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Learning R


The three core features of R are object-orientation, vectorisation, and its functional programming style.

"To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:

  • Everything that exists is an object.
  • Everything that happens is a function call."

–John Chambers

Functional programming

See Advanced R.

Functional languages have first-class functions, which are functions that behave like any other data structure. This means that you can do many of the things with a function that you can do with a vector:

  • You can assigned them to variables,
  • Store them in lists,
  • Pass them as arguments to other functions,
  • Create them inside functions, and
  • Return them as the result of a function.

Secondly, many functional languages requires functions to be pure. A function is pure if it satisfies two properties:

  1. The output only depends on the inputs, i.e. if you call the function again with the same inputs, you will get the same outputs.

  2. The function has no side-effects, like changing the value of a global variable, writing to disk, or displaying to the screen.

Strictly speaking, R is not a functional programming language because it does not require you to write pure functions.

Generally a functional style is one where a big problem is decomposed into smaller pieces, where each piece is solved with a function or combinations of functions. When using a functional style, you strive to decompose components of the problem into isolated functions that operate independently. Each function taken by itself is simple and straightforward to understand; complexity is handled by composing functions in various ways.

Object-Oriented Programming

See Advanced R.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a little more challenging in R because there are multiple OOP systems to choose from and there is disagreement about the relative importance of the systems. Hadley Wickham believes that the most important are S3, R6, and S4 in that order. S3 and S4 are provided by base R. R6 is provided by the R6 package, and is similar to the Reference Classes, or RC for short, from base R. S3 and S4 use generic function OOP which is rather different from the encapsulated OOP used by most languages popular today.

The main reason to use OOP is polymorphism. Polymorphism means that a developer can consider a function’s interface separately from its implementation, making it possible to use the same function form for different types of input. This is closely related to the idea of encapsulation: the user doesn’t need to worry about details of an object because they are encapsulated behind a standard interface.

Polymorphism is what allows summary() to produce different outputs for numeric and factor variables.

diamonds <- ggplot2::diamonds
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.2000  0.4000  0.7000  0.7979  1.0400  5.0100
##      Fair      Good Very Good   Premium     Ideal 
##      1610      4906     12082     13791     21551

OO systems call the type of an object its class, and an implementation for a specific class is called a method; a class defines the object and methods describe what the object can do. Classes are organised in a hierarchy so that if a method does not exist for one class, its parent’s method is used, and the child is said to inherit behaviour. For example, an ordered factor inherits from a regular factor, and a generalised linear model inherits from a linear model. The process of finding the correct method given a class is called method dispatch.

There are two main paradigms of OOP which differ in how methods and classes are related. We can call these paradigms encapsulated and functional:

  • In encapsulated OOP, methods belong to objects or classes, and method calls typically look like object.method(arg1, arg2). This is called encapsulated because the object encapsulates both data (with fields) and behaviour (with methods), and is the paradigm found in most popular languages.

  • In functional OOP, methods belong to generic functions, and method calls look like ordinary function calls: generic(object, arg2, arg3). This is called functional because from the outside it looks like a regular function call, and internally the components are also functions.

OOP in R

Base R provides three OOP systems: S3, S4, and reference classes (RC):

  • S3 is R’s first OOP system and is an informal implementation of functional OOP. It relies on common conventions rather than ironclad guarantees. This makes it easy to get started with, providing a low cost way of solving many simple problems.

  • S4 is a formal and rigorous rewrite of S3. It requires more upfront work than S3, but in return provides more guarantees and greater encapsulation. S4 is implemented in the base methods package, which is always installed with R.

(There is no S1 or S2 because S3 and S4 were named according to the versions of S that they accompanied. The first two versions of S did not have any OOP framework.)

  • RC implements encapsulated OO. RC objects are a special type of S4 objects that are also mutable, i.e., instead of using R’s usual copy-on-modify semantics, they can be modified in place. This makes them harder to reason about, but allows them to solve problems that are difficult to solve in the functional OOP style of S3 and S4.

A number of other OOP systems are provided by CRAN packages:

  • R6 implements encapsulated OOP like RC, but resolves some important issues.

  • R.oo provides some formalism on top of S3, and makes it possible to have mutable S3 objects.

  • proto implements another style of OOP based on the idea of prototypes, which blur the distinctions between classes and instances of classes (objects).


If you look up the help page for require or library, you will be provided with the “Loading/Attaching and Listing of Packages” help page. The description is that library and require load and attach add-on packages. When you type library(tidyverse) the tidyverse package is attached to the search path. It works in the same way as when you add another directory to your PATH environment variable in Linux.

We can use base::search() to get the names of environments attached to the search path.

