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Dave Walker edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 1 revision

About the Music Catalogue

Application Schematic
  • The Music Catalogue repository is intended to provide a catalogue for a private music collection
  • It supports the following functions:
    • Music catalogue collection browser (artists, albums and tracks)
    • A "wish list" of albums with the ability to move albums between the main catalogue and the wish list at will
    • Album search
    • External API integration for looking up new albums
    • An equipment register browser (equipment, equipment types, manufacturers)
    • A "wish list" of equipment with the ability to move items between the main register and the wish list at will
    • Data import from CSV format files
    • Data export as CSV or Excel workbooks
    • Reports and report export as CSV
  • It contains the following components:
Component Language Purpose
Entities C# Catalogue entities (albums, artists, tracks)
Data C# Database context and migrations for a SQLite database
Logic C# Business logic for browsing the data and external API integration
Console Tool C# Command line tool providing facilities based on the business logic
REST API C# Web API exposing the facilities provided by the business logic
GUI React.js Browser UI for catalogue browsing
  • NuGet packages are available for the entities, data and logic
  • Docker builds of the REST API and GUI are also available
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