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Melange - CSS Utility Framework and Design System

Melanage is a CSS Utility library similar to Tailwind but more like Tachyons. Melange includes a design system, so you don't have infinite possibilities, just what you probably need for most things.


Use a CDN

Add this to the <head> section of your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet"

Download to Your Project

Use something like curl to download the file and save it to your project:

curl > melange.css


npm install --save melange-css


You don't find a class like button or btn. Instead, you'll find classes that are mnemonic for CSS properties and common values. One way to make a button is to use a a tag that has a larger horizontal padding as compared to its vertical, and a rounded border. Here's one way to do that:

<a href="#" class="ph-3 pv-2 ba br-3 tc">Click Me!</a>

Melange provides styles for many CSS properties, however it does not provide an infinite number of values for those properties. As such, there is no build step like TailwindCSS has.

Generative AI Declaration

  • All writing, including this README and the HTML content in melange-cli/src/html and docs, was created without assistance from a generative AI
  • Some aspects of the source code in melange-cli/src/js had non-creative assistance from GitHub CoPilot. Primarily, it auto-complete certain patterns that I then edited. It was not used to produce more than one line at a time.

Releasing Melange

  • Update versions in */package.json
  • Update version here
  • bin/setup (which will update package-lock.json)
  • bin/build
  • commit it all
  • npm publish it all