## [1] ".GlobalEnv"        "package:stats"     "package:graphics" 
## [4] "package:grDevices" "package:utils"     "package:datasets" 
## [7] "package:methods"   "Autoloads"         "package:base"

The code below will attach the tidyverse and modeldata packages (installing them first if they haven’t been installed yet).

my_packages <- c('tidyverse', 'modeldata', 'bench')

using<-function(...) {


If we run base::search() again, we will see the additional packages attached to the search path.

##  [1] ".GlobalEnv"        "package:bench"     "package:modeldata"
##  [4] "package:lubridate" "package:forcats"   "package:stringr"  
##  [7] "package:dplyr"     "package:purrr"     "package:readr"    
## [10] "package:tidyr"     "package:tibble"    "package:ggplot2"  
## [13] "package:tidyverse" "package:stats"     "package:graphics" 
## [16] "package:grDevices" "package:utils"     "package:datasets" 
## [19] "package:methods"   "Autoloads"         "package:base"

As for the difference between library and require?

  • library returns an error by default if the package is not installed
  • require returns a logical depending on whether a package is attached or not

This is the reason why require was used above to check whether a package was installed or not.

The difference between attaching and loading is a bit technical and you can read about it on SO.


R is a vectorised language and what this means is that you can perform operations on vectors without having to iterate through each element. A vector is simply “a single entity consisting of a collection of things” but these items must all belong to the same class. If you try to create a vector with different classes, the vector will be coerced in the following order: logical < integer < numeric < character.

my_char <- c(1, 3.14, TRUE, 'str')
## [1] "character"
my_num <- c(1, 2, 3.14, 4)
## [1] "numeric"

You can easily square each number in a vector by applying a exponential function.

my_int <- 1:6
## [1]  1  4  9 16 25 36

You can operate on a vector using another vector too. If the right vector isn’t the same length as the left vector but is a multiple, R performs a procedure called “recycling” that will re-use the right vector on the next set of values.

my_int + c(1, 2)
## [1] 2 4 4 6 6 8

Named vectors (see Attributes) can be used as simple lookup tables. Make sure that the names are unique and non-missing.

my_lookup <- c(
  "HKG" = "Hong Kong",
  "PNG" = "Papua New Guinea",
  "AUS" = "Australia",
  "JPN" = "Japan"

##                PNG 
## "Papua New Guinea"


Attributes can be considered as name-value pairs that attach metadata to an object. Individual attributes can be retrieved and modified with attr() or retrieved en masse with attributes(), and set en masse with structure().

a <- 1:3
attr(a, "x") <- "abcdef"
attr(a, "x")
## [1] "abcdef"
attr(a, "y") <- 4:6
## List of 2
##  $ x: chr "abcdef"
##  $ y: int [1:3] 4 5 6
a <- structure(
  x = "abcdef",
  y = 4:6
## List of 2
##  $ x: chr "abcdef"
##  $ y: int [1:3] 4 5 6

Attributes should generally be thought of as ephemeral. There are only two attributes that are routinely preserved:

  • names, a character vector giving each element a name.
  • dim, short for dimensions, an integer vector, used to turn vectors into matrices or arrays.

To preserve other attributes, you will need to create your own S3 class.

Vectors can be named in three ways.

  1. When creating it.
x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
  1. By assigning a character vector to names().
x <- 1:3
names(x) <- c('a', 'b', 'c')
  1. Using setNames().
x <- setNames(1:3, c('a', 'b', 'c'))

Avoid using attr(x, 'names') as it requires more typing and is less readable than names(x). Names can be removed using x <- unname(x) or names(x) <- NULL.

Adding a dim attribute to a vector allows it to behave like a 2-dimensional matrix or a multi-dimensional array. However, matrices and arrays are primarily mathematical and statistical tools, not programming tools.

Matrices and arrays can be created using matrix() and array() or by using the assignment form of dim().

x <- matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    3    5
## [2,]    2    4    6
y <- array(1:12, c(2, 3, 2))
## , , 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    3    5
## [2,]    2    4    6
## , , 2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    7    9   11
## [2,]    8   10   12
z <- 1:6
dim(z) <- c(2, 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    3    5
## [2,]    2    4    6

S3 atomic vectors

One of the most important vector attributes is class, which underlies the S3 object system. Having a class attribute turns an object into an S3 object, which means it will behave differently from a regular vector when passed to a generic function. Every S3 object is built on top of a base type, and often stores additional information in other attributes.

