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This project uses multiple image captures to compute relevant camera parameters and AR tags poses. All captures are assumed to by made with the same camera, and all AR tags are assumed to be the same size.

Capture parameters are computed and saved as map. New captures can be localized against that map. A saved map can also be updated or extended with more captures.

Currently there is only basic 2D visualization of results.


Generate AR tags

The ar_gen tool can generate multiple PNG files containing a set of Aruco tags. The images can be imported into a Google doc and then be printed out on 8.5x11 paper with 100% scaling. The Aruco_4x4_50 dictionary should produce 50 unique tags that are placed in a 2x3 grid on 9 images.

ros2 run ar_slam ar_gen

Generate Map

Compute a map from from a bunch of images of AR tags from different angles.

At least two AR tags should be visible in a single image. Captures should have overlapping tags produce a connected graph of captures and AR tags. The tool will automatically produce the output file /tmp/map.yaml

ros2 launch ar_slam

Use a CLI tool to make ROS2 service call for slam stack to process certain files from disk. Multiple calls can be used to incrementally build up map.

ros2 run ar_slam load_images_client img1.jpg img2.jpg ...


With a known map, a new capture can be localized aganist the existing map.

ros2 run ar_slam ar_loc /tmp/map.yaml ar_slam/resources/images/img4.jpg


Generate Map

In this example 3 captures of 6 different AR tags are used to make a map. The images used for the example are located in the directory ar_slam/resources/images.

demo.launch has been hard-coded to run the ar_slam ROS container. It will then invoke a service call that requests 3 images to be processed : img1.jpg, img2.jpg, and img3.jpg;

ros2 launch ar_slam

While SLAM is running, it will produce a debugging GUI window showing the results before and after optimization is run for each capture.

When demo is complete, it will automatically exit after a timeout and save "map.yaml" to the /tmp directory.


A forth image is localized against the saved map. The image is modified so one AR-tag is partially occluded and is not detected.

ros2 run ar_slam ar_loc /tmp/map.yaml images/img4.jpg

For each capture two debug screens are shown. The first shows the projected outlines before optimization is performed. The second screen shows results after optimization.

Debugging output showing annotated positions pre-optimization

Debugging output showing annotated positions post-optimization

When localizing, a debug GUI shows where the tags were detected and projected after localizing Tags that were not detected will be outlined in yellow.

  • magenta : Aruco detections in capture
  • cyan : projected AR-tags based on map and localized capture pose (for detected tags)
  • yellow : projected AR-tags based on map and localized capture pose (for undetected tags)


The application leverages ROS2, Ceres, and OpenCV. Most of the different components are implemented as ROS2 components. The components form a data pipeline line with the following stages:

  1. Load: Loads JPG from disk and converts it into an uncompressed image
  2. Detect: Image capture is searched for Aruco markers. Multiple components can be run in parallel on same image looking for different markers types. Default setup looks for both 4x4_50 and 5X5_100 types.
  3. Merge: Different detector outputs are merged into a single message that contains all the detections for a single detector.
  4. SLAM: Detections from different captures connected together by common AR-tags. These captures and AR-tags form an connected graph of constraints. The Ceres non-linear solver is used to estimate the "best-fit" for poses and camera intrinsics.
                     |           |
                     | 4x4 Aruco |
 +--------+     +--->| Detector  |--
 |        |     |    |           |  \     +-------+    +------+
 | Image  |     |    +-----------+   \    |       |    |      |
 | Loader |-----+                     +-->| Merge |--->| SLAM |
 |        |     |    +-----------+   /    |       |    |      |
 +--------+     |    |           |  /     +-------+    +------+
                +----| 5x5 Aruco |--
                     | Detector  |
                     |           |


A few things are done to improve performance.

  • A multi-threaded container is used allowing multiple component callbacks to be run in parallel.
  • Intra-process message passing is enabled. Internal ROS messages are passes around using unique are shared pointers instead of being serialized and deserialized.


Use layout in arSlamRepub/foxglove_layout.json

Record topics while running

ros2 bag record --all

Or use bridge

ros2 launch foxglove_bridge foxglove_bridge_launch.xml



Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Iron Irwini

Use perception install to get most dependencies

docker pull ros:iron-perception-jammy

Need extra ceres dev packages installed:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y libceres-dev
colcon build --packages-select ar_slam_interfaces ar_slam --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo


Provide message converter plugin to Foxglove. The converter will connvert the Capture message to an Image that Foxglove can display.

Install NVM

Need newer version of NPM that Ubuntu apt repro can provide. Use NVM installer.

Install NVM

curl -o-

Re-source bashrc (to get install changes)

source ~/.bashrc

List options

nvm list-remote

Install 20.10

nvm install v20.10.0

Check installed version

nvm list

Build plugin

Build a local install

cd arSlamRepub
npm run local-install

The plugin should be installed under : ~/.foxglove-studio/extensions/...

In Foxglove, go to user icon (top right), and select "Extensions" in drop-down menu. Under "LOCAL" there should be an "arSlamRepub" extension list near the top.

The /captures topic should now be availble in any tab that can display an Image type.

Rebuild plugin

Bump version on package.json

nano arSlamRepub/package.json

Bumping version after modifying code, provides an easy way to verify new plugin is being used in foxglove.

"version": "0.0.6",

Re-build a local install

npm run local-install

In the running Foxglove, un-install the previoius version of the plugin. Go to Exensions, select the arSlamRepub, and click the "Uninstall" button. Then click "Back", to get back to the list of plugins. Once there, the new plugin version should be shown.


Cellphone images are too large to check into Git; downsize, compress, greyscale, and remove metadata first.

Use imagemagik to resize, convert to grayscale, and increase compression. Adding some gaussian blur, helps with compression at bit.

for f in `find . -name "*.jpg"`; do convert $f -resize 25% -colorspace Gray -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 50% $f.resized.jpg; done

Use exiftool to remove all image metadata. This also provides spacesavings since image thumbnail is often stored as metadata.

exiftool -all= *.jpg


SLAM with AR-tags







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