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Simplified broadcast() for julia-0.5, sin.(n) now works, fixes #39
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davidavdav committed Oct 19, 2016
1 parent 6062a65 commit 749a1c5
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Showing 7 changed files with 83 additions and 82 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/constructors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,3 +67,7 @@ function NamedArray(T::DataType, dims::Int...)
a = Array(T, dims...)
NamedArray(a, tuple(names...), tuple(dimnames...))

if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev"

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tkelman Oct 27, 2016


what is the actual cutoff? should be more specific about this

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davidavdav Oct 27, 2016

Author Owner

I have no clue. Would v"0.5.0" be more specific?

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tkelman Oct 27, 2016


It depends what the consequences of not including the file (or taking the other branch if there were one) are. Would the package still pass its tests without it? If the package triggers a bug in Base, it could be necessary to bisect across Julia versions to identify what caused the bug.

Usually you can go to Compat and see exactly what version cutoffs correspond to each feature. This looks like

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davidavdav Oct 27, 2016

Author Owner

Thanks for figuring that out.

I am trying to keep the package pass it own tests for the latest julia-0.5 and julia-0.4. Sometimes there is certain behaviour in 0.5 that is different from 0.4, then I need these version branches. I don't know exactly when such a feature is introduced, but it will be hard to test the package for all version ranges that will result from specifying the cutoff in each case.

The point about the version branch is that it separates the julia-0.4 line from julia-0.5. I believe I use 0.5.0-dev because that is always bigger than anything in 0.4. Now that 0.5 is out, it can be upped to 0.5. I don't think this package will or should support versions julia-0.5-dev < 0.5.0, that is where the cutoff v"0.5.0-dev+2396 will be.

But to answer you question: I don't think there are any consequences of not including the file for 0.5-dev version of julia before 2396, besides that maybe the package will not pass its test, or even load correctly (I think the reason I had to opt for a conditional include is that the statement wouldn't parse in 0.4).

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tkelman Oct 27, 2016


I'm not suggesting that you test or expect the package to work at every single intermediate prerelease version of Julia, just think a bit about what each VERSION switch is actually testing for and try to be more specific since it doesn't take much work to be more accurate - there are several ways to get a build number for specific changes, I'm happy to help if you make it clear what each switch is supposed to be testing for.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/index.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ setindex!{T}(a::NamedArray{T}, x, i1::Real, i2::Real, i3::Real, i4::Real, i5::Re
# n[1:4] = 5
setindex!{T<:Real}(A::NamedArray, x, I::AbstractVector{T}) = setindex!(A.array, x, I)

# n[:] = m
setindex!(n::NamedArray, x, ::Colon) = setindex!(n.array, x, :)

# n[1:4] = 1:4
## shamelessly copied from array.jl
function setindex!{T}(A::NamedArray{T}, X::ArrayOrNamed{T}, I::Range{Int})
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75 changes: 23 additions & 52 deletions src/keepnames.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,74 +48,45 @@ function Base.vcat(N::NamedVector...)

## helper function for broadcast
function verify_names(a::NamedArray...)
nargs = length(a)
@assert nargs>1
bigi = indmax(map(length, a)) # find biggest dimension
big = a[bigi]
for i in setdiff(bigi, 1:nargs)
println("i ", i)
for d=1:ndims(a[i])
println("d ", d)
if size(a[i],d) > 1
@assert names(big,d) == names(a(i),d)
return bigi::Int, big

## broadcast
import Base.broadcast, Base.broadcast!
function broadcast(f::Function, a::NamedArray...)
## verify that the names are consistent
bigi, big = verify_names(a...)
arrays = map(x->x.array, a)
NamedArray(broadcast(f, arrays...), big.dicts, big.dimnames)

function broadcast!(f::Function, dest::NamedArray, a::NamedArray, b::NamedArray...)
ab = tuple(a, b...)
## verify that the names are consistent, we assume dest is the right size
bigi, big = verify_names(ab...)
arrays = map(x->x.array, ab)
broadcast!(f, dest.array, arrays...)
if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev"
Base.Broadcast.broadcast(f, n::NamedArray, As...) = broadcast!(f, similar(n, Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape(n, As...)), n, As...)
Base.Broadcast.broadcast_t(f, T, n::NamedArray, As...) = broadcast!(f, similar(n, T, Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape(n, As...)), n, As...)

