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File metadata and controls

552 lines (395 loc) · 23.8 KB

Day 1 - Thu 19/4/18

6:20am - downloaded the repo from Udacity's github. Read through project notes and instructions. Now I'm reading through the project files in order to understand the following:

  • how the game works
  • what I need to do

How the game works


  • index.html: loads style and js - which handles most of the game
  • css/styles.css: place the game screen at the center of the page
  • js folder: handles all the game logic. It's the main actor. Has 3 files:
    • resources.js
    • engine.js
    • app.js


At the very beginning of the file, there is one object and two arrays that get declared.

The object is resourceCache{}. This is where the images, when loaded, store the URL so that when the game needs them again, it will return the images instead of reloading them.

The arrays are loading[] and readyCallBacks[]. In the latter go all the onReady callback functions that need to be executed when images are loaded.

Then, there is the public load(url) function used to load images. Its argument can be an array of url strings or a single one. Based on the situation:

  • if arg is arr-> for each url string in arr -> call the private _load(url) function
  • if arg is a single url string -> call the _load(urlOrArr) function, which means pass the same arg to it

When called, the private image loading _load(url) function works like this:

  • if the passed url is in the resourceCache[url] function -> return it (so that img is not loaded again)
  • else:
    • create new instance of Image()
    • when img is loaded
      • add it to the cache obj so that you don't need to load it again
      • call all the callback functions stored in the readyCallBack[] array
  • finally:
    • set initial cache value (url) as false, because it will change when img.onload() is called above
    • point img src attribute to the url passed

Having said that, the program has two more functions: isReady() and get(url).

The isReady() function checks whether the images have been loaded. Bades on the outcome, it returns either true or false.

The get(url) function, on the other hand, is placed for us to return images we know have already been loaded in the game.


In a few words, the game is just a continuous redrawing of the screen. Each time the state changes - for example, when the player or an enemy moves - the browser redraws the screen. This gives an illusion of animation, movemenet, but what we see are just images drawn over and over and over.

So first of all, the Engine makes the cavas' context obj available gloabally. This means we can access it in app.js

At the beginning, global vars are declared:

  • doc: grabs the document
  • win: refer to the window obj
  • canvas: creates and assigns a <canvas> element
  • ctx: uses the .getContext('2d') method to set set canvas as 2D.
  • lastTime: will stores last current time used to calculate delta time.

Then it sets the canvas dimensions and append it to the document.

At this point there is the main() function:

  • get current time
  • calculates delta time: the timeframe between current and last time
  • updates dt
  • renders game again

Then the init() function that:

  • resets (read: reset = restart) the game (our discretion to impelement it or not). It can be used for new game menu or the likes
  • sets lastTime to current time
  • calls main()

The update(dt) function:

  • calls the updateEntities(dt) based on delta time
  • (and maybe, depending on how we decide to handle it) calls a function to handle collisions

The updateEntities(dt) function: updates enemies and player position. This refers to player.update() and enemy.update(dt), two methods we need to implement.

The actual render() function. This contains an array, rowImages[] that stores all the images needed to draw the game screen. The interesting thing the images' index reflects the order by which they are drawn, later on, by the for loop of the same function. Before actually drawing, the canvas is cleared. Also, after the screen is loaded, enemies and players are rendered.

So to recap:

  1. load all the images we need
  2. at each game state change:
    • clear screen
    • draw screen
    • render entities Rinse and repeat.


Here's where we need to put our work. Read next section.

What I need to do

Taking info directly from the project details, there are three tasks to do:

  1. implement the Enemy class (constructor)
  2. implement the Player class
  3. initate Emeny and Player objs (instances/subclasses)

Enemy Class

For this, we need to complete what follows:

  1. Enemy function:

    • set the Enemy initial location
    • set the Enemy speed
  2. Update enemy method:

    • update the Enemy's location
    • handle collision with the Player

Player Class

For this, we need to implement our own Player class. This means to:

  1. create a Player function that initiates the Player by doing this:

    • load the Player img by setting this.sprite to the appropriate folder
    • set the Player initial location
  2. update the Player method:

