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nimble is a small script to improve the consistency of ground control for different sets of geospatial imagery. Tie points between datasets are used to compute new affine transforms, which are applied using GDAL virtual rasters. This allows for flexible, reversible realignment of geospatial datasets.


Nimble is a python module that exposes a command-line interface. It can be installed with

> pip install "git+"


This module is designed to help align inconsistently georeferenced datasets (and attendant derived vector data) This is particularly useful in scenarios such as planetary imagery, where reference frames for multiple datasets are often inconsistent.

The core command of Nimble is the align command. The syntax is

> nimble <tiepoints geojson file> align <in.vrt> <out.vrt>

Basically, the <tiepoints geojson file> should contain a series of lines that map starting positions to realigned positions over a set of imagery. nimble solves a linear fit to the data and produces a best-fitting transformation for the alignment, and produces a GDAL Virtual Raster (vrt) file that applies this to an image. This process is CRS-agnostic and can be applied to a wide variety of GIS data.

If you omit the <out.vrt>, the script will create one automatically with a generic name.

The script currently only produces vrt files. If you want aligned imagery in other formats, these VRT files can be further transformed (say, to GeoTiffs) using gdal_translate.

You can also print the affine transform that will be used to shift the images:

> nimble <tiepoints json file> affine

The library provides methods for either shifting data by xy offsets or using fully affine transformations. Fully affine transformations seem to cause problems for vrt files, however, at least in QGIS. In practice, substantial skew or rotation between already-georeferenced datasets is rare and potentially signifies undiagnosed trouble elsewhere in the image-processing pipeline. Your mileage may vary.

It's also possible to realign derived data (footprints, preliminary mapping) to the new reference frame. Currently this is only supported via SQL, but new functions to transform arbitrary (OGR-supported) vector data are forthcoming.

The Python API can support more advanced usage in custom pipelines. For instance, special functions are available for dealing with PostGIS databases.


import nimble

and have a look!


Here's an example of CLI usage from a script:

# Create tiepoints file containing the tiepoints we want to use
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -sql "SELECT * FROM \
  dataset_offset WHERE from_dataset LIKE '001'" \
  tiepoints.json PG:dbname=Gale
# This file should be in the GeoJSON format with lines connecting from-to
# point pairs.

# Align images
# By default this does a transform by offsets only, fully affine transforms
# are not necessary or desired for most situations where imagery is already
# georeferenced
nimble tiepoints.json align HiRISE_001.jp2 HIRISE_001.vrt

# Align associated data (say we have some contacts in our database)
affine = $(nimble tiepoints.json affine)
psql Gale -c "UPDATE dataset_feature \
  SET geometry=ST_Affine(original_geometry,$affine) \
  WHERE dataset_id LIKE '001'"

A script to project imagery

A generic script to project geospatial imagery can be modified to incorporate a correction on a network of control points.


for fn in $@; do
  echo $fn
  gdalwarp -of VRT -r lanczos -dstnodata 0 \
    -t_srs syrtis-tm.prj ${fn} ${out}
  gdaladdo ${out} 2 4 8 16 32 64
; done


Improve your ground control networks






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