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446 lines (293 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

446 lines (293 loc) · 11.4 KB


jQuery plugin for localizing dates and times via the datetime attribute of the HTML5 <time> element.


Client-side JavaScript is capable of localizing dates and times on web pages and in web applications. The HTML5 time element encapsulates date, time, and time zone information in an accessible manner, and its datetime attribute provides a useful hook for JavaScript localization.


Localization is not possible without sufficient data. In order for a <time> element to be localized, it must contain a datetime attribute, and this attribute's value must contain year, month, date, hours, minutes, and time zone offset. Seconds are optional, and may include a fractional component.

<time datetime="2010-11-12T13:14:15+00:00">12 November 2010</time>

If passed a <time> element without a datetime attribute, the current time is used.



Localize the elements in the provided jQuery object using the "default" settings.


Localize the elements in the provided jQuery object, favouring settings in the options hash over the "default" settings.


When passed a string (or function), the argument represents format. $('time').localize('yyyy/mm/dd') is shorthand for $('time').localize({format: 'yyyy/mm/dd'}).

$.localize(date, format)

Return date in the specified format. For convenience, date may be the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch rather than a Date object.


Return date in the format specified by $.localize.format. For convenience, date may be the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch rather than a Date object.


Return the current date in the specified format.


Return the current date in the format specified by $.localize.format.


The plugin's version number.


Settings can be specified by passing an options hash to $.fn.localize.

  abbrDays: 'Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat'.split(','),
  format: 'ddd o mmm yyyy'

In this case the provided options (abbrDays and format) will be used in place of the corresponding defaults.

The defaults (which are properties of $.localize) can be changed to avoid repetition.

$.localize.abbrDays = 'Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat'.split(',');
$.localize.format = 'ddd o mmm yyyy';
$.localize.periods = ['am', 'pm'];

$('.article-metadata time').localize();
$('.comment-metadata time').localize('h:MMa ddd o mmm yyyy');


Abbreviated day names.

Default: 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' ')


Abbreviated month names.

Default: 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' ')


Display format. See directives for more information.

Default: 'd mmmm yyyy'


Full day names.

Default: 'Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'.split(' ')


Full month names.

Default: 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split(' ')


The function called, with the localized date string as an argument, for each element in the jQuery collection. Within the function, this references the jQuery-wrapped <time> element.

If a format string contains HTML, a custom handler is necessary for it to be treated as such:

  format: '<span>%d %mmmm %yyyy</span> <span>%h.%MM\u2009%a</span>',
  handler: function (dateString) {

Default: function (dateString) { this.text(dateString) }


Ordinal dates (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).

Default: Function with returns '1st' given 1, '2nd' given 2, etc.



Default: ['AM', 'PM']


yy:   "Year in two digit form"
yyyy: "Year in full"
m:    "Month in numeric form"
mm:   "Month in numeric form, zero-padded"
mmm:  "Month name, abbreviated"
mmmm: "Month name"
d:    "Date"
dd:   "Date, zero-padded"
ddd:  "Day of the week, abbreviated"
dddd: "Day of the week"
o:    "Date in ordinal form (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)"
h:    "Hours in 12-hour time"
hh:   "Hours in 12-hour time, zero-padded"
H:    "Hours in 24-hour time"
HH:   "Hours in 24-hour time, zero-padded"
M:    "Minutes"
MM:   "Minutes, zero-padded"
s:    "Seconds"
ss:   "Seconds, zero-padded"
S:    "Seconds with zero-padded milliseconds"
SS:   "Seconds, zero-padded, with zero-padded milliseconds"
a:    "Period (AM/PM)"
Z:    "Time zone offset (e.g. +10:00)"

Implicit and explicit formatting

By default, all characters in a format string that can be matched to directives are replaced by the appropriate values. This keeps format strings short and readable.

Occasionally, one may wish to include literal characters which are normally treated as directives. One might expect .localize('o of mmmm') to result in "15th of March" or similar. Instead, it'll give "15th 15thf March".

Directives can be specified explicitly to disambiguate in such cases. All characters in a format string with one or more percent signs are treated as literals unless preceded by a percent sign. '%%' is output as "%".

.localize('%o of %mmmm') will produce the desired result.


Sane defaults are provided for displaying dates and times in English, but these aren't much help if a page's content is in Japanese or Icelandic. Thankfully, non-English languages work equally well.