There are four important S3 vectors used in base R:

  1. Categorical data, where values come from a fixed set of levels recorded in factor vectors.

  2. Dates (with day resolution), which are recorded in Date vectors.

  3. Date-times (with second or sub-second resolution), which are stored in POSIXct vectors.

  4. Durations, which are stored in difftime vectors.


A factor is a vector that can contain only predefined values. It is used to store categorical data. Factors are built on top of an integer vector with two attributes: a class, “factor”, which makes it behave differently from regular integer vectors, and levels, which defines the set of allowed values.

x <- factor(c("a", "b", "b", "a"))
## [1] a b b a
## Levels: a b
## [1] "integer"
## $levels
## [1] "a" "b"
## $class
## [1] "factor"

Factors are useful when you know the set of possible values even when they are not present in the data. In contrast to a character vector, when you tabulate a factor, you will get counts of all categories.

sex_char <- c("m", "m", "m")
sex_factor <- factor(sex_char, levels = c("m", "f"))

## sex_char
## m 
## 3
## sex_factor
## m f 
## 3 0

Use ordered() to create ordered factors, where the order of the levels is meaningful.


Date vectors are built on top of double vectors; they have class “Date” and no other attributes.

today <- Sys.Date()

## [1] "double"
## $class
## [1] "Date"

The value of the double, which can be retrieved by stripping the class, represents the number of days since 1970-01-01.

date <- as.Date("1970-02-01")
## [1] 31


Base R provides two ways of storing date-time information:

  1. POSIXct - POSIX stands for Portable Operating System Interface, which is a family of cross-platform standards. The “ct” here stands for calendar time.
  2. POSIXlt - The “lt” here stands for local time.

POSIXct is built on top of an atomic vector and is most appropriate for use in data frames. POSIXct vectors are are built on top of double vectors, where the value represents the number of seconds since 1970-01-01.

now_ct <- as.POSIXct("2018-08-01 22:00", tz = "UTC")
## [1] "2018-08-01 22:00:00 UTC"
## [1] "double"
## $class
## [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" 
## $tzone
## [1] "UTC"

The tzone attribute controls only how the date-time is formatted; it does not control the instant of time represented by the vector. Note that time is not printed if it is midnight (to prevent werewolves).

structure(now_ct, tzone = "Asia/Tokyo")
## [1] "2018-08-02 07:00:00 JST"
structure(now_ct, tzone = "America/New_York")
## [1] "2018-08-01 18:00:00 EDT"
structure(now_ct, tzone = "Australia/Lord_Howe")
## [1] "2018-08-02 08:30:00 +1030"
structure(now_ct, tzone = "Europe/Paris")
## [1] "2018-08-02 CEST"


Durations, which represent the amount of time between pairs of dates or date-times, are stored in difftimes. difftimes are built on top of doubles, and have a units attribute that determines how the integer should be interpreted.

one_week_1 <- as.difftime(1, units = "weeks")
## Time difference of 1 weeks
## [1] "double"
## $class
## [1] "difftime"
## $units
## [1] "weeks"
one_week_2 <- as.difftime(7, units = "days")
## Time difference of 7 days
## [1] "double"
## $class
## [1] "difftime"
## $units
## [1] "days"


Unlike vectors, lists can be used to store heterogeneous things.

my_list <- list(
  my_func = function(x){x^2},
  my_df = data.frame(a = 1:3),
  my_vec = 1:6

## [1]  1  4  9 16 25 36

lapply can be used to apply a function to each item in a list and will return a list.

my_list <- list(
  a = 1:3,
  b = 4:10,
  c = 11:20

lapply(my_list, sum)
## $a
## [1] 6
## $b
## [1] 49
## $c
## [1] 155

Another handy function is the function, which constructs and executes a function call on a list. The example below is useful for converting a list into a matrix.

my_list <- list(
  a = 1:3,
  b = 4:6,
  c = 7:9

# returns a matrix = rbind, args = my_list)
##   [,1] [,2] [,3]
## a    1    2    3
## b    4    5    6
## c    7    8    9

Use utils::stack to create a data frame from a named list; the vectors are concatenated and the names are used to create factors.

##   values ind
## 1      1   a
## 2      2   a
## 3      3   a
## 4      4   b
## 5      5   b
## 6      6   b
## 7      7   c
## 8      8   c
## 9      9   c

There is also the purrr::map function, that is similar to the apply functions in base R, but you explicitly specify the output type. The map_lgl function will return logicals, i.e. Booleans.

map_lgl(.x = 1:10, .f = function(x) x > 5)


Notes from Advanced R.

Two important ideas about functions in R need to be understood:

  1. Functions can be broken down into three components: arguments, body, and environment

  2. Functions are objects, just as vectors are objects

R functions are objects in their own right, a language property often called “first-class functions”.

