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What is Blofeld?

Blofeld is a music server. You install it on a Linux PC and tell it where your
music is, and it provides a web interface that allows you to listen to that
music almost anywhere you have internet access and a web browser.

Here's a partial list of the things Blofeld supports:

 * Automatic on-the-fly transcoding
 * Extremely fast library import/update
 * Cover art (including embedded art)
 * Nearly any audio container and codec (MP3, M4A, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WMA, etc)
 * A modern, friendly web interface
 * Full theme/skin/template support
 * Song downloads (in a zip file, with artwork)
 * Basic security with users, groups and permissions
 * A RESTful JSON based API


Blofeld uses the following applications and libraries:

 * CherryPy 3 ( )
 * Cheetah ( )
 * Python Imaging Library ( )
 * Mutagen ( )
 * Couchdbkit ( )
 * Gstreamer ( )
 * CouchDB ( )

Ubuntu Linux
If you're using Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) or newer, installation is as easy as
using the PPA I have set up. You can add it by running the following commands
at a terminal:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dwhayes/ppa

Then just update your sources and install blofeld:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install blofeld

Microsoft Windows
There are currently two different Windows builds: an executable installer and
a plain zip file.

The installer will install the program on your system and all of the
configuration, cache and log files will be stored as part of your user profile.
CouchDB and GStreamer are included as part of the installer.

The zip file is intended for running the program out of a directory you could
put anywhere you like. All of the configuration information, cached files and
logs will be stored in the directory with the program. This is suitable for
running as a portable application. If you plan to use this build, you will need
to install CouchDB[1] and GStreamer 0.2.17 Beta 2[2] from before you can run
the application.

Both builds can be found here:

Either download and run the installer (recommended), or download the zip file
and extract it somewhere convenient.


    Currently, you want GStreamer-WinBuilds-GPL-x86-Beta02-0.10.7.msi

Building from Source
If you would prefer to work from the source distribution or Git, please refer
to the INSTALL file for more information.


After you've installed the application, either from a PPA, a 3rd party package
or built it yourself from source, you can start the application from by simply
running the following command in a terminal:

You should see a message like this one:

    No configuration file was found, so we created one for you at
    /home/dave/.config/blofeld/blofeld.cfg. Please check it and make sure
    everything looks OK before running Blofeld again.

You need to edit the file that was mentioned and make sure that the path points
to your music collection. You could also change the port number or a few other
options if you like.

After editing the configuration file to your liking, save it and run the
program again. Now, Blofeld will begin scanning your music into its libarary.

The first time you run the program, nothing will appear to happen. Blofeld will
create a configuration file for you and then exit. If you used the zip file,
you should find a file called blofeld.cfg in the directory with the program.
If you used the installer, this file is probably in either "C:\Documents and
Settings\[YourName]\Application Data\Blofeld" (Windows 2000/XP/2003) or
"C:\Users\[YourName]\AppData\Roaming\Blofeld" (Windows Vista/7/2008).
Obviously, you'd need to replace [YourName] with your actual username. Probably
all you need to do at this point is check the configuration file and make sure
that the path is actually pointing to the directory containing your music
(e.g., path = C:\Users\Dave\Music).

At this point, you can run the program again. Once again, it will look like
nothing is happening, but Blofeld is working in the background to scan all of
your music into its library.

Using Blofeld
To access the web interface, open your favorite web browser and navigate to:


With any luck, you should be looking at Blofeld's web interface. Most of what
you find here should be pretty self explanatory. However, there are a few 
hidden options. If you hit Ctrl+Right Arrow on the keyboard, another pane
will open to the right of the song list. There, you can choose the bitrate to
use for streaming, the theme you would like to use or download the currently
listed songs in a zip file.


Rhythmbox Plugin
There's a very basic plugin for Rhythmbox which can add a Blofeld server
as a source. It can be found at 
or you can just install it from the PPA mentioned above.