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improved and worsened rendering
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davidwhogg committed Nov 11, 2012
1 parent 46ad38d commit 72b75ce
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 18 deletions.
60 changes: 42 additions & 18 deletions code/
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ def __init__(self, N, whiteplastic=False):
self.N = N
self.stickers = np.array([np.tile(i, (self.N, self.N)) for i in range(6)])
self.stickercolors = ["w", "#ffcf00", "#00008f", "#009f0f", "#ff6f00", "#cf0000"]
self.stickeralpha = 1.0
self.stickerthickness = 0.001 # sticker thickness in units of total cube size
self.stickerwidth = 0.9 # sticker size relative to cubie size (must be < 1)
if whiteplastic:
self.plasticcolor = "#dfdfdf"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +194,10 @@ def _render_points(self, points, viewpoint):
def render_views(self, ax):
Make three projected 3-dimensional views of the cube for the
`render()` function.
`render()` function. Because of zorder / occulting issues,
this code is very brittle; it will not work for all viewpoints
(the `, viewpoint)` test is not general; the corect
test involves the "handedness" of the projected polygon).
csz = 2. / self.N
x2 = 8.
Expand All @@ -202,39 +206,59 @@ def render_views(self, ax):
(np.array([x1, x1, x2]), np.array([0.5, 3.])),
(np.array([x2, x1, -x1]), np.array([2.5, 3.]))]:
for f, i in self.facedict.items():
xdir = self.xdirs[i]
zdir = self.normals[i]
if, viewpoint) < 0:
xdir = self.xdirs[i]
ydir = np.cross(zdir, xdir) # insanity: left-handed!
psc = 1. - 2. * self.stickerthickness
corners = [psc * zdir - psc * xdir - psc * ydir,
psc * zdir + psc * xdir - psc * ydir,
psc * zdir + psc * xdir + psc * ydir,
psc * zdir - psc * xdir + psc * ydir]
projects = self._render_points(corners, viewpoint)
xys = [p[0:2] + shift for p in projects]
zorder = np.mean([p[2] for p in projects])
ax.add_artist(Polygon(xys, ec="none", fc=self.plasticcolor))
for j in range(self.N):
for k in range(self.N):
corners = [zdir - xdir + (j + 0) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + 0) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + 1) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + 0) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + 1) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + 1) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + 0) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + 1) * csz * ydir]
corners = self._stickerpolygon(xdir, ydir, zdir, csz, j, k)
projects = self._render_points(corners, viewpoint)
xys = [p[0:2] + shift for p in projects]
zorder = np.mean([p[2] for p in projects])
ax.add_artist(Polygon(xys, ec=self.plasticcolor, fc=self.stickercolors[self.stickers[i, j, k]],
alpha=self.stickeralpha, zorder=zorder))
ax.add_artist(Polygon(xys, ec="none", fc=self.stickercolors[self.stickers[i, j, k]]))
x0, y0, zorder = self._render_points([1.5 * self.normals[i], ], viewpoint)[0]
ax.text(x0 + shift[0], y0 + shift[1], f, color=self.labelcolor,
ha="center", va="center", rotation=20, zorder=zorder, fontsize=self.fontsize / (-zorder))
ha="center", va="center", rotation=20, fontsize=self.fontsize / (-zorder))
return None

def _stickerpolygon(self, xdir, ydir, zdir, csz, j, k):
small = 0.5 * (1. - self.stickerwidth)
large = 1. - small
return [zdir - xdir + (j + small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + small + small) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + small + small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + small) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + large - small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + small) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + large) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + small + small) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + large) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + large - small) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + large - small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + large) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + small + small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + large) * csz * ydir,
zdir - xdir + (j + small) * csz * xdir - ydir + (k + large - small) * csz * ydir]

def render_flat(self, ax):
Make an unwrapped, flat view of the cube for the `render()`
function. This is a map, not a view really. It does not
properly render the plastic and stickers.
for f, i in self.facedict.items():
x0, y0 = self.pltpos[i]
cs = 1. / self.N
for j in range(self.N):
for k in range(self.N):
ax.add_artist(Rectangle((x0 + j * cs, y0 + k * cs), cs, cs, ec=self.plasticcolor,
fc=self.stickercolors[self.stickers[i, j, k]], alpha=self.stickeralpha, zorder=1.))
fc=self.stickercolors[self.stickers[i, j, k]], alpha=self.stickeralpha))
ax.text(x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5, f, color=self.labelcolor,
ha="center", va="center", rotation=20, fontsize=self.fontsize, zorder=2.)
ha="center", va="center", rotation=20, fontsize=self.fontsize)
return None

def render(self, flat=True, views=True):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,13 +341,13 @@ def checkerboard(cube):
Functional testing.
c = Cube(6, whiteplastic=False)
c = Cube(3, whiteplastic=False)
c.turn("U", 1)
c.move("U", 0, -1)
swap_off_diagonal(c, "R", 2, 1)
# swap_off_diagonal(c, "R", 2, 1)
c.move("U", 0, 1)
swap_off_diagonal(c, "R", 3, 2)
# swap_off_diagonal(c, "R", 3, 2)
# checkerboard(c)
for m in range(32):
c.render(flat=False).savefig("test%02d.pdf" % m)

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