Function components

A function has three parts:

  1. The formals(), which are the list of arguments that control how you call the function.

  2. The body(), which is the code inside the function.

  3. The environment(), which is the data structure that determines the namespace.

The environment is based on where you define the function.

f02 <- function(x, y){
  # comment
  x + y

## $x
## $y
## {
##     x + y
## }
## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>

Functions contain any number of additional attributes() as with all objects in R. One attribute used by base R is srcref, which points to the source code used to create the function.

attr(f02, "srcref")
## function(x, y){
##   # comment
##   x + y
## }

However primitive functions do not have the three components (they return NULL) and call C code directly.

## function (..., na.rm = FALSE)  .Primitive("sum")

Primitive functions have either type builtin or type special but have class function.

## [1] "function"
## [1] "function"
## [1] "function"
## [1] "closure"
## [1] "builtin"
## [1] "special"

Lexical scoping

Scoping is the act of finding the value associated with a name. R uses lexical scoping, which means it looks up the values of names based on how a function is defined and not by how it is called. Lexical in this context means that the scoping rules use a parse-time, rather than a run-time, structure. R’s lexical scoping follows four primary rules:

  1. Name masking
  2. Functions versus variables
  3. A fresh start - each time you invoke a function, it starts fresh
  4. Dynamic lookup

The basic principle of lexical scoping is that names defined inside a function mask names defined outside a function. If a name is not defined inside a function, R looks one level up (all the way up to the global environment). Lexical scoping determines where, but not when to look for values. R looks for values when the function is run and not when the function is created.

Lazy evaluation

Function arguments are only evaluated if accessed, i.e. lazily evaluated. This is a nice feature because it allows the inclusion of potentially expensive computations in function arguments that will only be evaluated if necessary.

Lazy evaluation is powered by a data structure called a promise, which has three components:

  1. An expression, like x + y, which gives rise to the delayed computation.

  2. An environment where the expression should be evaluated, i.e. the environment where the function is called.

  3. A value, which is computed and cached the first time a promise is accessed when the expression is evaluated in the specified environment.


Functions can have a special argument ..., which is pronounced dot-dot-dot. In other programming languages, this type of argument is often called varargs (variable arguments) and a function that uses it is said to be variadic.

i01 <- function(y, z) {
  list(y = y, z = z)

i02 <- function(x, ...) {

str(i02(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3))
## List of 2
##  $ y: num 2
##  $ z: num 3

The ... is useful when a function takes a function as an argument: you can pass additional arguments to that function. The downside of using ... is that when arguments are used to pass arguments to another function, it is sometimes not clear to the user. Also a misspelled argument will not raise an error and this makes it easy for typos to go unnoticed.

Exiting a function

Most functions exit in one of two ways:

  1. They either return a value, indicating success. There are two ways a function can return a value:
    1. Implicitly, where the last evaluated expression is returned.
    2. Explicitly by using return().
  2. They throw an error, indicating failure.

Most functions return visibly, meaning that the result is printed when evaluated in an interactive context. The automatic printing can be prevented by using invisible() but the return value still exists.

If a function cannot complete its assigned task, it should throw an error with stop(), which immediately terminates the execution of the function. on.exit() can be used to run some code regardless of how a function exits; always set add = TRUE when using on.exit() because if you don’t each call to on.exit() will overwrite the previous exit handler.

Function forms

Function calls come in four varieties:

  1. prefix: the function name comes before its arguments, e.g. sum(1:5). These constitute the majority of function calls in R

  2. infix: the function name comes in between its arguments, e.g. `x

    • y. Infix forms are used for many mathematical operators and for user-defined functions that begin and end with %`.
  3. replacement: functions that replace values by assignment, e.g. names(my_df) <- c('a', 'b', 'c').

  4. special: functions like [[, if, and for that do not have a consistent structure.

All functions can be written in prefix form.

x <- 1900
y <- 84
x + y
## [1] 1984
`+`(x, y)
## [1] 1984
df <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2, c= 3)
`names<-`(df, c("x", "y", "z"))
##   x y z
## 1 1 2 3
for(i in 1:3) print(i)
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 3
`for`(i, 1:3, print(i))
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 3


Base types.

Modeling example

Notes from Tidy Modeling with R.

Load crickets data set that contains the relationship between the ambient temperature and the rate of cricket chirps per minute for two species.

data(crickets, package = "modeldata")
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   species           temp  rate
##   <fct>            <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 O. exclamationis  20.8  67.9
## 2 O. exclamationis  20.8  65.1
## 3 O. exclamationis  24    77.3
## 4 O. exclamationis  24    78.7
## 5 O. exclamationis  24    79.4
## 6 O. exclamationis  24    80.4


  aes(x = temp, y = rate, color = species, pch = species, lty = species)
) + 
  geom_point(size = 2) + 
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, alpha = 0.5) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Temperature (C)", y = "Chirp Rate (per minute)")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

For an inferential model, we might have specified the following null hypotheses prior to seeing the data:

  • Temperature has no effect on the chirp rate
  • There are no differences between the species’ chirp rate.