$.localize.format = '%d de %mmmm de %yyyy';
$.localize.fullDays = 'domingo,lunes,martes,miércoles,jueves,viernes,sábado'.split(',');
$.localize.fullMonths = ['enero', 'febrero', 'marzo', 'abril', 'mayo',
                         'junio', 'julio', 'agosto', 'septiembre',
                         'octubre', 'noviembre', 'diciembre'];

Custom functions

While format is typically a string containing directives, it may instead be a function that takes a Date object (the local equivalent of the element's datetime string) and returns the text to be displayed.

Relative dates and times

One can create a custom function which returns relative dates and times ("30 seconds ago", "3 weeks from now", etc.).

$('time').localize(function () {
    s = 1, m = 60 * s, h = 60 * m, d = 24 * h,
    units = [s, m, h, d, 7 * d, 30 * d, 365 * d],
    names = 'second minute hour day week month year'.split(' '),
    round = Math.round;

  return function (date) {
      delta = round((date - new Date) / 1000) || -1,
      suffix = delta < 0 ? (delta = Math.abs(delta), 'ago') : 'from now',
      i = units.length, n, seconds;

    while (i--) {
      seconds = units[i];
      if (!i || delta > seconds) {
        n = round(delta / seconds);
        return [n, n === 1 ? names[i] : names[i] + 's', suffix].join(' ');



  • Make COLON optional in time-zone offset strings, in accordance with HTML 5.1.


  • Accept SPACE in place of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T in datetime attribute values, in accordance with HTML 5.1.


  • Restructured project. No code changes.


  • Removed escaped option in favour of a versatile handler option.

  • jQuery.localize may now be passed a Unix timestamp in place of a Date object.


  • Translated source to CoffeeScript, considerably improving its readability. When minified and gzipped, the resulting JavaScript file is only slightly larger than its hand-optimized predecessor.

  • Fixed a bug which caused jQuery.fn.localize to ignore certain options passed to it. aec2f34

  • Fixed a bug affecting format strings with more than one escaped percent sign. 65ac913


  • Optimized jQuery.localize.ordinals.


  • Changed the initial value of jQuery.localize.abbrDays for consistency with JavaScript's abbreviations.

    new Date('18 October 2011') // Tue Oct 18 2011 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)

    Tuesday and Thursday are now abbreviated as "Tue" and "Thu", respectively.


  • Exposed formatting function (formerly formatDate) as jQuery.localize.

  • Changed the API for updating settings. Settings are now properties of jQuery.localize and can thus be updated via assignment.

    // 0.6.0
    $.fn.localize('o mmm')
    // 0.7.0
    $.localize.format = 'o mmm'
  • Changed the way in which the version number is accessed.

    // 0.6.0
    // 0.7.0


  • Changed the API for updating settings. jQuery.fn.localize must now be invoked directly, rather than via $().localize. As a result, it's clear whether an invocation updates settings or acts upon a jQuery object.

    // 0.5.1
    $().localize('load', 'o mmm')
    // 0.6.0
    $.fn.localize('o mmm')
  • Changed the way in which the version number is accessed.

    // 0.5.1
    // 0.6.0


  • Optimized internal pad function.


  • Updated the test suite to have it run against as many versions of jQuery as is feasible.

  • Reduced the size of the minified code by more than 10%.


  • Improved the source code's readability.

  • Minor internal optimizations.


  • Changed the way in which the test suite creates time elements to have it run in Internet Explorer.


  • Enabled the use of "☺" in format strings!


  • Renamed char variable chr to appease Closure Compiler.


  • Only <time> elements are now localized. Previously, any element with a datetime attribute would be localized.

  • An element is no longer required to have a datetime attribute in order to be localized. If passed a <time> element without a datetime attribute, the current time is used.

    // 0.3.1
    $('<time>').localize().attr('datetime') === undefined
    // 0.3.2
    $('<time>').localize().attr('datetime') !== undefined


  • Added escaped setting to allow format strings to contain HTML.


  • Streamlined API by mapping custom functions to format rather than custom, removing the need for special treatment.

    // 0.2.0
    // 0.3.0


  • Added support for custom functions (and by extension relative dates and times).

  • Added support for time zones other than UTC in datetime strings.

  • Liberalized regular expression to accommodate datetime strings which include fractional seconds.

  • Added directives for seconds with milliseconds (S) and zero-padded seconds with milliseconds (SS).


Initial release.