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Simplify setindex!, relying more on Base, and update Readme
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davidavdav committed Jun 21, 2018
1 parent 8e0f141 commit e43dbe2
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165 changes: 92 additions & 73 deletions
Expand Up @@ -26,12 +26,32 @@ Synopsis
using NamedArrays
n = NamedArray(rand(2,4))
@show n;

n = 2×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
10.833541 0.409606 0.203789 0.724494
20.458244 0.908721 0.808201 0.0580882

setnames!(n, ["one", "two"], 1) # give the names "one" and "two" to the rows (dimension 1)
n["one", 2:3]
n["two", :] = 11:14
n[Not("two"), :] = 4:7 # all rows but the one called "two"
sum(n, 1)
@show n;

n = 2×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
one │ 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
two │ 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0

@show sum(n, 1);

sum(n, 1) = 1×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
sum(A) │ 15.0 17.0 19.0 21.0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,17 +79,24 @@ The key-lookup for names is implemented by using `DataStructures.OrderedDict`s f
using DataStructures
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( OrderedDict("A"=>1, "B"=>2), OrderedDict("C"=>1, "D"=>2) ),
("Rows", "Cols"))
@show n;

n = 2×2 Named Array{Int64,2}
Rows ╲ Cols │ C D
A │ 1 3
B │ 2 4
This is the basic constructor for a namedarray. The second argument `names` must be a tuple of `OrderedDict`s whose range (the values) are exacly covering the range `1:size(a,dim)` for each dimension. The keys in the various dictionaries may be of mixed types, but after construction, the type of the names cannot be altered. The third argument `dimnames` is a tuple of the names of the dimensions themselves, and these names may be of any type.

### Vectors/tuples of names
### Vectors of names

# NamedArray{T,N}(a::AbstractArray{T,N}, names::NTuple{N,Vector}, dimnames::NTuple{N})
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] ), ("Rows", "Cols"))
# NamedArray{T,N}(a::AbstractArray{T,N}, names::NTuple{N,Vector})
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] ))
n = NamedArray([1, 2], ( ["A", "B"], )) # note the comma after ["A", "B"] to ensure evaluation as tuple
n = NamedArray([1, 2], ( ["a", "b"], )) # note the comma after ["a", "b"] to ensure evaluation as tuple
This is a more friendly version of the basic constructor, where the range of the dictionaries is automatically assigned the values `1:size(a, dim)` for the `names` in order. If `dimnames` is not specified, the default values will be used (`:A`, `:B`, etc.).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,10 +131,18 @@ dodgy[Name(1), Name(30)] == a[2, 3] ## true

n = NamedArray([1 2 3; 4 5 6], (["one", "two"], [:a, :b, :c]))
n["one", :a] == 1
n[:, :b] == [2, 5]
n["two", [1, 3]] == [4, 6]
n["one", [:a, :b]] == [1, 2]
@show n;

n = 2×3 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a :b :c
one │ 1 2 3
two │ 4 5 6

n["one", :a] == 1 ## true
n[:, :b] == [2, 5] ## true
n["two", [1, 3]] == [4, 6] ## true
n["one", [:a, :b]] == [1, 2] ## true

This is the main use of `NamedArrays`. Names (keys) and arrays of names can be specified as an index, and these can be mixed with other forms of indexing.
Expand All @@ -120,15 +155,17 @@ When a single element is selected by an index expression, a scalar value is retu

julia> n[:, :b] ## this expression drops the singleton dimensions, and hence the names
2-element Named Array{Int64,1}
@show n[:, :b]; ## this expression drops the singleton dimensions, and hence the names

n[:, :b] = 2-element Named Array{Int64,1}
A │
one │ 2
two │ 5

julia> n[["one"], [:a]] ## this expression keeps the names
1×1 Named Array{Int64,2}
@show n[["one"], [:a]]; ## this expression keeps the names

n[["one"], [:a]] = 1×1 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a
one │ 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,8 +199,9 @@ n[1, 1] = 0
n["one", :b] = 1
n[:, :c] = 101:102
n[:B=>:b, :A=>"two"] = 50
println(n) # ==>
2×3 Named Array{Int64,2}
@show(n) # ==>

n = 2×3 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a :b :c
one │ 0 1 101
Expand All @@ -173,74 +211,65 @@ two │ 4 50 102
General functions

* Names, dimnames
### Access to the names of the indices and dimensions

names(a::NamedArray, dim)
names(n::NamedArray) ## get all index names for all dimensions
names(n::NamedArray, dim::Integer) ## just for dimension `dim`
dimnames(n::NamedArray) ## the names of the dimensions

return the names of the indices along dimension `dim` and the names of the dimensions themselves.
@show names(n);
names(n) = Array{T,1} where T[String["one", "two"], Symbol[:a, :b, :c]]

setnames!(a::NamedArray, names::Vector, dim::Int)
setnames!(a::NamedArray, name, dim::Int, index:Int)
setdimnames!(a::NamedArray, name, dim:Int)
@show names(n, 1)
names(n, 1) = String["one", "two"]

sets all the names of dimension `dim`, or only the name at index `index`, or the name of the dimension `dim`.

* Copy

@show dimnames(n);
dimnames(n) = Symbol[:A, :B]

returns a copy of all the elements in a, and returns a NamedArray
### Setting the names after construction

* Convert
Because the type of the keys are encoded in the type of the `NamedArray`, you can only change the names of indices if they have the same type as before.

convert(::Type{Array}, a::NamedArray)
setnames!(n::NamedArray, names::Vector, dim::Integer)
setnames!(n::NamedArray, name, dim::Int, index:Integer)
setdimnames!(n::NamedArray, name, dim:Integer)

converts a NamedArray to an Array by dropping all name information
sets all the names of dimension `dim`, or only the name at index `index`, or the name of the dimension `dim`.

