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BDDSampler: a uniform random sampler from BDD files in dddmp format.

BDDSampler is a software artifact of the paper:

R. Heradio, D. Fernandez-Amoros, J. Galindo, D. Benavides, and D. Batory, "Uniform and Scalable Sampling of Highly Configurable Systems", Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 27, no. 44, 2022.


The instructions for compiling are in the INSTALL.txt file.

This program generates random samples for a BDD according to the explanation given by Donald Knuth in section 7.1.4 of The Art of Computer Programming. First, all the nodes are decorated with probabilities, and then each random solution is obtained performing a random walk among the valid solutions using the probabilities.

The usage of the tool is very simple, just invoke it on the command line with two arguments; the size of the desired sample and the .dddmp file.

The results are shown in the standard output. Each solution is shown in one line. Each solution is a sequence of 0s and 1s, which correspond to the field .varnames in the dddmp file.

You can also use the "-names" option to display the products using variables names such as X, or not X.

This program uses dddmp file format version 3.0 and will not work with dddmp files of prior versions. The difference between versions 2.0 and 3.0 is the addition of the .varnames field.

A Python wrapper of BDDSampler

A Python wrapper of BDDSampler is available at