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Trophy quiz

Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 6 18 09 PM (mobile UI)

Solve Quiz, and get Trophies!

  • ReactCancel changes
  • Recoil
  • Styled-component
  • react-testing-library

Getting started

  1. git clone
  2. cd trophy-quiz
  3. yarn install
    • yarn start
    • yarn test

Business logic

  • use Recoil to manage global state

Recoil State tree

  • src/state
    • QuizDifficulty : Select quiz difficulty to update queryDataState In LandingPage
    • QuizNumbers : Input quiz numbers(amount) to update queryDataState In LandingPage
    • QueryData : QueryData for axios request in initilaPropsState
    • InitialProps : get queryData, and request quiz data from server API by axios(if queryData was updated, initialPropsState was updated, too)
    • CurrentQuizIndex : index of current quiz in quiz datas(array)
    • SelectedAnswer : answer of current quiz, selected by user
    • QuizResults : after selecting answer, quiz result data(current quiz index, duration, corrent) was put in quizResults(quiz result array)

View logic

  • Component hierarchy : according to the Atomic design principle
    • Atoms : only html tag (with styled component)
    • Molucules : Reuseability was considered, two or more atoms
    • Organisms : Less reuseability. managing Recoil state like container components.
    • Pages : Page with Organisms

Orgnisms components in Atomic Design

  • TitleAnimation : In LandingPage, title and animation
  • QuizDifficulty : In LandingPage, select quiz difficulty
  • QuizNumbers : In LandingPage, input numbers of quiz
  • LandingFooter : has start button
  • Quiz : current quiz component, user can select an answer of 4 examples
  • QuizResult : render animation for result, after user select answer
  • QuizFooter : next or results button
  • TrophyNumbers : render numbers of trophy about numbers of correct quiz
  • Duration : all duration during solving quiz
  • ScoreChart : chart about numbers of correct and incorrect answers
  • ResultsFooter : start page button and retry button
  • OrganismShimmer : when async request is in loading, render shimmer page


Integration test with react testing library

Business Logic test list

Test for async InitialPropsState that requests quiz data from server

  • initialProps.test.tsx
    • when amount set as 3 and difficulty set as easy, in initialProps check amount and difficulty of response quiz data

View Logic test list

integration test for each pages(Landing, Quiz, Results)

  • LandingPage.test.tsx
    • when quiz numbers value was changed, it was rendered properly
    • when quiz difficulty value was changed, it was rendered properly
  • QuizPage.test.tsx
    • 4 examples of quiz were rendered
    • when page was rendered at first, button was disabled
    • when user selects answer, button will be enabled
  • ResultPage.test.tsx
    • duration of all quiz solving was rendered
    • numbers of correct and incorrect answer was rendered