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Combine svg files into one with <symbol> elements. Read more about this in CSS Tricks article. This plugin was built for Webpack 5. It takes some ideas from webpack-svgstore-plugin and gulp-svgstore.


Using npm:

npm i webpack-svgstore

Using yarn:

yarn add webpack-svgstore


1) Require the plugin in your webpack.config.js file

const SvgStore = require("webpack-svgstore");

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // create svgStore instance object
    new SvgStore({
      path: path.resolve(__dirname, "assets/svg/**/*.svg"),
      fileName: "svg-sprites.svg",
      prefix: "icon-",

2) Add the sprites loader in your code

import svgxhr from "webpack-svgstore/dist/helpers/svgxhr";


3) HTML code for using your icons


  <use xlink:href="#icon-name"></use>


  <use xlinkHref="#icon-name" />

Plugin Options

Name Type Default Description
path {String} /**/*.svg This option determines the path to the svg files that are going to be included in the sprites file.
fileName {String} svg-sprites.svg This option determines the name of the resulting sprites file.
inlineSvg {Boolean} false This option determines if the output should only contain the <svg> element without <?xml ?> and DOCTYPE to use inline.
removeViewBox {Boolean} false Allows removing the viewBox attribute from each element.
prefix {String} icon- This option determines the prefix of each symbol's id .


NPM package available here: webpack-svgstore

MIT © David Bergmann