    • update Player location
    • handle collision with Enemy
  3. implement the render method for the Enemy (hint: use code from Enemy.render())

  4. implement the handleInput method, that:

    • should receive user input (one of the allowedKeys)
    • and move the player according to said input:
      • L key->move left
      • R key->move right
      • U key->move up
      • D key->move down

Initiate Enemy and Player

Initiate Enemy and Player (create new objects - in other words: new instances of them) by doing this:

  • create new Player obj
  • create SEVERAL new Enemy obj and place them in an arr called allEnemie

11:59am - ok so now I have a better idea of how everything works. Need a plan, but one for every step.

So first I should start on the Enemy class.

Day 2 - Fri 20/4/18

6:33am - ok. Better do baby-steps. So, the first thing to handle is the Enemy function. In this function, I need to:

  1. set the enemy's initial location
  2. set the enmy speed

Let's start with number 1.

Enemy initial location

How can I set this thing? Mmm. What kind of info I have on it? Let's see. For the positions I set this.x=0 and this.y = 606, so that I can hope the enemy will render on top-left corner. Not sure about this, but if needed I can fix it.

Enemy speed

For the speed I checked what delta time is. Now it makes sense. In short: calcultes the seconds passed between the last game reframe and the actual state. Based on this I should handle speed.

Oh. Maybe for the speed, once I have the delta time, I can use setTimeout.

Hm no wait.

Enemies are out of our control, which means we can't move an enemy with arrow keys.

Enemy.prototype.update should do something like:

var newPosition = last checked position * delta time;
this.x = newPosition;

or even better

this.x = newPosition;
x += (x * delta time);

8:29am - I set enemy's update method as above. Not sure of that too. But it's ok, can fix it if need be.

I also set player vars, like I did with enemy.

Now I'm on player update method. This one should use handleInput because the state update depends on which key the player enters (the movement direction).

How stupid I am. I can use the Enemy render() code for this. It's written in the guidelines too. How could I not think about that?

9:02am - ok. Implemented Player update method. For the handleInput I tried to log the keys and works. The thing is: the protype is abstract. Need to remember that.

10:01am - I tried to initiate player and enemy, then allEnemies in the hope I could have at least a fine screen print. What happens is that the game starts a dangerous loop, player appears but enemies don't. This looping risks to freeze the browser. Clearly this is not how things should go.

Ok I commented out the update of enemies so now I can focus on the player alone. Loop happens anyway. Why?

Weird thing: if I set Player.speed = 1 (finite int) The game engine draws the screen without looping. But the problem is also that dt is still undefined. I should pass it from Engine to Enemy and Player so that entities can move. But how? Maybe call()?

11:07am - I passed dt successfully into handleInput. dt comes in as undefined, which means the new position is NaN, hence ctx can't draw char in new position. Why?

12:09am - after one hour I can't seem to make it work. I looked for call() but couldn't make it work that way too. It says Engine is unde77fined.

In enemy.update dt is a number, not undefined.

12:33pm - when I pass dt to update it's ok. The problem starts when I pass dt from dt to this.handleInput from within Player.prototype.update(dt); I think that using the this key inside the method makes it lose context. Because this should refer to Enemy, not the method.

In fact, when I remove the handleInput call from within update, it prints dt. The problem now is that this way Player.update() is called infinitely.

TODO: write down what happens in the program when player wants to move character

Day 3 - Sat 21/4/18

5:07am - ok, let's see what happens when player presses an arrow k, right for example.

So rk is pressed. event listner calls player.handleInput (the object we instantiate from its class). This calls back its class method (Player.prototype.handleInput), which takes the key pressed as argument. Based on the key pressed: HandleInput can tell the program in which direction to move.

Then, handleInput should tell update() said move so that update() can recalculate char position.

At this point, once there's a new position for the char, render() can rewrithe the char image in the newly calculated position.

But here's the thing: the dt parameter should then belong only to update. handleInput finds the movement direction (+x,-x,+y,-y) and tell it to update(). In handelInput I return said mov dir. Then I can call handleInput from whithin update.

