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Istvan DAVID edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 4 revisions

PROxIMA Modeler User Guide

Modeling the process

Modeling the type system

Modeling system characteristics



Aliases can be assigned in the following format:

modelName1: alias1; modelName2: alias2...

During execution the engine will check for attributes with modification intents and tries to locate them in the input models of the activity by the name of the attribute or a model-specific alias (referred by the name of the model).


  • READ: The activity uses the value of the attribute. It is assumed that the attribute is initialized.

  • MODIFY: The activity modifies the value of the attribute. Upon finishing the activity, the inconsistency manager service kicks in, queries the tool that was being used during the activity, updates the attribute in the process model and executes the checks of formulas in L3 relationships.

  • CHECK_PROPERTY: The activity enforces the execution of the inconsistency checks starting from the intended L3 relationship. The relationship must have a formula in this case.

  • EVAL: The activity evaluates the L3 relationship. The relationship must not have a formula in this case.


The following rules apply when modeling relationships/constraints.

  • L3: only undirected. Direction is defined by the formula which is required for the constraint.

  • L2: depricated.

  • L1: only between two attributes. Either both links are undirected or both are consistently directed (i.e. one in and one out of the constraint). If undirected, it is actually bi-directional and mapped to the two respective directed links.