## keep names intact
for f in (:sin, :cos, :tan, :sind, :cosd, :tand, :sinpi, :cospi, :sinh, :cosh, :tanh, :asin, :acos, :atan, :asind, :acosd, :sec, :csc, :cot, :secd, :cscd, :cotd, :asec, :acsc, :asecd, :acscd, :acotd, :sech, :csch, :coth, :asinh, :acosh, :atanh, :asech, :acsch, :acoth, :sinc, :cosc, :deg2rad, :log, :log2, :log10, :log1p, :exp, :exp2, :exp10, :expm1, :ceil, :floor, :trunc, :round, :abs, :abs2, :sign, :signbit, :sqrt, :isqrt, :cbrt, :erf, :erfc, :erfcx, :erfi, :dawson, :erfinv, :erfcinv, :real, :imag, :conj, :angle, :cis, :gamma, :lgamma, :digamma, :invdigamma, :trigamma, :airyai, :airyprime, :airyaiprime, :airybi, :airybiprime, :besselj0, :besselj1, :bessely0, :bessely1, :eta, :zeta)
eval(Expr(:import, :Base, f))
@eval ($f)(a::NamedArray) = NamedArray(($f)(a.array), a.dicts, a.dimnames)
if VERSION < v"0.5-dev"
for f in (:sin, :cos, :tan, :sind, :cosd, :tand, :sinpi, :cospi, :sinh, :cosh, :tanh, :asin, :acos, :atan, :asind, :acosd, :sec, :csc, :cot, :secd, :cscd, :cotd, :asec, :acsc, :asecd, :acscd, :acotd, :sech, :csch, :coth, :asinh, :acosh, :atanh, :asech, :acsch, :acoth, :sinc, :cosc, :deg2rad, :log, :log2, :log10, :log1p, :exp, :exp2, :exp10, :expm1, :ceil, :floor, :trunc, :round, :abs, :abs2, :sign, :signbit, :sqrt, :isqrt, :cbrt, :erf, :erfc, :erfcx, :erfi, :dawson, :erfinv, :erfcinv, :real, :imag, :conj, :angle, :cis, :gamma, :lgamma, :digamma, :invdigamma, :trigamma, :airyai, :airyprime, :airyaiprime, :airybi, :airybiprime, :besselj0, :besselj1, :bessely0, :bessely1, :eta, :zeta)
eval(Expr(:import, :Base, f))
@eval ($f)(a::NamedArray) = NamedArray(($f)(a.array), a.dicts, a.dimnames)

## reorder names
import Base: sort, sort!
function sort!(a::NamedVector; kws...)
i = sortperm(a.array; kws...)
newnames = names(a, 1)[i]
function sort!(v::NamedVector; kws...)
i = sortperm(v.array; kws...)
newnames = names(v, 1)[i]
for (ind, k) in enumerate(newnames)
a.dicts[1][k] = ind
v.dicts[1][k] = ind
a.array = a.array[i]
v.array = v.array[i]
return v

function sort(a::NamedVector; kws...)
return sort!(copy(a); kws...)
sort(v::NamedVector; kws...) = sort!(copy(v); kws...)

## Note: I can't think of a sensible way to define sort!(a::NamedArray, dim>1)

## drop name of sorted dimension, as each index along that dimension is sorted individually
function sort(a::NamedArray, dim::Integer; kws...)
if ndims(a)==1 && dim==1
return sort(a; kws...)
function sort(n::NamedArray, dim::Integer; kws...)
if ndims(n)==1 && dim==1
return sort(n; kws...)
n = names(a)
n[dim] = [string(i) for i in 1:size(a,dim)]
return NamedArray(sort(a.array, dim; kws...), tuple(n...), a.dimnames)
nms = names(n)
nms[dim] = [string(i) for i in 1:size(n, dim)]
return NamedArray(sort(n.array, dim; kws...), tuple(nms...), n.dimnames)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/namedarraytypes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ end
typealias NamedVector{T} NamedArray{T,1}
typealias NamedMatrix{T} NamedArray{T,2}
@compat typealias NamedVecOrMat{T} Union{NamedVector{T},NamedMatrix{T}}
@compat typealias ArrayOrNamed{T,N} Union{Array{T,N}, NamedArray{T,N}}
@compat typealias ArrayOrNamed{T,N} Union{Array{T,N}, NamedArray{T,N,Array}}

