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Usage (javascript)

Davide Icardi edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 1 revision

You have the following application structure:

- index.js
- foo.js
- bar.js

index is the main entry point of your application. Foo is a component (a class) that we want to instantiate inside index. Foo has a dependency to bar and to a logger.
Bar is another component and has a dependency to a logger.

A component is a standard node.js function (typically a class constructor). Here for example bar.js file that export Bar class:


function Bar(logger){
  this._logger = logger;
Bar.prototype.helloBar = function(){
  this._logger.log("hello from bar");
module.exports = Bar;

As you can see there isn't any special code or annotation. All you have to do is to export a function that will be called automatically with all the dependencies resolved, in the above case the logger instance.

Foo component is very similar except that it has a dependency to logger and bar:


function Foo(bar, logger){
  this._logger = logger;
  this._bar = bar;
Foo.prototype.helloFoo = function(){
  this._logger.log("hello from foo");
module.exports = Foo;

When Foo will be created an instance of class Bar will be passed. And now take a look at our application entry point, index.js, where we wire up all the components together:


var ShelfDependency = require("shelf-dependency");
var container = new ShelfDependency.Container();

container.register("foo", require("./foo.js"));
container.register("bar", require("./bar.js"));
container.register("logger", console);

var foo = container.resolve("foo");

Basically we create the ShelfDependency.Container and register all the components (Bar, Foo and an object for the logger). Finally we resolve our root class Foo.

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