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Provides a way to use certificate-based authentication in server-to-server interactions for google analytics

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The WidopGoogleAnalyticsBundle provides a way to use certificate-based authentication in server-to-server interactions for google analytics.

In other words, no user interaction will be required thanks to the ".p12" certificate and you will be able to automate your google analytics authentication and authorization processes as well as the way of querying the google analytics service.


The bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license here.


The bundle has a few dependencies:

  • Cache the token
  • Tests?

The bundle can be installed via composer (composer.json):

    "widop/google-analytics-bundle": "dev-master"

Enable the bundle(s) in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Widop\GoogleAnalyticsBundle\WidopGoogleAnalyticsBundle(),
        new Widop\HttpAdapterBundle\WidopHttpAdapterBundle(),
  • create a google app
  • enable the google analytics service
  • create a service account (on google app in the Tab "API Access", choose "Create client ID" and then "Service account")
  • get the mail which will represent the client_id and project_id in your config.yml (or simply copy them from google app: use "Email Adress" as your client_id and "Client ID" as your profile_id)
  • download the private key and put it somewhere on your server (for instance you can put it in app/bin/)

The WidopGoogleAnalyticsBundle can be configured quite easily, and of course you can change the configuration given your environment (dev, test, prod) :

# app/config/config_dev.yml
    private_key_file: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/bin/myPrivateKey.p12
    http_adapter: widop_http_adapter.curl

The client_id, profile_id and private_key_file parameters are mandatory while the http_adapter is optionnal. By default, this parameter is set to widop_http_adapter.curl. If you want to change the http adapter you can take a look at the WidopHttpAdapterBundle documentation.

The first service created by the WidopGoogleAnalyticsBundle is the client. It contains the previous configuration and is used to obtain an OAUTH2 access token.

To obtain it, simply:

// ...
// ...

If for some reason, you need to change the client configuration on the fly, you can still do it this way:

    $client = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics.client');
        ->setPrivateKeyFile(__DIR__ . '/bin/myPrivateKey.p12')

The second service created by the bundle is the widop_google_analytics. As its name indicates, it allows you to contact the google analytics service. You pass it your hand-made query and it'll do the job:

    $query = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics.query');
    // Do your stuff with the query
    $response = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics')->query($query);

The query object can be compared to the doctrine query builder, allowing you to easily contact the google analytics service. The query can be obtained either by getting it from the container (as a service), or by being instanciated.

    $query = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics.query');
    // Do your stuff with the query


    use Widop\GoogleAnalyticsBundle\Model\Query;

    $query = new Query();
    // Do your stuff with the query

Here is an example of what you can do with the query object:

    $query = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics.query');
        ->setIds('ga:XXXXXXXX')                              // Set your app id
        ->setDimensions(array('ga:eventLabel'))              // Set the dimensions to query
        ->setStartDate(new \DateTime('2012-01-01'))          // Set the start-date parameter
        ->setEndDate(new \DateTime())                        // Set the end-date parameter
        ->setMetrics(array('ga:uniqueEvents'))               // Set the metrics to query
        ->setFilters(array('ga:eventCategory==travelClick')) // Set the filters
        ->setSorts($query->getDimensions());                 // Set the sorting parameters

When querying the google analytics service, the ->query() method returns a Response object.

    $query = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics.query');
    // Do your stuff with the query
    $response = $this->container->get('widop_google_analytics')->query($query);
    foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) {
        // Do your stuff with $row

For the moment, the ->getRows() method of a response returns an array of raw arrays. Maybe it'll be turned into an object in the future.


Provides a way to use certificate-based authentication in server-to-server interactions for google analytics






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