The lm() function is commonly used to fit an ordinary linear model. Arguments to this function are a model formula and the data frame that contains the data. The formula is symbolic; the simple formula below specifies that the chirp rate is the outcome and the temperature is the predictor.

rate ~ temp
## rate ~ temp

If the time of day was also recorded in a column called time, the following formula does not add the time and temperature values together but the formula symbolically represents that temperature and time should be added as separate main effects to the model. A main effect is a model term that contains a single predictor variable.

rate ~ temp + time
## rate ~ temp + time

We can add the species to the model in the same way but since species is not a quantitative variable, an indicator variable (also known as a dummy variable) is used in place of the original qualitative value. The model formula will automatically encode species as a numeric by adding a new column that has a value of zero and one for the two species.

rate ~ temp + species
## rate ~ temp + species

The model formula rate ~ temp + species creates a model with different y-intercepts for each species; the slopes of the regression lines could be different for each species as well. To accommodate this structure, an interaction term can be added to the model. This can be specified in a few different ways and the most basic uses the colon.

rate ~ temp + species + temp:species
## rate ~ temp + species + temp:species
# A shortcut can be used to expand all interactions containing
# interactions with two variables:
rate ~ (temp + species)^2
## rate ~ (temp + species)^2
# Another shortcut to expand factors to include all possible
# interactions (equivalent for this example):
rate ~ temp * species
## rate ~ temp * species

The model formula also has other nice features:

  • In-line functions can be used, e.g. to use the natural log of the temperature, we can use the formula rate ~ log(temp)

  • R has many functions that are useful inside formulas, e.g. poly(x, 3) adds linear, quadratic, and cubic terms for x to the model as main effects.

  • The period shortcut is available for data sets with many predictors. The period represents main effects for all of the columns that are not on the left-hand side of the tilde.

Use a two-way interaction model.

interaction_fit <- lm(rate ~ (temp + species)^2, data = crickets)

## Call:
## lm(formula = rate ~ (temp + species)^2, data = crickets)
## Coefficients:
##           (Intercept)                   temp       speciesO. niveus  
##               -11.041                  3.751                 -4.348  
## temp:speciesO. niveus  
##                -0.234

Now we will recompute the model without the interaction term to assess whether the interaction term is necessary using the anova() method.

main_effect_fit <- lm(rate ~ temp + species, data = crickets)

anova(main_effect_fit, interaction_fit)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: rate ~ temp + species
## Model 2: rate ~ (temp + species)^2
##   Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq     F Pr(>F)
## 1     28 89.350                          
## 2     27 85.074  1    4.2758 1.357 0.2542

This statistical test generates a p-value of 0.25, which implies that there is a lack of evidence against the null hypothesis that the interaction term is not needed by the model.

The summary() method can be used to inspect the coefficients, standard errors, and p-values of each model term.

## Call:
## lm(formula = rate ~ temp + species, data = crickets)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.0128 -1.1296 -0.3912  0.9650  3.7800 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       -7.21091    2.55094  -2.827  0.00858 ** 
## temp               3.60275    0.09729  37.032  < 2e-16 ***
## speciesO. niveus -10.06529    0.73526 -13.689 6.27e-14 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.786 on 28 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9896, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9888 
## F-statistic:  1331 on 2 and 28 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The chirp rate for each species increases by 3.6 chirps as the temperature increases by a single degree. This term shows strong statistical sifnificance as evidenced by the p-value. The species term has a value of -10.07, which indicates that, across all temperature values, O. niveus has a chirp rate that is about 10 fewer chirps per minute than O. exclamationis. The species effect is also associated with a very small p-value.

The only issue in this analysis is the intercept value that indicates that at 0 degrees Celsius, there are negative chirps per minute for both species. The data only goes as low as 17.2 degrees Celsius and therefore the conclusions should be limited to the observed temperature range.

If we needed to estimate the chirp rate at a temperature that was not observed in the experiment, we could use the predict() method, which takes the model object and a data frame of new values for prediction.

new_values <- data.frame(species = "O. exclamationis", temp = 15:20)
predict(main_effect_fit, new_values)
##        1        2        3        4        5        6 
## 46.83039 50.43314 54.03589 57.63865 61.24140 64.84415

R formula

The R model formula is used by many modeling packages and it usually serves multiple purposes:

  • The formula defines the columns that the model uses.

  • The standard R machinery uses the formula to encode the columns into an appropriate format, e.g. create indicator variables.

  • The roles of the columns are defined by the formula.

