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0.3: Add option for creating a git repo (named same as the python fil…
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Dayo Adewunmi committed Aug 21, 2012
1 parent 5f36b69 commit f036d1b
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 67 deletions.
245 changes: 178 additions & 67 deletions public/pytemplate
@@ -1,84 +1,195 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# title : pytemplate
#description : This will create a template python file.
#description : This will create a template python file, and optionally
# create a git repo for it.
#author : Dayo Adewunmi
#date : 20120303
#version : 0.1
#date : 20120821
#version : 0.3
#usage : python pytemplate
#notes :
#python_version : 2.6.6

# Import the modules needed to run the script.
import ConfigParser
from optparse import OptionParser
from os.path import exists
from time import strftime
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys

# Prompt user to input filename of the python file
filename = raw_input("Enter a filename for your python file: ")

# Replace spaces in the filename with underscore.
filename = filename.replace(' ', '_')

# Check to see if the filename already exists.
# If it already exists, prompt user for a new filename.
while exists(filename):
print "\nA file with this name already exists."
filename = raw_input("\nEnter a different filename for your python file: ")

# Prompt user to input python file description
filedescription = raw_input("Enter a description for your python file: ")

# Prompt user to enter their name
author = raw_input("Enter your name: ")

# Prompt user to enter their name
authoremail = raw_input("Enter your email address: ")

# Prompt user to enter the python file's version number
fileversion = raw_input("Enter the python file's version number: ")

# Prompt user to enter the python file's licensing information
licensinginfo = raw_input("Enter the python file's licensing information: ")

# Some cosmetics for the formatting
div = '======================================='

# Create a file that can be written to.
pythonfile = open(filename, 'w')

# Auto-set the date in the file's header
filedate = strftime("%Y%m%d")

# Write the provided data to the file.
pythonfile.write('#!/usr/bin/env python')
pythonfile.write('\n# Filename\t\t: ' + filename)
pythonfile.write('\n# Description\t\t: ' + filedescription)
pythonfile.write('\n# Author\t\t\t: ' + author)
pythonfile.write('\n# Email:\t\t\t: ' + authoremail)
pythonfile.write('\n# Date\t\t\t: ' + filedate)
pythonfile.write('\n# Version\t\t\t: ' + fileversion)
pythonfile.write('\n# Licensing\t\t: ' + licensinginfo)
pythonfile.write('\n# Usage\t\t\t: ')
pythonfile.write('\n# Notes\t\t\t: ')
# Get python version
pythonversion = sys.version # This will spit out a bunch of other info, so slice it
pythonfile.write('\n# Python version\t: %s' %str((pythonversion[:5])))
pythonfile.write('\n#' + div * 2 + '\n')

# Close the file after writing to it.

# Clear the screen. This line of code will not work on Windows, but what does?

def select_editor():
'''Open the file with whatever editor set in $EDITOR environment var.'''
myeditor = os.environ["EDITOR"] + " %s" % filename
def setConfig():
""" Prompt for configuration options. """
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

# Prompt for filename of the python file
filename = raw_input("Enter a filename for your python file: ")

# Replace spaces in the filename with underscore.
filename = filename.replace(' ', '_')

# Check to see if the filename already exists.
# If it already exists, prompt for a new filename.
while exists(filename):
print "\nA file with this name already exists."
filename = raw_input("\nEnter a different filename for your python file: ")

# Prompt for python file description
filedescription = raw_input("Enter a description for your python file: ")

# Prompt for the python file's version number
fileversion = raw_input("Enter the python file's version number: ")

# Auto-set the date in the file's header
filedate = strftime("%Y%m%d")


config.set("file", "description", filedescription)

config.set("file", "fileversion", fileversion)
config.set("file", "date", filedate)

# Prompt for author name
author = raw_input("Enter your name: ")

# Prompt for author email address
authoremail = raw_input("Enter your email address: ")

config.set("author", "author", author)
config.set("author", "email", authoremail)

# Prompt python file's licensing information
licensinginfo = raw_input("Enter the python file's licensing information: ")

config.set("license", "license", licensinginfo)

# Get Python version
pythonversion = sys.version[:5] # This will spit out a bunch of other info, so slice it

print "python_version:%s" %(pythonversion)
config.set("python_version", "python_version", pythonversion)

# Write it all to config file
with open('/home/dayo/.pytemplate.conf', 'wb') as configfile:

return config

def readConfig(repo=0):
""" Read configuration from config file and write to python file."""

# Get config
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'/home/dayo/.pytemplate.conf')

# Prompt for filename of the python file
filename = raw_input("Enter a filename for your python file: ")

destdir = os.getcwd()

# If requested, first create the git repo and point the path
# to the repo's ./public directory.
if repo:
reponame = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
destdir = createGitRepo(reponame)

# Open python file with pre-configured header
pyfile = os.path.abspath(destdir) + "/" + filename
pyfileObj = open(pyfile, "w")

# Shebang line
pyfileObj.write('#!/usr/bin/env python')

pyfileObj.write('# filename: ')

pyfileObj.write('# description: ')
# Prompt for python file description in case user wants to override.
filedescription = raw_input("Enter a description for your python file: ")
# If user does not want to override, take description from config.
if filedescription == '':
pyfileObj.write(config.get("file", "description"))

pyfileObj.write('# fileversion: ')
# Prompt for the python file's version number in case user wants to override.
fileversion = raw_input("Enter the python file's version number: ")
# If user does not want to override, take file version from config.
if fileversion == '':
pyfileObj.write(config.get("file", "fileversion"))

pyfileObj.write('# date: ')
pyfileObj.write(config.get("file", "date"))
pyfileObj.write('# author: ')
pyfileObj.write(config.get("author", "author"))
pyfileObj.write('# email: ')
pyfileObj.write(config.get("author", "email"))
pyfileObj.write('# license: ')
pyfileObj.write(config.get("license", "license"))
pyfileObj.write('# python version: ')
pyfileObj.write(config.get("python_version", "python_version"))


myeditor = os.environ["EDITOR"] + " %s" %pyfile

def createGitRepo(justpyfilename):
""" Create a git repo for the python file with the same name as the python file. """

repoPath = os.path.abspath(justpyfilename)["mkdir", repoPath])["mkdir", repoPath + "/public"])["mkdir", repoPath + "/doc"])["touch", repoPath + "/doc/README"])

repoPublicPath = repoPath + "/public"

return repoPublicPath

def main():
# Command line parameters
usage = "Usage: %prog [options] arg"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-f", "--from-file", dest="from_file", action="store_true", help="read from configuration file")
parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config_file", help="configure pytemplate")
parser.add_option("-g", "--git-repo", dest="git_repo", action="store_true", help="create a git repo for this file")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# If user wants to configure pytemplate
if options.config_file:

# If user wants to use options from config file
if options.from_file:
# If user also wants a git repo created for the python file
if options.git_repo:

if __name__ == "__main__":

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