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@davidcana davidcana tagged this 23 May 12:00
- Now exists expression returns true when the path expressions following its expression returns a value and it is not undefined. It is false when the path expression cannot locate an object or if it evaluates to undefined.
- Some exports added:
    - exports.I18nBundle
    - exports.expressionBuilder
    - exports.evaluateHelper
    - exports.ExpressionTokenizer
- Name of tags simplified. The new name of attributes are:
    - talCondition:     "data-condition"
    - talRepeat:        "data-repeat"
    - talAttributes:    "data-attributes"
    - talContent:       "data-content"
    - talDefine:        "data-define"
    - talOmitTag:       "data-omit-tag"
    - talReplace:       "data-replace"
    - talOnError:       "data-on-error"
    - metalDefineMacro: "data-define-macro"
    - metalUseMacro:    "data-use-macro"
    - metalDefineSlot:  "data-define-slot"
    - metalFillSlot:    "data-fill-slot"
    - i18nDomain:       "data-domain"
    - i18nLanguage:     "data-language"
Assets 2