* Arithmetic:
- between NamedArray and NamedArray
- between NamedArray and Array
- between NamedArray and Number
- `+`, `-`, `.+`, `.-`, `.*`, `./`
- between NamedArray and Number
- `*`, `/`, `\`
- Matrix Multiplication `*` between NamedArray and NamedArray
### Copy

* `print`, `show`:
- basic printing, limited support for pretty-printing.

* `size`, `ndims`, `eltype`
returns a copy of all the elements in a, and copiess of the names, and returns a NamedArray

* Similar
### Convert

similar(a::NamedArray, t::DataType, dims::NTuple)
convert(::Type{Array}, a::NamedArray)

converts a NamedArray to an Array by dropping all name information. You can also directly access the underlying array using `n.array`, or use the accessor function `array(n)`.

Methods with special treatment of names / dimnames

* Concatenation
### Concatenation


concatenates (column) vectors to an array. If the names are identical
concatenates (column) vectors to an array. If the names are identical
for all vectors, these are retained in the results. Otherwise
the names are reinitialized to the default "1", "2", ...

* Transposition
### Transposition

' ## transpose post-fix operator '
Expand All @@ -250,9 +279,9 @@ permutedims

operate on the dimnames as well
operate on the dimnames as well

* Reordering of dimensions in NamedVectors
### Reordering of dimensions in NamedVectors

Expand All @@ -262,21 +291,21 @@ shuffle

operate on the names of the rows as well

operate on the names of the rows as well

* Broadcasts
### Broadcasts

These functions keep the names of the first argument

these functions check consistency of the names of dimensions `d` with `length(d)>1`, and performs the normal `broadcast`

* Aggregates
### Aggregates

Expand All @@ -287,20 +316,10 @@ mean

These functions, when operating along one dimension, keep the names in the orther dimensions, and name the left over singleton dimension as `$function($dimname)`.

These functions, when operating along one dimension, keep the names in the other dimensions, and name the left over singleton dimension as `$function($dimname)`.

## Further Development

Currently, the type is defined as

type NamedArray{T,N,AT,DT} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
dimnames::NTuple{N, Any}
The current goal is to reduce complexity of the implementation. Where possible, we want to use more of the `Base.AbstractArray` implementation.

but the inner constructor actually expects `NTuple`s for `dicts` and `dimnames`, which more easily allows somewhat stricter typechecking. This is sometimes a bit annoying, if you want to initialize a new NamedArray from known `dicts` and `dimnames`. You can use the expression `tuple(Vector...)` for that.
A longer term goal is to improve type stability, this might have a repercussion to the semantics of some operations.
27 changes: 9 additions & 18 deletions src/index.jl
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Base.IndexStyle(n::NamedArray) = IndexStyle(n.array)

## Ambiguity
#getindex(n::NamedArray{T, 1, AT, DT}, i::Int64) where {T, AT, DT} = getindex(n.array, i)
setindex!(n::NamedArray{T, 1, AT, DT}, v::Any, i::Int64) where {T, AT, DT} = setindex!(n.array, v, i)
#setindex!(n::NamedArray{T, 1, AT, DT}, v::Any, i::Int64) where {T, AT, DT} = setindex!(n.array, v, i)

function flattenednames(n::NamedArray)
L = length(n) # elements in array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function namedgetindex(n::NamedArray, index...; useview=false)
return NamedArray(a, tuple(newnames...), tuple(newdimnames...))

## work out n(:A => "1", :C => "5")
## work out n[:A => "1", :C => "5"]
function indices(n::NamedArray, I::Pair...)
dict = Dict{Any,Any}(I...)
Set(keys(dict)) Set(n.dimnames) || error("Dimension name mismatch")
Expand All @@ -138,22 +138,13 @@ getindex(n::NamedArray, I::Pair...) = getindex(n.array, indices(n, I...)...)
getindex(n::NamedVector, I::CartesianIndex{1}) = getindex(n.array, I)
getindex{T,N}(n::NamedArray{T,N}, I::CartesianIndex{N}) = getindex(n.array, I)

import Base.setindex!
## Setindex is remarkably more simple than getindex. I wonder why...

# n[:] = m
setindex!(n::NamedArray, x, ::Colon) = setindex!(n.array, x, :)

# n[1:4] = 1:4
## shamelessly copied from array.jl
function setindex!{T}(A::NamedArray{T}, X::ArrayOrNamed{T}, I::Range{Int})
if length(X) != length(I); error("argument dimensions must match"); end
copy!(A, first(I), X, 1, length(I))
return A
## This takes care of most cases
@inline function setindex!{T,N}(n::NamedArray{T,N}, x, I::Vararg{Any,N})
II = map((d,i)->indices(d, i), n.dicts, I)
setindex!(n.array, x, II...)

## This takes care of most other cases
@inline function setindex!{T,N}(A::NamedArray{T,N}, x, I::Vararg{Any,N})
II = map((d,i)->indices(d, i), A.dicts, I)
setindex!(A.array, x, II...)
@inline setindex!{T,N}(n::NamedArray{T,N}, x, I::Vararg{Pair,N}) = setindex!(n.array, x, indices(n, I...)...)
## assignment via n[:B => "two"] = [...]
@inline setindex!(n::NamedArray, x, I::Vararg{Pair}) = setindex!(n.array, x, indices(n, I...)...)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/keepnames.jl
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ if isdefined(Base.Broadcast, :broadcast_c)
return NamedArray{T, N, AT, typeof(tdicts)}(res, tdicts, tuple(dimnames...))

## reorder names
import Base: sort, sort!
function sort!(v::NamedVector; kws...)
Expand Down

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