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David Fischer edited this page Oct 20, 2013 · 6 revisions


OSCIED can be fully operated and monitored via RESTful API calls for either create, read, update and delete actions (CRUD). There are different subclasses of the API that address different services and functionalities.

For a good example usage, please see the IBC 2013 demo client and fore more technical in-depth, the source file of the API, including the client and the server implementation.

  1. User API: Management of users that can access the platform (define users with different right levels; in the IBC13 version this is restricted only to ADMIN that can change everything from anybody and other users that can only change their own assets/tasks).
  2. Media API: Manage the files in the shared storage service (register or delete the media files and add/change the informations and metadatas of the assets in the database). The effective upload/download of media files is not yet handled by this API, currently replaced by a secure transfer with SCP.
  3. Environment API: Manage different environments which can be targets for deployments of the services / units / Workers. This can be a local setup or one in a specific cloud (the IBC2013 version only supports the list option).
  4. Transform Profile API: Manage the transformation profiles you have in your library (only add, read and delete profiles as update can potentially create conflicts in current encoding tasks) and ask what encoders exist.
  5. Transform Unit API: Check active transformation units and ask to deploy or remove units in the different environments (for example private cloud, MAAS setup, the Amazon cloud, ...).
  6. Transform Queue API: Ask what encoding queues exist.
  7. Transform Task API: Manage encoding/transcoding tasks (add a task by specifying options what the source file (input media asset), name of the output file (output media asset), which profile should be used, what descriptive metadata of the asset should be added to the database, specify to which queue the task is added).
  8. Publisher Unit API: Check active distribution units and ask to deploy or remove units in the different environments (for example private cloud, MAAS setup, the Amazon cloud, ...).
  9. Publisher Queue API: Ask what distribution queues exist.
  10. Publisher Task API: Publish assets on the distribution service allowing assets to be located in different available distribution nodes located either in the private or public clouds. You can specify task queues that place assets on specific distribution nodes or a task queue that places the asset on any of the available distribution nodes. You can also revoke assets from distribution service.
  11. Transform and publisher Callback API: Called by the workers when they finish their work.
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