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david sullivan edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 29 revisions


Fall 2021

Location: Monroe Hall 151
Hours: 9:30 – 12 MW

Instructor: David Sullivan
Office: Monroe Hall 151
Office Hours: Before or after my classes above, or by appointment


A basic understanding of computers and the Macintosh operating system (navigation, opening and saving files, etc.) as well as 2d image making fundamentals.


This course will explore how artists can use programming to help make art with computers that would be hard or impossible to do without it. The emphasis will be on creative coding, not a dry rundown of correct programming techniques. This opportunity should not only develop important skills in an increasingly computer dependent world, but also allow even greater opportunities for individual expression. This course will serve as an introduction to the use of computers in fine arts production. Emphasis is on both aesthetics and process. The following will be covered, though not necessarily in this order:\

  • Developments in technology
  • Computer creative coding systems: general interface characteristics as well as specific applications
  • Moving from concept to production to presentation
  • Exploring “Input and Output” possibilities
  • Conceptual Issues
  • Terminology


(Check assignment web page for details)\

In this project, you will program a generative or interactive application.
Application: Processing
Goals: Understanding of programming basics and terminology.

For this project, you will use the Unity game engine to create an interactive 2d or 3d scene.
Application: Unity
Goals: The use of Game Engines and programming to create art applications.

In this project, you will create generative visuals that react to various data inputs.
Application: Touchdesigner
Goals: Understanding of visual programming and the creation of media control systems.

This project will allow the student to explore their own ideas, utilizing the applications used in the course to create an interactive or generative installation, with inputs from various sensor devices and data sources.
Application: Those we have gone over above, as well as potentially many others.
Goals: Conceptualizing and producing an interactive installation. Become comfortable with getting different applications talking with each other.

Required Reading:

No text is required for this course. If there is anything I want you too read, I will provide it. Most technical info can be found online. If you have any questions, come to me.


You will need some kind of portable storage media (a usb drive.) to backup your work. Loyola also provides OneDrive cloud storage for all students. Use both! It is imperative that you keep all your work backed up ( in multiple locations!). To further help backup (and version) your work, I expect all students to create a account and backup your work for the class to that account.


This class will meet for 2 sessions per week. The class will run for approx. 2.5 hours. This will be a time for discussion, presentations, critiques, lecture, etc. as well as project work time. Due to the technical nature of much of this introductory material, attendance is expected at all classes. Class attendance and participation does not only affect your grade. You will benefit from the feedback, assistance and interaction with the instructor and your fellow classmates. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on any missed material outside of class time. Three absences are allowed and may be recorded in case of late arrival or leaving class early. Absences beyond this minimum will result in a reduction in the final grade by one-half a letter grade for each missed class beyond that allowed.


Class critiques are very important and will be held at the beginning of class on the due date of each project. If your assignment is not complete for the critique, your grade for that assignment will be lowered by one full letter for each day it is late. You are required to attend critiques even if your work is not complete. Critiques are not for my benefit. They are your best method to learn about art making – from your fellow art makers. You must be able to articulate your creative decisions and conclusions in regards to your own work, as well as discuss the work of others. Participation and attention is expected. Please be considerate of your classmates and give their work the same attention they give yours. NO SCREEN DEVICE USE OF ANY KIND NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE WORK.

Work Outside of Scheduled Classes:

Due to the amount of technical material, and the very process of creating, not all portfolio requirements can be met working only during class hours each week. Though much pre- and post-production can be done away from the computer, you will need to put in numerous hours on the computers. Access to the lab will be available during scheduled hours. I expect you to put in at least as much time out of class as you will in class each week. You MUST use this equipment to gain facility in making art with it. That takes time. Do not expect to achieve this without the hours required.

Late Work Policy:

I will set specific dates for each project presentation. There will be a critique on these dates. I will expect a finished product and presentation at this time. Any assignments not turned in at this time will be marked late., and the grade will be lowered one full letter grade for EACH DAY it is late.. An incomplete presentation will result in a reduced grade on the project even if present in the final portfolio. If a student has any emergencies or difficulties in completing an assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to notify me prior to that day. Under no circumstances will I accept the work if I have not been notified and arrangements made prior to that day.


There will be a mid-term grade that will be based on my assessment of your work to date. This grade is a progress report and will not be averaged into the final grade on the entire portfolio. Due to the variety of options this media presents, no specific project definitions can be set. You will, however, be provided a number of both specific and general project assignments to complete. Evaluation will involve meeting both aesthetic and technical standards to be outlined in the assignment handouts. Other factors will be taken into account, such as participation in critiques, presentation of finished projects, thoroughness and intensity of explorations of creative options, and mastery of processes. These will all be assessed based on your critique presentation and my observations of your efforts in and out of class.

Below is a sketch of how I utilize letter grades.

..Grade.. Expectations
A+ Exceeds Expectations in ALL areas.
A Range (90-100%) Conceptual: Concepts are engaging, thorough and coherent, showing original and creative thinking that moves beyond assignment requirements, Writing: Excellent writing and grammar skills that express ideas clearly and effectively.. Participation: Thoughtful comments on other’s work. Participates fully, taking a leadership role in discussion in class and on blackboard. Brings new ideas to class consistently. Listens to other’s views with respect. Attends class on time and turns in work on time.
B Range (80-89%). Conceptual: Complete assignments with some originality; Satisfies aims of the assignment well. Writing: Good writing and grammar skills. Writing is clear and ideas are organized. Participation: Participates fully in discussion. Attends class on time and turns in work on time. Participates on blackboard and engages with others’ ideas.
C Range (70-79%) Conceptual: Unoriginal or common sense thinking; doing only what is required; Writing: Unclear writing, grammatical errors, lack of thoroughness, does not meet goals of exercise, structural and technical problems. Participation: Inconsistencies in presentation of work and participation, or does not frequently participate. Attends class but minimally engages with others’ work.
D Range (60-69%) Falls below expectations in most areas. Inconsistencies, sloppiness, inaccuracies, errors, lack of effort.
F (below 60%) Fails to meet requirements of Assignment/Not turned in on time


I don’t use Canvas for much, but Assignment grades will be posted there. You MUST also check your Loyola email regularly, as this will be the main way for the university and I to get in touch with you outside of class.

Plagiarism and copyright:

All work turned in for this class must be yours created for this class alone. Previous assignments or “joint” assignments, completed for two classes, are not acceptable. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in a failing grade. Any copyrighted material used in your work should be released for your use, fall under fair use, or be open for creative use (such as Creative Commons) AND should be credited properly.

Potentially Helpful Campus Numbers:

A student with a disability that qualifies for accommodation should contact the Office of Disability Services on the web here or by phone (504) 865-2990

This is a list of numbers that you can use if there is an emergency or crisis situation in the lab or if you need assistance at other times.
University Police (UP), Campus Police Building, (504) 865-3434
Student Health Services 504.865.3326