For example, the following formula indicates that there are two predictors and the model should contain their main effects and the two-way interactions.

rate ~ (temp + species)^2
## rate ~ (temp + species)^2


Notes from Debugging, condition handling, and defensive programming.

try() gives you the ability to continue execution even when an error occurs.

try_log <- function(x) {

## Error in log(x) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function

## [1] 10

tryCatch() is a general tool for handling conditions: in addition to errors, you can take different actions for warnings, messages, and interrupts.

show_condition <- function(code) {
    error = function(x) "error",
    warning = function(x) "warning",
    message = function(x) "message"

## [1] "error"
## [1] "error"
show_condition(stopifnot(2 + 2 == 5))
## [1] "error"
show_condition(stopifnot(4 + 1980 == 1984))
## [1] "warning"
## [1] "message"
## [1] 10

Measuring performance

Notes from Measuring performance.


A microbenchmark is a measurement of the performance of a very small piece of code, something that might take milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds to run.

x <- runif(100)
(lb <- bench::mark(
  x ^ 0.5
## # A tibble: 2 × 6
##   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 sqrt(x)    331.08ns 367.06ns  1460214.      848B     146.
## 2 x^0.5        2.08µs   2.24µs   439190.      848B       0

for versus map_int versus sapply.

my_num <- 1:10000
for_loop <- function(n){
  v <- vector(mode = "integer")
  for(i in n){
    v[i] <- i^2

(ms <- bench::mark(
  map_int(my_num, function(x) x^2),
  sapply(my_num, function(x) x^2)
## # A tibble: 3 × 6
##   expression                            min  median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr>                       <bch:tm> <bch:t>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 for_loop(my_num)                    2.1ms  2.17ms      447.    1.69MB    19.9 
## 2 map_int(my_num, function(x) x^2)   5.32ms  5.85ms      171.   47.97KB     6.35
## 3 sapply(my_num, function(x) x^2)    5.42ms  6.02ms      167.  367.85KB     6.33
  • min - The minimum execution time.
  • median - The sample median of execution time.
  • itr/sec - The estimated number of executions performed per second.
  • mem_alloc - Total amount of memory allocated by R while running the expression.
  • gc/sec - The number of garbage collections per second.
  • n_itr - Total number of iterations after filtering garbage collections (if filter_gc == TRUE).
  • n_gc - Total number of garbage collections performed over all iterations.
  • total_time - The total time to perform the benchmarks.
  • result - A list column of the object(s) returned by the evaluated expression(s).
  • memory - A list column with results from Rprofmem().
  • time - A list column of bench_time vectors for each evaluated expression.
  • gc - A list column with tibbles containing the level of garbage collection (0-2, columns) for each iteration (rows).

Use system.time to measure CPU time.

  x <- replicate(1000, for_loop(my_num))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   3.505   0.083   3.597
  y <- replicate(1000, map_int(my_num, function(x) x^2))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   5.697   0.031   5.740
  z <- replicate(1000, sapply(my_num, function(x) x^2))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   5.988   0.077   6.080
all.equal(x, y)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(x, z)
## [1] TRUE


Assign a data frame column NULL to delete it.

my_df <- data.frame(
  a = 1:3,
  b = 4:6,
  c = c(6, 6, 6)

my_df$c <- NULL

##   a b
## 1 1 4
## 2 2 5
## 3 3 6

Include an additional directory (/packages) to look for and install R packages.


Use identical to check whether two objects are exactly equal. Most times it should suffice to just use all.equal.

first <- 1:5
second <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# this is false because first is a vector of integers
# and second is a vector of numerics
identical(first, second)
## [1] FALSE
all.equal(first, second)
## [1] TRUE

Set scipen (default is 0), which is a penalty to be applied when deciding to print numeric values in fixed or exponential notation, to determine when to print in exponential notation. (.Options contains all other options settings.)

## [1] 1e+05
## [1] 100000

Use system.time() to measure how long a block of codes takes to execute.

  for (i in 1:100000000){}
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.488   0.001   1.492

The with function evaluates an expression with data.

my_df <- data.frame(
wanted <- with(my_df, a > 5 & c > 27)
my_df[wanted, ]
##     a  b  c
## 8   8 18 28
## 9   9 19 29
## 10 10 20 30

The which function is a very useful for returning indicates that are TRUE and works with matrices.

my_mat <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3, byrow = TRUE)

# note that the results are ordered by col
which(my_mat > 5, arr.ind = TRUE)
##      row col
## [1,]   3   1
## [2,]   3   2
## [3,]   2   3
## [4,]   3   3

The match function can be used with vectors to return the indexes of matching items and an NA is no match was found.

x <- c('b', 'c', 'a', 'd')
y <- letters[1:3]

match(x, y)
## [1]  2  3  1 NA

You can use match to subset and order a data frame.

my_df <- data.frame(
  a = 1:10,
  b = letters[1:10]

x <- c(2, 10, 5, 6)
x_match <- match(x, my_df$a)

my_df[x_match, ]
##     a b
## 2   2 b
## 10 10 j
## 5   5 e
## 6   6 f

Use the complete.cases function to list observations that have no missing values, i.e. NA values.

my_df <- data.frame(
  a = 1:3,
  b = c(4, NA, 6),
  c = 7:9


Use commandArgs to accept command line arguments without having to install an external package like optparse.

