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This module provides functions, mixins, and style sheets for a set of classes called themes. These classes use CSS properties to define the primary colors of a website in terms of their role.

For more details, refer to the full documentation.


When installing from npm, make sure to include node_modules in your SASS_PATH to resolve dependencies. sass-themes depends on other sass libraries and needs to know where to find them.

npm install sass-themes


Define themes using the create mixin. All themes take a $text and $background color, and optionally a $brand color.

@use 'sass-themes';

body, .light {
  // using keyword arguments
  @include sass-themes.create(
    $tx: #111,
    $bg: white,
    $br: royalblue

This outputs CSS properties for use in theme classes. These properties are defined using the scss-properties library so that they can be manipulated later.

The following sample output is simplified for readability, with the actual output shown in comments.

body, .light {
  --light-theme:      1;                                          // 1 if text color is darker than background, else 0
  --dark-theme:       0;                                          // opposite --light-theme
  --theme-tx:         #111;                                       // hsla(var(--theme-tx-h), var(--theme-tx-s), var(--theme-tx-l), var(--theme-tx-a));
  --theme-bg:         white;                                      // hsla(var(--theme-bg-h), var(--theme-bg-s), var(--theme-bg-l), var(--theme-bg-a));
  --theme-br:         royalblue                                   // hsla(var(--theme-br-h), var(--theme-br-s), var(--theme-br-l), var(--theme-br-a));
  --button-text:      if($brand and not $light-theme, $text, $bg) // hsla(var(--button-text-h), var(--button-text-s), var(--button-text-l), var(--button-text-a));
  --button-bg:        $brand or $text                             // hsla(var(--button-bg-h), var(--button-bg-s), var(--button-bg-l), var(--button-bg-a));
  --theme-tx--light:  #{scss-properties.mix(                      // rgba(calc((var(--theme-tx-r) * (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))) + (var(--theme-bg-r) * (1 - (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))))),
                        --theme-tx,                               //      calc((var(--theme-tx-g) * (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))) + (var(--theme-bg-g) * (1 - (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))))),
                        --theme-bg,                               //      calc((var(--theme-tx-b) * (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))) + (var(--theme-bg-b) * (1 - (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))))),
                        '(0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))'     //      calc((var(--theme-tx-a) * (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))) + (var(--theme-bg-a) * (1 - (0.58 + (0.18 * var(--theme-dark)))))));

  color:              var(--theme-tx);
  background-color:   var(--theme-bg);
  border-color:       var(--theme-tx);


The accessibility mixin checks the color contrast ratios against the WCAG standards. It throws a warning when the provided colors do not meet the standard.

@use 'sass-themes';

@include sass-themes.accessibility($text: #111, $bg: white, $brand: blue, $accessibility: 'AA');

The create mixin calls this mixin automatically using your theme colors. You can set it's accessibility standard using the accessibility keyword for each theme. Or you can set it globally when importing this library.

@use 'sass-themes' with ($accessibility: 'AAA');

$accessibility can be either 'AA', 'AAA', or false to turn off the warnings. It defaults to AA.

Keyword aliases

The $text, $background, and $brand keywords have a number of aliases:

  • $text: text, text-color, --theme-text
  • $background: background, bg, background-color, --theme-bg
  • $brand: brand, brand-color, --theme-brand

These aliases can be used as alternate keyword arguments. You can also pass a map of keywords as the only argument.

.dark {
  // using a map of keyword arguments
  @include sass-themes.create((
    --theme-tx:   white;
    --theme-bg:     #111;
    --theme-br:  royalblue;

You can even pass a map that defines multiple theme class names and their colors all at once:

@include sass-themes.create((
  // using a map of class names and keyword arguments
  'light': (
      text-color:       #111,
      background-color: white,
      brand-color:      royalblue ),
  'dark': (
      text-color:       white,
      background-color: #111,
      brand-color:      royalblue )));

Additional options

The behavior of the create mixin can be tweaked using optional flags, which cannot be passed as positional arguments; they must be specified using keywords or a map argument.

// controls the default value for how base styles are included
@use 'sass-themes' with ($base-styles: false);

body, .light {
  @include sass-themes.create(
    $tx: #111,
    $bg: white,
    $br: royalblue,
    $styles: 'extend' // or 'include', false

Working with themes

You create classes that inherit theme colors by referencing the CSS properties created by the create mixin:

.button {
    color: var(--theme-br);

These properties are used to style the colors of an element and all of it's children. This allows an element to be styled according to a given theme by either inheritance...

<div class="light">
  <a class="button" href="/foo">Theme Button</a>

...or direct assignment.

<a class="light button" href="/foo">Theme Button</a>

This allows you to style elements within a theme differently without extra markup.

<div class="light">
  <p>I am the color set by the light theme.</p>
  <p class="dark">I'm the color set by the dark theme!</p>

Style sheets

Default theme subclasses are defined in the styles directory, and can be imported with some configurable variables, all at once or individually.

// import all styles with optional default overrides
@use 'sass-themes/styles' with ($btn-hover-mix: 50%);

// importing individual styles
@use 'sass-themes/styles/base';
@use 'sass-themes/styles/text';

Tailwind CSS

This package exports a plugin for integrating with Tailwind CSS via require('sass-themes/tailwind'). This adds theme-tx, theme-bg, and theme-br colors to your Tailwind CSS theme, which use the corresponding CSS property.

sass-themes still requires a Sass build step in order to create the theme classes that these Tailwind colors depend on. You may not want to import certain (or any) theme subclasses when using Tailwind; consider only importing the mixins and utility functions.


The structure of partials in the package looks like this:

├── _index.scss
├── _mixins.scss
├── _utils.scss
└── styles
    ├── _index.scss
    ├── _base.scss
    ├── _bg.scss
    ├── _borders.scss
    ├── _buttons.scss
    ├── _svg.scss
    ├── _text.scss
    └── _theme.scss