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Releases: davidf628/pytex


07 May 17:45
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This release contains binaries for both Intel and ARM based Macintosh computers, along with Windows and Linux. The source code is available for download as well, but you will need Python 3 installed to run the code, and the earliest version I have run the code on is 3.11. You will need SciPy, NumPy, and SymPy libraries installed.

Unfortunately, for Mac and Windows users, you'll find warning messages when trying to run these binaries. The reason is because I am not a registered developer for either company (ie - I don't pay them money to create free software) and thus cannot "sign" my software to verify that I am a trusted developer. However, there are ways to get around these issues:

  1. In Windows you should be able to just click past any warning messages
  2. On Macs you need to run the following line:
    xattr -d pytex
    This will release the code signing requirement and will allow the program to run
  3. Run the program from source code