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David Hunter edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 1 revision


Demo API that is responsible for aggregating data from a number of other APIs, and returning the full list of results. It's implemented in Mule4 / Studio7.


The following features are used in this project:


Configuration data -- the list of APIs to call for data -- is stored in an in-memory Derby database.


Mule4 changes the way that it works with Spring under the covers. The main reason is to decouple the version of Spring being used from the underlying Runtime implementation.

This means that using Spring objects/concepts has changed to a multi-step process:

  1. Import the Mule Spring Module in the POM
  2. Import the desired version of Spring in the POM, both in the dependencies section as well as in the build / plugins / plugin / mule-maven-plugin / configuration / sharedLibraries section.
  3. Create a Spring XML file
  4. Create a global Spring Config, pointing to that XML file


Because there are some Java classes here, the APIviz library is used to generate nicer JavaDoc documentation. This means that Graphviz must also be installed on the machine where JavaDoc is generated.

The JavaDoc generation is not happening at build time, so the build machine doesn't necessarily need to have Graphviz installed.

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