5:53am - kind of ok. I set direction as global var in class scope, then recalled in handleInput, set it to key, returned and used in update.

The char moves to the right when k is pressed BUT it does it infinitely. Not just once. Update still runs in a continuous loop.

6:42am ok so if I avoid printing on the console the browser doesn't crash. So this is how the game works of course. It's just my laptop.

Ok so back at square one. Have game screen printed w/ only char. Char moves but doesn't stop

8:03am - now update is telling: move to the right by this much. This at each tick. So move move move move move...etc

9:48am - I created a workaround to stop movement. There is a problem though: movement is fluid, not step-by-step. The fact is my wa tells to move in that direction until keyUp is false.

The instruction to move should be a one-time thing.

That is "move to the right by [pixels] and then stop. You stop when you don't have speed. So speed should be 0 to tell this. But I set speed in handleInput, so

10:34am - for fruhstuck's sake, I had only to set speed to 0 right after the movement in update. :/

It was that simple.


12:11am - at this point I covered most requirements for player. I can move on to the enemy.

There are some things to do:

  • update enemy location (random between bounds)
  • randomize enemy speed: should be a random number between 0 and maxV (say, 200)
  • instantiate allEnemies
  • make sure to delete enemies from memory once they get out of bounds, so that memory frees up for new bugs to generate at next update. (this may be some complicated bu who cares).

But in order.

TODO: render enemy in fixed pos to test render. 12:49am - done. Also found enemy.y and enemy.x bounds

Should update enemy location so that is random. Oh and set enemy starting position offscreen. Like if 0 has enemy's ass on left screen border, then starting p should be somth like -100? Hmm. Tested it, so yeah somth in between 50 and 100. I went to 80.

So enemy's initial x is set off screen.

TODO: randomize enemy.x at each update so that it gets generate at a random row at each update. This will need adjustment to integrate with allEnmies, once I get there.

Day 4 - Sun 22/4/18

5:15am - continue from where I left yesterday.

TASKS: v- when enemy is offscreen, update its location v- update enemy location (random between bounds) v- randomize enemy speed: should be a random number between 0 and maxV (say, 200)

  • instantiate allEnemies
  • make sure to delete enemies from memory once they get out of bounds, so that memory frees up for new bugs to generate at next update. (this may be some complicated bu who cares).

TODO: when enemy is offscreen, reset its location.

5:28am - it was a matter of checking enemy.x value off-screen and put an if statement in update

TODO: update enemy location between random bounds. Mmm not a random n between max min. It should be one of upper, mid or lower row. One of these 3. How?

Well I can generate a random number between 1 and 3, then decide which row to generate the eneny based on that. Let's start with two rows. ... Enemies are generated BUT at each tick of the game. Should fix it. Enemy should be created let's say when one reaches second square. ... The same happens. Maybe is because I keep generating the same bug everytime. ... To make it work I set the check this.x when enemy is off-screen.

TODO: randomize enemy speed, to update when e is off-screen. Ok but randomize. So should be n between limits. min shoudn't be too low. Max ok. Let's see what I can find. ... Values I found for speed:

  • low->300
  • mid->400
  • high->500

So again, I can use the same three if statements to generate this speed. And it works.

For tomorrow.


  • instantiate allEnemies
  • make sure to delete enemies from memory once they get out of bounds, so that memory frees up for new bugs to generate at next update. (this may be some complicated bu who cares).

TODO: instantiate allEnemis. Things to consider:

  • there should be 3 enemy obj, one for each row.
  • when initiating allEnemies, should contain these 3 objs.
  • allEnemies has a forEach method on it that applies update on each obj. Do the current update method allows to be free of bugs?

