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5.x | Library structure

Davide Steduto edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 28 revisions
Package/Class/Interface Description
FastScroller Fast ScrollBar imported from the project LollipopContactsRecyclerViewFastScroller and specifically adapted for this library: it works in conjunction with FlexibleAnimatorAdapter.
It will be removed in favor of this handsome library MaterialScrollBar which provides easier way to setup it and lot more functionalities.
*FlexibleAdapter Front level of the Adapter. It's the core of the library. Provides all methods to manage the items. Holds the main list and the event interfaces.
Extends FlexibleAnimatorAdapter.
*FlexibleAnimatorAdapter Middle level of the Adapter. Provides methods to animate the items at the startup and during scroll action. For the moment, it holds static methods to compose the Animators, these methods will be moved in the Helper Class.
Extends SelectableAdapter.
*SelectableAdapter Lowest level of the Adapter. Provides selection functionalities and the FastScroller methods.
SmoothScrollLinearLayoutManager Enhanced LayoutManager that adds the AutoScroll behavior for expandable items. You should use this LayoutManager for the RecyclerView. For the moment, only Linear is supported.
ItemTouchHelperCallback Internal helper for Drag&Drop and Swipe functionalities. Holds internal interfaces for the Adapter. It is not completed yet: For swipeable items, it will support a childViewHolder to be displayed below the current ViewHolder during the swipe action. It will provides easy way to add such view.
*AbstractFlexibleItem Abstract implementation for basic items. Holds flags and view holder creation.
*AbstractExpandableItem Abstract implementation of expandable items. Holds an internal list for the subItems and the methods to manage it.
Extends AbstractFlexibleItem.
*AbstractSectionableItem Abstract implementation of header items. Holds the item reference to which it is attached to.
IExpandable Add expandable functionality to the item. The adapter will check if the item belongs to this interface in order to be expanded or collapsed.
IFlexibleItem Basic interface for any item, the Adapter relies on this interface to set and read the current item status. Also it provides methods to:
- Auto-map a view type
- Create and bind the ViewHolder of the item.
ISectionable Add header functionality to the item. The Adapter treats this item differently, the linked item inside is monitored and automatically adapted if this is removed or inserted. Still under analysis.
IAnimable Not yet analysed.
IFilterable Not yet analysed.
Utils Internal utils for the library.
Methods are declared public static.
*ExpandableViewHolder ViewHolder for expandable items, you should extend this class if you want an expandable item, to benefit of the already implemented methods.
Extends FlexibleViewHolder.
*FlexibleViewHolder Basic ViewHolder. It handles the 4 listeners: ItemClickListener ItemLongClickListener ItemMoveListener ItemSwipeListener and the activation of the view. Also, it provides complex logic for selection coherence.
You should extend this class if you want to benefit of the already implemented methods.

* = Abstract class

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