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Findr - helicarrier

A global phone directory. You can search for anyone's phone number so long it has been added to the database.

Features that can be added to Findr
  • Users can create and add phone numbers from their contact list onto the application either for global or private viewing.
  • Users can select and export phone contacts to their contact list.
  • Users can select claim and select visibility status of their contact

Solution to Filtering data by input or filters

To add the feature of search and filtering content to be displayed, I used the array.filter method and applied the .includes(query). Optimizing this code to apply to every column I created an array for keys which i filled with the name of each of each column to be search excluding the phoneNumber and id column const keys =["fullName", "status", "Country"] then used the array method .some on the keys array while looping through the initial array (array[key]) .

code snippet

          (value) =>
            keys.some((key) => value[key].toLowerCase().includes(query)) ||
            //searched for the phoneNumber seperately as .toLowerCase() does not apply to numbers

Code Can be found in client/src/components/Filter.jsx Ln 23-27

Solution to grouping by key

To solve the issue of grouping data by a certain key, I created a reusable function that takes in the array that needs to be grouped and returns a new array containing the keys (group) and their properties (children).

code snippet

export const groupBy = (value) => {
let data = value.reduce((acc, val) => {
// get date of current element
let group = val.createdAt;
// if the property does not exist in the accumulator we create it
if (!acc[group]) acc[group] = { group, children: [val] };
// if it does push the current element to children array
else acc[group].children.push(val);
// return accumulator
return acc;
}, {});

//To get an array of values
// we use Object.values on the new array
return Object.values(data);

Code Can be found in client/src/helpers/index.js Ln 3-18

Tech Stack

Client: React, TailwindCSS, Apollo-Client, graphql

Server: Node, Express, graphql, express-graphql

Run Locally

Clone the project

Go to the project directory

cd into client and install dependencies

  cd client
  npm install

cd into server and install dependencies

  cd ../server
  npm install

Start the project by running the following command while in the server directory

  npm run dev