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Releases: davidkreidler/OpenCO2_Sensor

v5.0 new Website inc History

02 Jul 21:56
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Connect the OpenCO2 Sensor to your home Wi-Fi via the Menu. Then Navigate to http://[IP]:9925 to view current values and an up to 24h history graph for CO2 (every 30 sec) and temperature / humidity (every 1.5 min).

Also enlarged Clock and moved Wi-Fi Symbol

Update WiFiManager tzapu/WiFiManager@v2.0.16-rc.2...v2.0.17

Full Changelog: v4.6...v5.0

v4.6 history graph and WiFi response time

25 Jun 22:32
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History graph

Go to Menu -> History to see up to 18h of CO2 or Temperature/Humidity measurements in a graph. Min/max/avg values will also be displayed. QR code order is inverted now for easier export.


WiFi response time

Improve Wi-Fi response time to 500ms by changing light sleep time and handling the response, before checking if a new CO2 measurement is available. Also added a new cleanup Menu function to refresh display on exit.

Also update README.MD and create MIT LICENSE

Full Changelog: v4.5.1...v4.6

v4.5.1 downgrade arduino-esp32 and WiFiManager

28 May 20:50
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Because of instabilstes / connection issues these two libraries needed to be downgraded again:

arduino-esp32 espressif/arduino-esp32@2.0.13...2.0.16
WiFiManager tzapu/WiFiManager@v2.0.16-rc.2...v2.0.17

v4.5 change Fonts; under the hood refactoring; update libraries

05 May 21:52
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Change between 3 fonts (bahn, gotham, nothing) via Menu -> Display -> Font


  • move Menu code into epd_abstraction file
  • cleanup same variables

Updated libraries
arduino-esp32 espressif/arduino-esp32@2.0.13...2.0.16

Adafruit_BusIO adafruit/Adafruit_BusIO@1.15.0...1.16.0
Sensirion Arduino Core Library Sensirion/arduino-core@0.6.0...0.7.1
WiFiManager tzapu/WiFiManager@v2.0.16-rc.2...v2.0.17

Full Changelog: v4.4...v4.5

v4.4 Menu: change Language and Invert Display

27 Mar 00:20
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  • Change Language, Fahrenheit/Celsius and invert the display via new option: Menu -> Display
  • Updates via USB mass storage. Just Drag and drop "FIRMWARE.BIN" from now on via your PC (USB MSC update)
  • 4.2" epaper menu bugfixes

Update from now on by connecting the OpenCO2 Sensor via a data USB-C Cable (not included) to your PC.
Then copy "FIRMWARE.BIN" onto it via the File Explorer (just like using an USB-Stick).

Update from an older release:
Download "FIRMWARE.BIN" from the latest release. Enable Wi-Fi via the Menu button, in an area where no previously known network is active. Connect power. Then connect your PC/Smartphone to the WiFi Network "OpenCO2 Sensor" and navigate to . Select the "FIRMWARE.BIN" file and click Update. The Sensor will restart.

Full Changelog: v4.3...v4.4

v4.3 Holiday Update

25 Dec 17:16
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New Easter Egg: Santa mode
Menu improvement: register button press while display is updated
WiFi Hostname in home network is now OpenCO2-SensorXYZ

Full Changelog: v4.2...v4.3

v4.2 UI update & LED Menu

14 Nov 17:59
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LED Menu
Choose the LED state on Battery and on USB Power separately.
Choose the Brightness in 5 steps.
Choose the Color scheme
1=current smooth scale
2=green until 600ppm, light green until 800ppm, orange until 1000ppm, dark orange until 1500ppm, red until 2000ppm and magenta above.

UI Update: Clock, Info, Wi-Fi bring up and German translation
Wi-Fi onboarding improvements: Show a QR code to first quickly connect to the OpenCO2 Sensor. Afterwards when OpenCO2 Sensor is connected to a home Wi-Fi, a QR code with the IP and Port is displayed.

New Menu point "Info": displaying mac Address, SCD4X Serial number, ESP32 Core temperature, up-time, Software Version, Battery Voltages and if connected to Wi-Fi: signal strength and IP.

New on Wi-Fi: Display the Berlin NTP time.

Optional: German translation

Full Changelog: v4.1...v4.2

v4.1 Minor Menu Bugfixes

24 Sep 22:12
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fix Menu Bugs like:

  • correct exiting (after 20 sec)
  • missed button presses
  • exit rainbow mode via button press



v4.0 Menu including Wi-Fi

28 Aug 23:33
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What's Changed

  • Wi-Fi via a new menu & update README
  • Menu to choose between LED, Rainbow, Calibrate, History and Wi-Fi. Open the Menu via Button press and choose option via long press.
  • Enable Wi-Fi via the menu when the OpenCO2 Sensor is plugged in. A Wi-Fi network named 'OpenCO2 Sensor' will be enabled. Connect to it and navigate to . From there type in your home network credentials or OTA the Sensor.
  • Update README
    by @davidkreidler in #11

Full Changelog: v3.3...v4.0

v3.3 QR code display the CO2 values over last 24h

29 Jul 17:13
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** QR code display the CO2 values over last 24h**
Press the button for 5+ seconds to show a QR code containing each the co2 values over the span of 1h. Up to 24 QR codes will be stored. Measurements are only stored and displayed in battery mode.

function parameter cleanup

Full Changelog: v3.2...v3.3

Library Updates:
WiFiManager v2.0.16-rc.2
arduino-esp32 v2.0.11