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)

Useful plots

Visualise a table.

mosaicplot(table(ChickWeight$Time, ChickWeight$Diet), main = "Timepoint versus diet")

Useful tips

A lot of R books are free to read; check out the bookdown page to see some of the best R books.

R has four special values:

  1. NA - used for representing missing data.
  2. NULL - represents not having a value and unlike NA, it is its own object and cannot be used in a vector.
  3. Inf/-Inf - used for representing numbers too big for R (see below).
  4. NaN - used for storing results that are not a number.

Check the .Machine variable to find out the numerical characteristics of the machine R is running on, such as the largest double or integer and the machine’s precision.

##                double.eps            double.neg.eps               double.xmin 
##              2.220446e-16              1.110223e-16             2.225074e-308 
##               double.xmax               double.base             double.digits 
##             1.797693e+308                         2                        53 
##           double.rounding              double.guard         double.ulp.digits 
##                         5                         0                       -52 
##     double.neg.ulp.digits           double.exponent            double.min.exp 
##                       -53                        11                     -1022 
##            double.max.exp               integer.max               sizeof.long 
##                      1024                2147483647                         8 
##           sizeof.longlong         sizeof.longdouble            sizeof.pointer 
##                         8                        16                         8 
##             sizeof.time_t            longdouble.eps        longdouble.neg.eps 
##                         8              1.084202e-19              5.421011e-20 
##         longdouble.digits       longdouble.rounding          longdouble.guard 
##                        64                         5                         0 
##     longdouble.ulp.digits longdouble.neg.ulp.digits       longdouble.exponent 
##                       -63                       -64                        15 
##        longdouble.min.exp        longdouble.max.exp 
##                    -16382                     16384

When asking for help online, it is useful to include a minimal example that includes some data specific to your question. To easily convert data into code, use the dput() function. The example below is just for illustrative purposes since the women dataset is included with R, so you would not need to generate code for it.

## structure(list(height = c(58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 
## 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72), weight = c(115, 117, 120, 123, 126, 
## 129, 132, 135, 139, 142, 146, 150, 154, 159, 164)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
## -15L))

Show all the functions of a package.

##  [1] "%>%"               "boundary"          "coll"             
##  [4] "fixed"             "fruit"             "invert_match"     
##  [7] "regex"             "sentences"         "str_c"            
## [10] "str_conv"          "str_count"         "str_detect"       
## [13] "str_dup"           "str_ends"          "str_equal"        
## [16] "str_escape"        "str_extract"       "str_extract_all"  
## [19] "str_flatten"       "str_flatten_comma" "str_glue"         
## [22] "str_glue_data"     "str_interp"        "str_length"       
## [25] "str_like"          "str_locate"        "str_locate_all"   
## [28] "str_match"         "str_match_all"     "str_order"        
## [31] "str_pad"           "str_rank"          "str_remove"       
## [34] "str_remove_all"    "str_replace"       "str_replace_all"  
## [37] "str_replace_na"    "str_sort"          "str_split"        
## [40] "str_split_1"       "str_split_fixed"   "str_split_i"      
## [43] "str_squish"        "str_starts"        "str_sub"          
## [46] "str_sub_all"       "str_sub<-"         "str_subset"       
## [49] "str_to_lower"      "str_to_sentence"   "str_to_title"     
## [52] "str_to_upper"      "str_trim"          "str_trunc"        
## [55] "str_unique"        "str_view"          "str_view_all"     
## [58] "str_which"         "str_width"         "str_wrap"         
## [61] "word"              "words"

Search is useful to list the search path, i.e. where R will look, for R objects such as functions.

##  [1] ".GlobalEnv"        "package:bench"     "package:modeldata"
##  [4] "package:lubridate" "package:forcats"   "package:stringr"  
##  [7] "package:dplyr"     "package:purrr"     "package:readr"    
## [10] "package:tidyr"     "package:tibble"    "package:ggplot2"  
## [13] "package:tidyverse" "package:stats"     "package:graphics" 
## [16] "package:grDevices" "package:utils"     "package:datasets" 
## [19] "package:methods"   "Autoloads"         "package:base"

Getting help

Get help on a class.