35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion test/index.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Base.indices
print("getindex, ")
## getindex
## Test Integer indices up to 5 dimensions, as well as CartesianIndexes
for i in 1:5
for i in 1:7
dims = fill(3, i)
n1 = NamedArray(rand(dims...))
for i in CartesianRange(tuple(dims...))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,3 +45,36 @@ for i in 1:2
@test names(n[:, bi], 2) == ["b", "d"]
bi = BitArray(bi)

m = copy(n)
print("setindex, ")
## setindex
m[1,1] = 0
m[2,:] = 1:4
m[:,"c"] = -1
m[1,[2,3]] = [10,20]
m["one", 4] = 5

@test m.array == [0. 10 20 5; 1 2 -1 4]
m2 = copy(m)
for i in eachindex(m)
m[i] = 2*m[i]
@test 2*(m2.array) == m.array

m[:B=>"c", :A=>"one"] = π
@test m[1,3] == Float64(π)
m[:] = n
@test m == n

m[:] = 1:8
@test m[:] == collect(1:8)

m = NamedArray(rand(Int, 10))
m[2:5] = -1
m[6:8] = 2:4
m[[1,9,10]] = 0:2
@test m == [0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]

n[] = π
@test n.array[] == Float64(π)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/names.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ end

setdimnames!(n, ("thing1", :thing2))
@test dimnames(n) == ["thing1", :thing2]
setdimnames!(n, ["magnificent", 7])
@test dimnames(n) == ["magnificent", 7]


Expand Down
44 changes: 16 additions & 28 deletions test/test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,33 +25,6 @@ copy!(m, n)
m = deepcopy(n)
@test m == n

print("setindex, ")
## setindex
m[1,1] = 0
m[2,:] = 1:4
m[:,"c"] = -1
m[1,[2,3]] = [10,20]
if VERSION < v"0.4-dev"
m["one", 4//1] = 5
m["one", 4] = 5
@test m.array == [0. 10 20 5; 1 2 -1 4]
if VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev"
m2 = copy(m)
for i in eachindex(m)
m[i] = 2*m[i]
@test 2*(m2.array) == m.array
m[:B=>"c", :A=>"one"] = π
@test m[1,3] == Float64(π)
m = NamedArray(rand(Int, 10))
m[2:5] = -1
m[6:8] = 2:4
m[[1,9,10]] = 0:2
@test m == [0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]

print("sum, ")
## sum
@test sum(n) == sum(n.array)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,9 +100,24 @@ print("broadcast, ")
@test broadcast(-, n, mean(n,1)).array == broadcast(-, n.array, mean(n.array,1))

print("vectorized, ")

## a selection of vectorized functions
for f in (:sin, :cos, :tan, :sinpi, :cospi, :sinh, :cosh, :tanh, :asin, :acos, :atan, :sinc, :cosc, :deg2rad, :log, :log2, :log10, :log1p, :exp, :exp2, :exp10, :expm1, :abs, :abs2, :sign, :sqrt, :erf, :erfc, :erfcx, :erfi, :dawson, :erfinv, :erfcinv, :gamma, :lgamma, :digamma, :invdigamma, :trigamma, :besselj0, :besselj1, :bessely0, :bessely1, :eta, :zeta)
@eval @test ($f)(n).array == ($f)(n.array)
if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev"
@eval @test ($f)(n).array == ($f)(n.array)
@eval begin
m = ($f).(n)
@test m.array == ($f).(n.array)
@test namesanddim(m) == namesanddim(n)
if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev"
v = n[1,:]
@test sin.(v).array == sin.(v.array)
@test namesanddim(sin.(v)) == namesanddim(v)

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