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5.x | Third party Layout Managers

jcuypers edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 1 revision


The IFlexibleLayoutManager interface will make any third party LayoutManager suitable for FlexibleAdapter. Suppose you have any XYZLayoutManager library imported, you create a new class by extending that XYZLayoutManager and implementing IFlexibleLayoutManager.

ℹ️ Note: If you use the internal SmoothScroller Layout Managers, those, already implement this interface.


⚠️ Warning: Some methods could be already implemented by XYZLayoutManager! If so, don't override them.

public class FlexibleXYZLayoutManager
       extends XYZLayoutManager
       implements IFlexibleLayoutManager {

    public int getOrientation() {
        return ...

    public int getSpanCount() {
        return ...

    public int findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() {
        return ...

    public int findFirstVisibleItemPosition() {
        return ...

    public int findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() {
        return ...

    public int findLastVisibleItemPosition() {
        return ...

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