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Publications database with a web front-end for displaying publications lists and editing database entries

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Repository files navigation

For installation instructions, see the file INSTALL.

This file gives info on various other administrative tasks

In general, it is assumed that your database is running on localhost
and that the name of the database is equal to $USER.
If not, you will have to make changes to the commands as appropriate.

Database backups

% Dump database:
% (you will need to enter your database password several times)

/bin/mv dump dump-bak
touch dump
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_items -c --no-owner $USER >> dump
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_cats -c --no-owner $USER >> dump
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_types -c --no-owner $USER >> dump
pg_dump -h localhost -t prism_downloads -c --no-owner $USER >> dump

Restoring from a database backup

% Restore database:
psql -h localhost $USER < dump

Database operations

% For various tasks that can/must be done manually

% Log in
psql -h localhost $USER

% List tables

% Table info
\d bib_items

% View table
SELECT * FROM bib_items;

% Add row
INSERT INTO bib_items (key, type, title) values ('KNP66', 'article', 'Case studies');
INSERT INTO bib_cats (name, cat_group, description) values ('realtime', 'project', 'Real-time Project Publications');

% Delete row
DELETE FROM bib_items WHERE key = 'Par66';

% Rename key
UPDATE bib_items SET key='Meh04' WHERE key='Meh05';

% Add column
ALTER TABLE bib_items ADD COLUMN new_column TEXT;

Database queries

SELECT key FROM bib_items WHERE (position('|prism|' in cats)>0 AND (filename IS NULL OR char_length(filename)=0));
SELECT key FROM bib_items WHERE (position('parker' in lower(author))>0 AND position('|dave|' in cats)=0);
SELECT key FROM bib_items WHERE (position('norman' in lower(author))>0 AND position('|gethin|' in cats)=0);
SELECT key FROM bib_items WHERE (position('kwiat' in lower(author))>0 AND position('|marta|' in cats)=0);

Other stuff

% Storing a copy of the database schema:
% (you will need to enter your database password several times)

/bin/mv schema schema-bak
touch schema
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_items --schema-only --no-owner $USER >> schema
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_cats --schema-only --no-owner $USER >> schema
pg_dump -h localhost -t bib_types --no-owner $USER >> schema


Publications database with a web front-end for displaying publications lists and editing database entries






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