Day 5 - Mon 23/4/18

5:12am TASKS v- instantiate allEnemies v- make sure to delete enemies from memory once they get out of bounds, so that memory frees up for new bugs to generate at next update. (this may be some complicated bu who cares). v- Vehicle-player collisions happen logically (not too early or too late) v- Vehicle-player collision resets the game

  • Something happens when player wins

TODO: instantiate allEnemis. Things to consider:

  • there should be 3 enemy obj, one for each row.
  • when initiating allEnemies, should contain these 3 objs.
  • allEnemies has a forEach method on it that applies update on each obj. Do the current update method allows to be free of bugs?

allEnemies. How do I go about generating allEnemies object, in a way that they get generated infinitely, w/o replacing the one currenty going on the road? ... By instantiating 3 enemy objs, and pushing them to allEnemies, the game engine goes on. It generates bugs each time one hits off-screen. Because I set their speed to be random, there's the illusion that game creates enemies all the time.

TODO: implement checkCollisions Hm. How should I check collisions? A collision happens when enemy and player are at the same location (i.e. same x,y coordinates). When this should happen? After each update, enemy and player are available globally, so I can handle this in the engine directly. Hence, if p and e have same xy coordinates, put p to starting location again. ... Hm. Not working. Probably it's considering the exact coordinate the problem. Let's try < and >.

[slept from 8 to 9:27am]

9:38am - found on MDN the rectangle approach to sprite collision. Let's test it first. ... Seems to work. So basically I set width and height for both player and enemy objs. Then, considered they are on x and y axes, I check that there is no gap between them. If that's true then a collision happened. And since the images have transparent border and height is greater that seeable height, I set a lower height than the real one, so that collisions happen at the right time.

Now when collisions happen I can put p to initial location. Yeah but checkCollision should return something. ... How stupid: I was only resetting player.x

TODO: something happen when player resets the game When player wins show win-modal. Modal:

  • message
  • restart button->triggers page refresh

In app.js I can build a function that handles modal display. Then I can add an event listener that triggers when restart button is clicked. So:

  • build modal
  • build modal fn
  • build modal evt listener


Day 6 - Tue 24/4/18

5:37am - before making the customization I need to regulate how winning happens, because now it's too late. ... Problem is not winning but collision happening too soon. ... Set height to from 50 to 40, width from 90 to 70: now game is more playable. Can start customization.

How can I customize it. Let's see:

  • change sprites based on theme
  • select char based on theme
  • give different char selection based on theme choosen
  • make score feature based on gems
  • give only 2 lives to start off.
  • when player hits ... Noticing I'm wasting some time thinking about what I can do. Hmmm. Before even thinking to make multiple theme, it's better to focus on one. So goal: customize game w/my theme. ... Theme: Mario. ... Wait. Learn from mistakes. No need for custom theme now. Don't go into royalty issues.

Let's implement additional features w/game assets for now. The rest can come later. It's not a game that'll make or break job. It's websites. So this is nice ok, but that's it. Add custom features but leave thme as it is.

[Features I can add: v lives <-

  • char selection
  • make it responsive
  • build production version]

Let's start, then let's see.

TODO: add lives feature. Player should start with 3 lives. Each time he hits a bug loses one. When lives finish-> game over

  • show 3 lives
  • lose 1 life at collision
  • if life === 0: gameover

TODO: show 3 lives. Steps. Show one life. How? I can use heart img.

Day 7 - Wed 25/4/18

[Features I can add: v lives <- v char selection

  • make it responsive
  • build production version]

TODO: v show 3 lives v lose 1 life at collision v if life === 0: gameover v add gameover screen Those hearts can go on bottom-left corner of screen. Use position: absolute.

6:23am - show lives on top of canvas. There is some blank space but that's due to canvas, not to game panel. Implemented life loss and gameover condition inside Enemy.isCollide(). Best guess because I'm already handling collision there so. ... Made life loss more OOP-oriented. Just created a method that handles it. Added heart els to Player. Called life loss method on collision w/enemy. ... Now I can handle the game over modal. So the opening of it can have transition. So modal screen has black background w/ white, blinking writing on it "Game over :( \n Press space bar to play again". Then add evt lstnr that when user clicks on spacebar, it triggers page reload (like I did for game win). TODO: v- add modal v- style it v- add transition to it v- trigger it in player.endGame() -> set gameover bool false. Run game when false. When game is over set bool to true, stop update a 500ms later transition to gameover modal. v- add evt lstnr for spacebar keydown: reload page v- center hearts

9:48am - next thing to handle is to add char selection feature. ... TODO: add char selection. Need to write down how to tell the program which character to use, based on selection. Not sure I understand how sprite load n' display works. Need to think about that.

