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davidvanr21 edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 6 revisions

Hi there!

This wiki contains my process of the Tech Track I followed from October 19th till November 27th. It is a 6-week project with 3 different type of code we practise: Functional Programming, Frontend Data and Frontend Applications. This 6 weeks for me were all about learning, learning and learning. I only knew some things about HTML/CSS, but didn't have any clue about JavaScript, D3, JSX, ES6, React, GitHub, the terminal and everything else. I've had some tough weeks learning all this methods and I'm still not done, but they were very interesting and useful for future projects. I think it's very powerful to have some fronsende skills as a visual designer. Because I did visual work mostly my entire life, this world was very unknown for me and it's awesome to dive in to this world and see all the possibilities within the code-area.

Alright. Talked to much here, but now you know some more about where I came from. Let's now dive into my work from the past 6 weeks.


There is a beautiful custom side-bar on the right that shows you the different parts of my project. In Project you will see the development of my entire project. This contains the debrief, some sketches, concepting and more. In Process you will see the process I've made the entire time on learning code and you can read my logbook.
