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Avahi and CUPS user setup on Entware ng

Dave Purdy edited this page Feb 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

This information is take from and from an issue posted in Entware-ng.

Due to some bugs in TomatoUSB, and also due to the lack of the usual 'user' structure, I had to add the following to my startup script. On TomatoUSB, could be in the Admin>Scripts section, or in the USB: Run Before Mounting section:

sed -i -e '/^root:/s/:0:0:99999:7:0:0:$/:17048:0:99999:7:::/' /etc/shadow
echo "nogroup:x:114:nobody:" >> /etc/group
echo "nobody:*:114:114:avahi:/opt/sbin/avahi-daemon:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd

The first line is for CUPS to be able to function, and the next two lines are for an avahi user.

Keep in mind that this varies by firmware. Note also that Optware required a different user to be added.

YMMV, google and research for your own solution, if needed. If you need a more secure solution, find it and implement it.