Day 8 - Thu 26/4/18

5:15am - all sprites are loaded in Engine.js because it uses Resource.js helper functions to do that. So, as the game begins chars sprites are loaded in Engine->Resources.load() Then when game starts sprites are rendered by main()->render()->renderEntities()->player.render(). This:

Player.prototype.render = function (sprite) { ctx.drawImage(Resources.get(this.sprite), this.x, this.y); }

So player.sprite is just a string. We define it so we can easily pass it into Resource.get(url). Resource.get(url) will then look for this url in the cached resources arr and return the img if found. ctx.drawImage build on this by rendering the img on the screen.

So I can act on player.sprite. I can leave the defult BUT can surely change it.

Try: if click on girl, this.sprite = girl url Yeah it was that easy. ...It worked.

Next: add a button that on click closes player modal.

7:19am - how to use oop to render char based on what el clicked on modal?

8:12am - need to communicate selection to player.sprite player.sprite can be:

  • player.sprite.charBoy
  • player.sprite.charCatGirl while selection can return:

... Implemented it in the simplest way: assign sprite url based on charDOM selected. Like before. So I just wasted 1 hour. Learned: keep it simple. ... What I can do now is to extend selection to all available chars ...

TODO: fix bug: .selected gets added to container div too

11:27am - ok. So the problem was scope-related I guess. I solved it by storing all char els in var. Then I used it to loop through each char. For each char, when clicked add 'selected' class and remove it from other chars. ... TODO: make game responsive (in the limit of canvas) ... Done by putting max-width e regulating fonts dims with mediaqs

TODO: when reload page, save selection. Submit selection w/enter+btns ...

1:00pm - so:

  • save selection for next refresh v add enter to win and select char modals

TODO: save selection for next refresh Start w/char already w/selected class. ... Solved. Problem was that I had added 'selected' to char img, not cont+ainer. Next is to refactor, send to production and submit

TODO: v refactor JS v refactor CSS v refactor HTML v test production v fix default selection v retest production v if(ok): send to production v write v push v submit project

For some reason minified files are ctually bigger than original, plus they don't get in onestring. Check it tomorrow.

Day 9 - Fri 27/4/18

6:30am - Isolated uglify js in a separate task. Found the js min problem: uglify wasn't updated with es6 syntax, so installed new gulp-ugify-es and worked.

7:27 css min works too, prob was not specified complete path. TODO: complete min:js and min:css by including concatenation + sourcemaps in both

Day 10 - Sat 28/4/18

6:58am - solved gulp issues: used useref to concatenate + lazypipe to init sourcemaps on all the stream files. gulpIf + cleanCSS and uglify to minify CSS and JS. Build works.

TODO: fix def selection, because

  1. preselection is on wrong char
  2. when selecting another char, and game lose or win, preselct doesn't update

1 ... Apparently I can use localStorage to save selection. Selection is the character w/class 'selected'. localStorage can save data only as string. ...solved preselection. Used localStorage to save selected el's index. Then, at the beginning of js, I used an IIFE to get saved el's index and add 'selected' class to it.

TODO: modify start char btn conditions. ...Solved by storing sprite url at selection (if happens), then retrieve it in Player Class with an if/else conditinal:

  • if there's saved sprite url, use that
  • else, use default one

TODO: on game over modal, set reload on tap or spacebar. ...Trying to add both touch and keydown evt lstnr on same el. Done by using forEach on array with evtlstnr strings.

11:11am - project submitted. Waiting for review

Day 10 - Sat 30/4/18

6:24am - after review. Solved first issue with handle collision.

Second issue is to create parent class w/Enemy-Player common things

10:30am - only thing not working is render. On load, imgs are not rendered. player renders. But if I want to render enemy sprite, it tells me the img is of type undefined.

Can't believe it...The bug was in the url. I provided bug-enemy-png instead of enemy-bug.png

11:18am - submitted project w/corrections.