data-validate="validate(required, username, minlength(5))" />
      <input type="submit" value="Has a Greenlight?" />

Your Javascript

var form     = $('#from-outside'),
    mail     = $('#fo-mail', form),
    username = $('#fo-username', form),
    result   = $('<ul/>', { id: 'fo-errors' }).appendTo(form);

  .find('input').keyup(function() {
    $.each([form, mail, username], function(index, el) {
      var valid = el.greenlight('isValid') ? 'valid' : 'invalid';
      $('<li/>', {
        'class': valid,
        text   : '#' + el.attr('id') + ' is ' + valid

Default Options

attribute             : 'data-validate',              // look in that attribute for a validation string
addErrorMessages      : null			      // function to add error messages to the error container (can also be set via $.greenlight.addErrorMessages(fn))
bubbleErrorPosition   : 'right',		      // where the bubble error appears (right=top right corner, left=top left corner, side=right side of field)
createErrorContainer  : null,                         // function to create the error container (can also be set via $.greenlight.createErrorContainer(fn))
emptyValidClass       : 'emptyValid',                 // css class used to identify a field that is optional ^^ but is also empty which means its valid
errorDisplayType      : 'inline',                     // accepts either 'inline' or 'bubble' for displaying validation errors
eventIndicator        : 'on',                         // in the validation string this indicates the events when validations get fired eg on(blur)
fieldErrorClass       : 'fieldError',                 // ability to add a class to the field for CSS modifications to display on error
fieldValidClass       : 'fieldValid',                 // ability to add a class to the field for CSS modifications to display on error
hideErrorContainer    : null,                         // function to hide the error container (can also be set via $.greenlight.hideErrorContainer(fn))
optionalClass         : 'optRequired',                // css class used to identify a field that is optional but requires validation check if it isnt empty
parentErrorClass      : 'parentError',                // ability to add a class to the parent tag of the field for CSS modifications to display on error
parentValidClass      : 'parentValid',                // ability to add a class to the parent tag of the field for CSS modifications to display on error
showErrorContainer    : null,                         // function to show the error container (can also be set via $.greenlight.showErrorContainer(fn))
validateElements      : ['input', 'textarea', 'select'],  // check this fields in the form for a validation string on the attribute
validateEvents        : 'blur',                       // the default event when validations get fired on every field
validateIndicator     : 'validate',                   // in the validation string this indicates the validations eg validate(required)

You can also (optionally) provide your own error mesages at runtime to allow for custom error messages based on language , local or any number of use-cases. Just pass an object using the validation name as the property and the new error string as the value into the $.greenlight.messages(); method.

For example:

var textKeys : {
			date                             : 'Must be a valid date.',
			email                            : 'Must be a valid E-Mail.',
			letters                          : 'Must be letters.',
			lettersAndNums                   : 'Must contain Letters and Numbers.',
			matchField                       : 'These fields must match.',
			number                           : 'Must be a number.',
			range                            : 'Must be between {arg1} and {arg2}.'

As you can see above, you can also use {arg#} to have the validation parameter be used inside the error message. The # will be the argument position when calling the validation method. for example if you assigned a validation using range(4,12) and used the textKey listed above, your error would appear as Must be between 4 and 12. (replacing the {arg#} values with the validation parameters).

License and Copyright

The Greenlight Plugin is dual licensed under the GPL and MIT licenses.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Dave Gillem /

Original Copyright (c) 2011 by Sebastian Senf / forked from jQuery Ketchup Plugin - - @redlightamus