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Native JS Cookie Bar with many options

How run script

<script src="" defer></script>
    window.cookieBarRun = function () {
        var args = {
            link: '/polityka-prywatnosci',
            link_blank: true,
            accept: 'Ok :)',
            more: 'Więcej informacji',
            text: 'Ta strona wykorzystuje pliki cookies',
            css: {
                parent: 'cookie_bar--right',

        return args;

Available arguments

  link: false,
  link_blank: false, // bool 
  accept: 'Accept', // string
  reload_after_accept: false, // bool
  delay_show: 500, // int (ms)
  accept_id: 'js-cookie_bar--accept', // string (unique)
  more: 'More', // string
  text: 'This site uses cookies.', // string
  cookie: {
      name: 'cookie_bar', // string
      expires: 356, // int
  css: {
      file: '', // string or false
      parent: '', // string
      text: '', // string
      button: '', // string
      button_accept: '', // string
      button_more: '', // string
      animate: 'cookie_bar--animate', // string
  style: {
      bg: false, // string (hex)
      color: false // string (hex)
  animation_speed: 400, // int
  html: '<div class="cookie_bar__inner"##style.inner##><div class="cookie_bar__left"><span class="cookie_bar__text ##css.text##">##text##</span></div><div class="cookie_bar__right">##right_side##</div></div>',

Custom event

If the cookiebar is accepted, javascript will launch event cookieBarAccepted. You can connect to it and execute scripts. For example, adding google analytics. :)


window.addEventListener('cookieBarAccepted', () => {
        var gaScript = document.createElement('script');
        gaScript.src = '';
        gaScript.setAttribute('async', '');


        var gaScript2 = document.createElement('script');
        gaScript2.text = "window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'UA-xxx-2');";
    }, false);