Get information on a package.


Finding out what methods are available for a class.

##  [1] add1           alias          anova          case.names     coerce        
##  [6] confint        cooks.distance deviance       dfbeta         dfbetas       
## [11] drop1          dummy.coef     effects        extractAIC     family        
## [16] formula        fortify        hatvalues      influence      initialize    
## [21] kappa          labels         logLik         model.frame    model.matrix  
## [26] nobs           plot           predict        print          proj          
## [31] qqnorm         qr             residuals      rstandard      rstudent      
## [36] show           simulate       slotsFromS3    summary        variable.names
## [41] vcov          
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

Search the help pages."cross tabulate")

Search for function containing keyword.

## [1] "mutate"       "mutate_"      "mutate_all"   "mutate_at"    "mutate_each" 
## [6] "mutate_each_" "mutate_if"


There are probably better ways to do the following, which is why I have labelled them as hacks, so follow at your own peril.


You can set/modify preprocessor options (for example include paths and definitions) for C/C++ files using a Makevars file. I had a problem installing the ranger package because R (my version is 4.3.0) sets the default C++ standard to C++11 and ranger requires C++14. I wrote this Bash snippet (I use a Bash script to install my packages) to overcome this problem.

if [[ ! -e ${makevars} ]]; then
   mkdir -p ${HOME}/.R
   touch ${makevars} && echo "CXX = g++ -std=gnu++14" >> ${makevars}
   rm ${makevars}
   if [[ $(grep -c "^CXX = g++ -std=gnu++14\b") == 0 ]]; then
      cp ${makevars} ${HOME}/.R/Makevars_bk
      echo "CXX = g++ -std=gnu++14" >> ${makevars}
      mv -f ${HOME}/.R/Makevars_bk ${makevars}

Library paths

Some R packages require libraries not included in the default library path. Use Sys.setenv to include additional library paths. First we’ll get the default path.

## [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/server"

Now we will add /usr/include to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and get the updated library path.

new_path <- paste0(Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), ":", "/usr/include")
Sys.setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = new_path)
## [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/server:/usr/include"

Variables and objects

Sometimes you want to create objects with values stored in variables. This can be achieved using assign().

my_varname <- 'one_to_ten'
my_values <- 1:10
assign(my_varname, my_values)

##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Likewise, sometimes you want to store an object’s name into a variable. This can be achieved using substitute (returns the parse tree for an unevaluated expression) and deparse (turns unevaluated expressions into character strings).

obj_to_string <- function(x){

my_obj_name <- 1984
my_var <- obj_to_string(my_obj_name)

## [1] "my_obj_name"

To evaluating a string, use parse (returns an unevaluated expression) with a text argument specifying the character vector and eval (evaluates an unevaluated expression).

eval(parse(text = my_var))
## [1] 1984

Session info

This README was generated by running with readme.Rmd.

## [1] "2023-08-03 04:04:26 UTC"

Session info.

## R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.10.0
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] bench_1.1.3     modeldata_1.1.0 lubridate_1.9.2 forcats_1.0.0  
##  [5] stringr_1.5.0   dplyr_1.1.2     purrr_1.0.1     readr_2.1.4    
##  [9] tidyr_1.3.0     tibble_3.2.1    ggplot2_3.4.2   tidyverse_2.0.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] utf8_1.2.3         generics_0.1.3     stringi_1.7.12     lattice_0.21-8    
##  [5] hms_1.1.3          digest_0.6.31      magrittr_2.0.3     evaluate_0.21     
##  [9] grid_4.3.0         timechange_0.2.0   RColorBrewer_1.1-3 fastmap_1.1.1     
## [13] Matrix_1.5-4       mgcv_1.8-42        fansi_1.0.4        scales_1.2.1      
## [17] cli_3.6.1          rlang_1.1.1        munsell_0.5.0      splines_4.3.0     
## [21] withr_2.5.0        yaml_2.3.7         ggbeeswarm_0.7.2   tools_4.3.0       
## [25] tzdb_0.4.0         colorspace_2.1-0   profmem_0.6.0      vctrs_0.6.3       
## [29] R6_2.5.1           lifecycle_1.0.3    vipor_0.4.5        beeswarm_0.4.0    
## [33] pkgconfig_2.0.3    pillar_1.9.0       gtable_0.3.3       glue_1.6.2        
## [37] highr_0.10         xfun_0.39          tidyselect_1.2.0   rstudioapi_0.14   
## [41] knitr_1.43         farver_2.1.1       htmltools_0.5.5    nlme_3.1-162      
## [45] rmarkdown_2.22     labeling_0.4.2     compiler_4.3.0


No releases published


No packages published